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Posts posted by gopal

  1. Hi rajat, yes your spark plugs and a couple of other things might have worn out if they have never been checked. If you do not get a look into this then your car might overheat often or the fuel might be burning up a bit too much. All these are possibilities. You are lucky not to have any issues till now cuz usually one thing or another pops up sooner or later. just get them checked? yeah?

  2. hey there mehdi,

    You know what, I think you are absolutely right. I have since both the colors around the UAE and find the black one better looking with its exteriors, nonetheless i think the avalon is one of the best cars brought into the market by toyota so don't hold back on something so minor. Congrats on your new ride.

  3. Hello hello,

    Apart from the technical aspects, I think the performance of the aircons highly depend on the weather outside as well and UAE is known to be very hot. I have never compared the air-conditioning systems of toyotas and hondas but my civic's aircon works amazing in the evening time when it is cooler outside ... during the daytime, it takes a little while for the vehicle to cool down from the inside.

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