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Posts posted by nareshk

  1. Get the tires checked, it seems that one of the tire have bulge and making that wobbly feel whereas actually its not wobbling. If it wobble actually than you will feel horrifying wobble on high speed. Tire bulge is kind of defect borne with wrong storage of tires, so next time you buy tires from shop who stores them flat (horizontally on ground or on top of each other) than placing them vertically (upright) on two metal bars on wall, that develop these bulges.

  2. Hi Devin,

    This is not at all a normal behaviour and gear should shift as smooth as silk without even driver knowing its happening. Though you bought this car used, have you checked the service history if gear oil has been changed ever? If you can't find service history or if gear oil has not been changed in last 40k kms then better get that changed along with gear oil filter. This will fix this mild jerk, as when oil gets dirty it behaves with this little jerk and first its seen on 1st - 2nd gear and if you ignore it it will go to 2nd - 3rd gear as well. When its mild its felt in 1st gear as its on low speed and on high speed you wont feel it as much. Gear oil change is cheap than rebuilding the gear box, so in remotest of doubt always get the gear oil change and see for few days if it helps or not. If it doesn't help at all then show the car to professional gear building guys, who can check and diagnose the problem in time, don't ignore these little indication.

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