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Posts posted by denis_c

  1. Hello everyone, as a fellow Maxima owner I would like to know which bicycle rack is best for the 7th generation Maxima. Most of the one available here do not fit right thus I would like to know if someone can recommend a good product that is also affordable 

  2. Hello everyone,

    I am looking for help with regards to getting an AC compressor for my 2008 VW Passat 2.0 fsi. Initially the mechanic came to the conclusion that the expansion valve within the AC unit is damaged. I was told that the entire unit requires replacing and i would like to know if anyone knows a good garage for it and how much it will cost to get it.

    Thank you

  3. thanks for the advice. i have just double checked with the mechanic that has been working on the car for a while now and it turns out that the oil for the gearbox along with its filter have been changed just about a month ago thus making it new. i know the previous owner quite well and i was told that the vibration in drive and neutral was not there before until a break job was performed which consisted of new break pads. however i will admit that the breaks do not provide much confidence however that does not explain the vibration in the gear box. in some automatics the break does function as a clutch to an extent but does not seem to be the case here. so to sum up the above the gearbox oil and filter have been changed with oem spec ones as per the receipts so if anyone might know what is actually wrong with my Chevy please let me know because it would be a shame to see this car go due to mechanical issues.

  4. thank you for the replies. the car does feel somewhat weird when changing gears. i've driven a few cars before and the only time i felt gears pick up or being changed this way was in a manual gearbox car. when accelerating you can feel the upshifts quite a lot and i do agree with your point that the gearbox may not be fully disengaging, another thing that seemed very weird just two days ago, when i decided to go for a cruise with it, the minute i started it up and took the first corner in the car park, the car was vibrating as if it was in reverse which lends me to believe that the problem is not just with the reverse gears, from the looks of it, it looks more and more like a gear box rebuild may be required. however what is the most interesting thing is that the car does not vibrate as much after being driven for a while. I havent had the time to take it to a mechanic but the moment i do i will inform you all of what i find just in case someone else has the same issue. 

    thank you for your support 

  5. hello everyone, i could really use the help of someone with the following thing. my 2008 chevy lumina s v6 vibrates quite loudly when placed in reverse and it also vibrates when in neutral at the signal light. i was told that it might be the gear box mounts that are worn out and not supporting the gear box itself properly along with the engine mounts being worn out as well. has anyone encountered this issue before and if yes can you give me some advice on what can be done and how much it will cost?

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