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Posts posted by juggy

  1. hey guys!! this is common knowledge now. check the other forums if you wanna. the clutch system on all the second generation xterras' is crap. just about everyone i know with a manual xterra has burnt theirs' out multiple times. this is probably not going to be the last time you burn it out, especially if you have a oem clutch going back in. my suggestion would be to get the heavy duty after market clutch and fly wheel.

  2. hello everyone .....

    I recently stumbled onto some battery issues (car shuts off, interior lights flickr, etc) which dont surface often but come along once in a while. now i am told to have the battery repalced when I just replaced it like a year and a half ago. I dont think people change it before three years so it came to me as a surprise since I thought the problems could be fixed without having to go through all that hassle again... not to talk about the expense.

    Now I feel like suing someone :x

    What should I do?

  3. Hi guys,

    I am in the market to buy a second hand GT-R 2012. I wanted to know if there should be anything I should be considering before making the purchase since this would be my first Nissan - GT R ... is there anything I should keep a lookout for since second hand cars can get very tricky but i really really want to buy this car!

  4. Workshop messed my gearbox and started acting so coccky as if i have come to his shop with so much messed gearbox and started raising his voice when he cant fix it after 5 days of tries and experiments. Simply he wanted to get rid of my car as he clearly see no profit or revenue coming after so many man hrs spent.

    My request to such grease monkey is stay away from something that you cant fix. You will spoil your business, time and upset customer. Bite only how much you can chew.

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