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Posts posted by teddy

  1. Mr. Teddy. Good guess. But i know what rangerover is talking about.

    In Range Rover whenever you start car, whether you are sitting on driver seat or standing outside with door open it gives 10 chimes for reminding you to fasten seat belt. After those 10 chime it doesnt make any noise whether you remove belt at any speed......!

    If that's the case then, rangerover will really just have to bear with it because aside from that he either just needs to take out the speakers somewhere or get an ear muffler so he doesn't hear anything, Of course, all of these is not a good idea.

  2. Before I give you any advise I want to give you a disclaimer, you use this information at your own risk. Know that the seat belt sensor is there for SAFETY PURPOSES and I will not be liable on how you use my suggestion.


    The chime sounds when "it feels weight" on the seat but the seat belt is not plugged. So if it were me I will locate the sensor on the seat and disable it.

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