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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2016 in Posts

  1. You need to turn off the traction control. Your car has 2 stage traction control. Hold on to the "sliding car" button (near your Parking Sensor switch, switch panel infront of your gear knob) until you see 2 lights on your dashboard, not one, but 2, once that's done it will be much better. If you do serious off roading and the system still bothers you by making rymthemtic vibrating noises usually when the car slides on lose sand then you have to dig into the fuse box under the hood, find the 30A fuse and remove it and that should turn off the system completely and you'll get 3 lights on your dash, mind you tho doing that it will disable your ATRAC and to turn on ATRAC you'd have to put the fuse back in and restart the car. What I've personally done is installed a "cancel switch" which does that by a simple on and off switch placed in the car.
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