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Posts posted by edward

  1. If the fuel pressure hired lie in your engine, it creates issues when you try to start your car. It can cause rough idling, stalling and digestives hesitation on the engine. Misfiring is also the result of low fuel pressure. Of one when i faced low fish pressure, my car suddenly started jetting and finally stopped woke driving.

  2. I can think of following reasons:


    Tire Pressure: Sometimes when the tire pressure of the car is low, it leads to an accident. So its really important to maintain the pressure in car tires.


    Wiper Blades: This has happened to me lot of times, when the wiper blades of my car got torn and it directly affected the  visibility especially in humid weather. And we all know how humid this country is. So its really important to get your wiper blades always examined when you are giving your car for servicing.


    Engine Oil: Well, its very obvious and necessary to change the engine oil in the car. If not, the old engine oil can cause engine wearing. Not only the old engine oil but sometimes the low engine level is also an issue. Low Engine oil level means engine overheating, its as simple as that.


    Transmission Fluid: Doesn't matter if you are using the manual or an automatic car, both of them requires proper flow of transmission fluid. If not, your transmission starts slipping. Some people think that the transmission fluid lasts forever, but its not correct. One needs to change the transmission fluid regularly to avoid car breakdown.


  3. Well there are many options where you can. First is to contact your dealer itself. They will recommend you the best. Some dealers provide you with it. If not, you can go to the auto parts streets on naif street. There are lot of options you can opt for. And as per i remember, some showrooms do provide you the warranty. But if you think naif street won't serve the purpose, then you can go to yellow hat showroom. I think it's there in time square mal

  4. When the tire is manufactured, there is a belt in the tire that needs to be centered perfectly inside the tire. That belt helps in holding the balance of the car on tires. When the belt is not perfectly aligned to the center, it’s called coniticity problem in the tire. And trust me, it’s really dangerous. Conicity in the tire is not a good sign actually. Even when the belt is measured to be 1mm off centered; it completely imbalance the tires. When the tires have conicity problems, one can notice that the tires leaning to one side always. Event eh air pressure is not perfectly balanced if there is conicity in the tire.

    Conicity occurs not only because of the off centered belts only, but when the beads in the tire are not in the same plane, comity is possible. In such a case, the tire will roll down to the shorter surface as the beads are not perfectly aligned in the middle and therefore the sidewall height in the tire differs both sides. Conicity is mainly seen in the front wheels. Also, the conicity in the tires directly affects the steering pull and the driver gets uncomfortable with the steering as it is never straight and balanced.  

    Conicity is really harmful. One should never continue driving, if the tires have conicity problem. One will always realize imbalance in the tires, and may be tires will wore down easily. It’s really dangerous. Just think it in this way. You are driving on a highway, and suddenly the tires get tore. You will lose the steering balance completely and may be end up in a big accident. If you think, your tires have conicity issues, take it back to the dealer as soon as possible, and get the belt/beads fixed, but don’t ignore.

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