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Everything posted by KiaDxb

  1. get your immobilser or Anti theft alarm checked as its not functioning as its supposed to be. Soul is new car and must eb under warranty right? Let dealer take some pain.
  2. It supposed to be changed at 80k km or before 100k km. If you touched that km, get that change. If in doubt check with dealer if they have record, if no record found and its more than 100k kms better get it change than not. As timing belt failure becomes very expensive and in some cases you need to buy new engine. So these couple of thousand is better than that much money and hassle.
  3. You mean door beading right? You can fix it with any rubber sealant like silicone and fix it and close the door for few hrs.
  4. Steering oil also known as PSF (Power Steering Fluid) usually need a top up after sometime. Change is required in major service of 40k kms. Check the level and top up to see if it helps, then change the whole fluid. If still same that means your steering pump must be dying.
  5. where is the camshaft sensor located in 2008 Cadenza???
  6. when do i know that my carnival is due for a timing belt change???? it is of the year 2005 and i am the 4th owner so i dont know if it ways changed in the past..
  7. the lining of door is coming out how should i fix this or do i have to replace it?
  8. Check the blower fuse / relay as AC must be working but blower is conged off.
  9. You can try in deira opp hyatt there is big car accessory market and good companies selling many kia stuff. Take a round and im sure you will be very happy. Careful, parking is killer and pavement stepping gets you instant fine. So be patient and park properly around.
  10. Its not necessary to change air filter everytime. First it has life of 30k -40k kms easy, Second it also depend on visual condition if its not black or choked completely you can use it by air gun pressure cleaning.
  11. when unlocking the alarm goes off how can i stop it.
  12. do i need steering oil change??? the reason i am asking this is because the steering seems to be a bit rough
  13. my ac is not working completely not blowing out anything no air at all i dont understand
  14. the air filter was not changed since i had bought this car a year back and is working good when should i be getting it changed ???
  15. Thanks deepak, will get it check from serious guy as its a real bad news.
  16. may be some of the wheel lost its balancing weight making it wobble on different speed and not on some speed. Right. Get wheel balancing done and it wont wobble after that.
  17. Heater is also working on AC electrical lines but uses engine heat to warm the cabin. Seek any good AC technician and he can fix that. BTW in DUbai when you need heater Just kidding
  18. In the engine bay fuse box next to engine.
  19. From scrap less than 700 -800 aed From company more than 2000 aed These are aprox ballpark range.
  20. Its an engine oil head gasket failure for sure. You must be loosing pwr too. Its a big and long job cost too much also. Seek good professional mechanic and not roadside one's.
  21. Actually fans come MUCH ABOVE radiator. And in fan there are two fans in your car: engine (clutch) fan and AC fan. AC fan works on electric as soon as you switch AC on it supposed to start to cool engine from extra load of AC. Engine fan works with belt, that is running on slow speed due to viscose clutch in the fan. When car overheat little bit this fan supposed to work on high speed and bring the temperature down. For checking this when u pick your car in morning and when its cold for first 5 or 10 seconds engine fan shud run on high speed and make big noise as a self check, same as all lights in dash appear for 5 secs on first start and then dissapear. If its doing that, that mans fan is fine and you need to look somewhere else. Ask your mechanic to change the clutch of fan and not whole fan it will save a lot. As viscose clutch is the main culprit here which gets failed due to age, nothing else.
  22. where is the fuse for my car HORN located
  23. Yes very soon it will kill the compressor better see an AC guy and let him check the compressor or compressor switch which may be holding compressor to turning it off.
  24. There must be some air lock build up in the radiator. Open the radiator cap and drive the car and keep adding coolant until it fills and leave the cap open for 10 good minutes, this shud flush out few time air bubble and release the air from engine jacket that sometimes causes hesitation.
  25. Check the AC gas and if its fine, compressor needs to be checked or HVAC lines.
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