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Posts posted by imranpro

  1. I want to thank every body on here for the help.

    Just as most of your experts pointed out one of the shifter cables' was broken. I changed them myself - and heck it was a difficult task although I am glad that I did it myself. Not only did I save myself some much-needed money, I also learned a thing or two. My advice:

    The plastic ends of the sheath need to be zip-tied in order to secure them to the trans bracket. All of these things should also be periodically inspected.

    The shifter should be treated with respect. The shifter itself and it's cables are strongly-designed and aggressive shifting will wear things out.

  2. hi all

    today my beauty was taken in and it rather came to me as a surprise. I just went to work and when I was 2 minutes away a warning sign came up saying suspension extremely low. Thank god I did not stop - i got to the parking zone and waited for the car to react - shut it down - turned it on again and then it says chassis failure. Not seen a problem like this before so can anyone shed some light on what I should be expecting?

  3. Hey everybody!! Just wanted to ask if anybody has ever had a problem with coolant leakage. My Cayman S has been in twice in the last month for a leak near the passenger side rear wheel. The first service repair included changing a clamp and hose with some pressure testing. The second repair has already taken a week as they are waiting for parts and it is still not complete.

    P.s I hate driving my daughter's Ford!!

  4. hi people!!

    I have a 2005 Cayman. mileage has just crossed 44,000 miles. last Tuesday I was driving to work and about a 1000 yards from my house, while I was casually shifting from 2nd to 3rd gear, the shifter suddenly went limp. I could put the shifter into the slots for the 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th gear, but the gears weren't actually shifting. To my absolute horror my lovely ride was stuck in 2nd gear. luckily the car was stuck in a low gear and I was able to get the car back home. I am not an aggressive or a rash driver so i was at a loss to understand how this could happen. now my research reveals that this is a very common problem and I am the latest victim of the Porsche cable catastrophe. my faith in the brand has shaken. helpppppp!!!

  5. The boxster 2013 model is way better than the previous ones, in every way, I agree with sindhu that porsche's boxster was criticized previously for being inadequate and weird looking. But the new one has class and a certain muscularity to it. Appeals to me at least ... and you should always appreciate the brand which takes the criticism as constructive criticism and works towards improving the flaws ... so good for porsche!

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