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Posts posted by dubaiguy76

  1. Well, it’s really important to keep your car always clean and nice looking. It’s like your second home. I know following things that one can do:

    1. Proper servicing: Always give your car for regular servicing and wash so that your car is maintained in and out.
    2. Manual Wash: Not every time, but sometimes you can give your car to a local mechanic for the manual wash. They basically clean everything in your car. From engine to the dashboard.
    3. Park your car in shade: Whenever your outside and you want to park your car, try parking it in a shady area. That will help your car to be cool and there will be no sunlight effect on the color of your car.
    4. Long vacation: When you are going for a vacation leaving your car behind, try leaving your car covered. This helps in avoiding any dust on your car.
    5. Wax Job: Sometimes wax your car to make it shiny looking.
    6. Vacuuming: You get small vacuum cleaners for the car. Buy that, and always vacuum the inside of your car.
    7. No eating: Try not to eat anything in the car, because sometimes it leaves mark and also a stink in the car.
    8. Tires: Wash your tires on regular basis. Since tires are the ground meeting parts of the car, they are most dirty. Always keep the tires clean that will help you cleaning the wheel, brake disc/drums inside it.
  2. Yes you can replace it. Well don’t keep the broken wiper on the car as it may scratch the windshield. Before replacing the wiper blade, check the size of wiper blade first. It must be mention in your car manual. Buy the new blades of same configuration. Now to remove the old wiper blade, hold the wiper arm on your one hand and slide the wiper arm away from the windshield slowly without putting a scratch there. It’s a metal connector that you need to remove. So slide away to the direction of the blade and remove it slowly. After removing it, take a new one and connect in the same way to you disconnected it. Doing this whole thing, just remember to do it calmly, as the connector is metal and the windshield is glass. One sudden hit and it may crack the windshield.

  3. I would also like to add up that if the headlight condensation is a frequent problem in your car, it may be because of the drainage hole as well. If that’s the case, the silica gel will also not work properly. You may need to take your car to the service center and get it scanned for my drainage hole.

  4. Without any doubt, VW jetta is a very smooth car. I would say if you are buying a new car, then its way better. But if you are planning to buy a used Jetta, then ensure that car manufacturing is not more than 4 years. If it is 4 years, then the car maintenance is dont by the dealer, so there is no chance of any faulty or duplicate parts. Also make sure that the car has not been a part of an accident.

  5. Bleeding Brakes should be done only when the air enters into the modulator or Brake pump. This happens when we replace the pump and put a new one. During the replacement process, the air enters inside the pump and the brakes becomes more soft and wheel travelling can be noticed. So yes, if you have replaced any Brake parts in your car, brake pads going soft is a common issue after that.

  6. Its Funny!! I always found that Beetles in a girly car as per the shape of the car. But it once ruled the roads of Mexico then offcourse the car was popular since then. Even today, My sister tells me that her favourite car is Beetle. I once sat in the Beetle and i was really uncomfortable, though i found that the car is perfectly suited for girls. :P;)

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