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Posts posted by Guardian

  1. Could be an issue with the tire valves or maybe your rims could be damaged

    Ah, you may be right on the rims, I'll have to check that. I came too close to a curb when parking once and the rim does have visible damage, although it looks more like scratches. I'll have to check and see if it's more than just the scratches. I thought it was superficial. Didn't think it would really have an impact.

    Thanks a lot!

  2. I have a 2003 Honda Accord, just for reference. I'm not sure this is even a Honda or Accord specific issue, but here goes:

    My tires keep going flat. I have bought new tires, got an alignment, rotated the tires, and they all will continuously go flat.

    I can't find anything other than 'get an alignment' when I've already done so. What do you guys think it could be?

  3. My 2003 Honda Accord has all the interior dash lights on when I crank the car. I turn the car off, they go off.

    I did a search, and online says my alternator needs to be replaced. Well, I test my alternator and it checks out alright. I don't understand.

    Does anyone have any idea other than the alternator that could be the problem?

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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