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Posts posted by ahmedk

  1. Why is there a clicking noise in the engine. And this is not the first time. there was a problem before with the timing chain that it got stretched and the clicking noise was coming. No idea, whats wrong this time. Any suggestions on whats wrong? I am really lazy to go a garage. :(

  2. Lot of people actually wonder if they can clean the car engine with water. But professionals always suggest, that never use water to wash your engine because the viscosity of engine oil goes to the lower grade resulting into engine problems. Al the workshops and petrol pump sell special formula (liquid) which is used to wash the car engine.

    Also, its better to give it to any workshop for engine wash for the first time. They may guide you for next time on how to wash the engine. If you have done it, its always better to take help from the professional. :P:)8-)

  3. i would suggest that you better take help from a professional to change the gauge in your car. these days, with lot of new technology in the cars, the electrical connections and the screws on the gauge is also changing. so if you have never don't this before, then better take a help from professional. you may initiate to learn from him, and then next time may be you can do it on your own. :P:);)

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