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Posts posted by mohd.afwan

  1. mighty.. the car won't move when i change the gear from P to D.. it slightly moves when changed to R.. and I have to use a whole lot of acceleration for that.. every mechanic who saw the car ended up telling me that the gearbox is damaged..

  2. thanks guys.. i got myself a gear box. but now the only issue is, the car is having a slow pick up.. i mean in the first gear.. when i press the accelarator to full, the car wouldn't show any response and would go like way too slow.. i mean it's too slow that the heavy truck passes by me.. I am serious and it's really embarassing to have cars horning behind you.. do you know what the issue is??

  3. Hey,

    Where do you think in sharjah will I be able to get a gearbox for my peugeot 206 cc 2003 model 1.6??

    and do you know the estimate price I should be looking for the gearbox in??

    I mean any range of prices? should it be between 1500-2000 or is it going to be over 2000??

  4. Hey,

    Thanks a lot. I just sent them an e-mail and I might call up soon but before that, can you please check out my new post and let me know what exactly do you think the issue is?


    Mohammed Afwan.

  5. Hey friends,

    I own a peugeot 206 cc 2003. My car have been un used for like 6 months since I got a new car. I finally had the courage of getting this car to ride. The first thing I did was changed the oil and the oil filter. I even was asked to change the plugs since the car was giving up fake information like the fuel gauge meter was still in empty when the fuel was full in the tank. I even used to find a small hang up in changing of the gear (automattc transmission)After getting the car passed, I got the car to the emirates driving centre to renew the car insurance. On checking the vehicle, everything was found to be working perfectly and the only thing pointed out was the leakage in the chamfer of the car. I took the car to the garage and asked the mechanic to fix the leakage and even check for the gear oil since the car was standing for a long time un used. I thought of getting everything filled properly and new. Anyhow moving on, the guy got the gear oil and filled it and when i took in on a test drive, everything was perfect and the gear was being shifted properly but then there was smoke coming out of the car and I realised that there is a leakage in the gear oil section. On checking the mechanic asked me to get a gear seal since he found the seal to be broken. I got the seal and on fitting the car was again taken for a test drive. This time the smoke coming from the car was much more worser. The car even got heated, so I got the car back and asked him to tell me what the issue is. He told be that there is a leakage in the wiring and then later on he ends up telling me that I have ruined the clutch plate and needs a new on. The car now would just start but won't move at all. So is there anything you can suggest me to do. I am not looking to spend more than 10K Dirhams on this car. I just need the work to be done properly and I want to know what exactly do you think the issue is. Please let me know as soon as possible. About the mechanic, I did file a case against him in the court and I would keep you updated regarding the mechanic, but the most important topic is the car. Some say that the clutches are much more expensive, so they suggest me to get the whole gearbox whereas some say that once I change the gearbox, the car won't ever be trustworthy and could break down any moment. So what do you think is the issue now??


    Mohammed Afwan

  6. Hey, I am an owner of a peugeot 206cc 2003. I just realised that my gearbox is completely damaged. Can you kindly let me know the cost of getting a new gearbox and even recommend me the name of the garage or any showroom that deals with the changing or repairing of the similar stuffs.

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