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Posts posted by klaus

  1. will give it a try for a longer period, because i started removing the fuses one after the other and noticed that when you lock the car the consumption decreases gradually for 1.4 amps to 0.7 amps . ( maybe the car stays awake for some minutes and goes gradually to sleep ...)

    will keep you posted .


  2. Hi ,

    I have this problem too in my 2007 A3 sportback , i already bought two batteries to figure out that the batteries were ok and the problem was the car .

    It seems it is common in the A3 , any one has a clue from where is the problem ?/?

  3. Is your TT the old model ? i had this problem with my 2002 TT it occurs when you turn off the A/C ( you do not have additional cooling from the A/C fan ).

    I took the car many times to the dealer and they always said that it was normal . it seems it is a problem with the cooling system of older models where the intercooler is too small for tropical climates . in newer models they fitted additionnals intercoolers.


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