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Posts posted by mizham

  1. You cannot replace the lens as its part of whole assembly.

    But hey i can offer you cheaper solution. Go to ACE hardware and buy forumal 1 scracth out liquid (15 AED). Apply on lens in circular manner and leave it to fade and dry. Once dried keep scrubbing and remove dry compound and lens will be clear as diamond.

    In some cases on internet forum, i have read people used a toothpaste instead of compound and appreciated the result, i have never tested that but there is no harm in trying. Try and let everyone know if it works?

    i have heard too that people use toothpaste isint it fully how this one thing is used in so many ways.

  2. Your mechanic is qite right, but if it continue to comes after few days then show again to mechanic and ask him to check if engine oil isnt leaking and getting burnt near manifold area.

    Also check f brake oil isnt getting leak and dropping on manifold area, as that is more dangerous as brake oil is highly inflamable and also catch fire if it drops on very hot manifold.

  3. If you also see excessive smoke behind exhaust then that means piston rings are leaking the oil in engine fire area and getting burnt. You need to change to new piston rings so that it seals well.

    If your coolant turned milky substance then that means your engine head gasket is leaking engine oil in coolant compartment. With this you must experience loss of power too if head gasket doesnt seal properly 100%.

  4. Cant understand your problem corectly.

    Every car fuel tank has pressure build up to push the fuel to the engine thru fuel pump. If petrol cap is opened and heard some hissing its pretty normal. Leave it open for a minute and then refill if you think its not taking more fuel. Lets the car be running when u open the fuel cap in petrol station, so that pressure can be remove faster.

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