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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2015 in Posts

  1. Well I think personally SUV is better in Dubai due to high speed roads and SUV for a female driver is better in case of accident or damage will keep you safe at least. Second point, most of UAE outdoor part is offroad and you might regret your decision after few months when you make good friends and want to step away from mall hopping. This mall hopping is short live face and soon you will get over with it and want to explore some mountain or sand drives, bbq get together in colder months etc.
    1 point
  2. Good points covered and I would say stick to Car than SUV is better as per your needs and plus secondly the most important part is recently fuel has increased too expensive, so affordability will be better in Car than gas guzzling SUV. In cars you can decide on three major category: - Sports, Salon/Sedan or Luxury depending your like and budget.
    1 point
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