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Posts posted by speedy

  1. it really depends on the usage and maintenance of the tiers if you are not using the car too often or if u rotate them time to time, check the pressure then they last longer

    the best is check its tread with a tire tread depth gauge and if the measurement is minimum of 1.6 mm then anything less the the tiers has to be changed.

  2. Have you got the OEM engine fan? Very important part of engine cooling.

    Check you AC fan is fine or not? Check your radiator isnt blocked or clogged. Check the thermostat is opening and closing on set temp (80 degree).

  3. traction light comes for seconds when you loose traction and it supposed to switch off as soon as car is in control and have full traction.

    It sometimes appear of its own as a electronic malfaunctioning that you can clear it with OBD tool. if it read some fault code recorded get that thing fix as its telling you that traction control is switched off due that problem.

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