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Posts posted by tshihabi

  1. I used to have Audi TT 2004, hard top. I bought it in summer 2007. It's quite nice car to drive. powerful and very reliable handling. However, less than a year after purchase, I started to notice some funny noise coming out of the engine compartment. Being still under warranty, I took to Audi service centre (Nabooda) for check and they said nothing is wrong with it and might be just problem with the sealing of the doors. So, having faith in the 'expert' opinion, I didn't make any repair or corrective action.

    However, the same noise kept increasing from a week to another till it became really too annoying when I push the pedal while accelerating. So I took it back to Audi service centre again to check. Suprisingly they 'discovered' that the turbocharger needs to be replaced ! Thankfully the car was still under warranty (2 weeks left!!!). So I changed the turbocharger and paid around 1,000 dhs for the service labour charge only (it would've cost me additional 5,000 dhs for the spare parts if I didn't have warranty!)..

    As I picked up the car from the service centre, I was so confident they managed to resolve the issue. To my surprise, the noise was still EXACTLY as it was before they touched the car !!!! That's when I started losing faith in Audi's service centre qualifications !!! It's either that they have did nothing and ripped me of my money for doing absolutely nothing, or they did fix something that had nothing to do with the problem they were supposed to fix.. In both cases, I wasn't happy of course !!!!!!

    So I returned the car to them and they acknowledged that the noise problem was not resolved. So their recommendation was to replace the turbo charger AGAIN. Being too frsutrated, I agreed of course as I was looking for any way to resolve this issue. So the turbo charger was replace for the second time within a couple of months. Guess what? No improvement AT ALL !!!!!

    That's when I started to have visits to this 'professional' audi service centre more than probably going to my office!!!!! They were 'gussing' what the root cause of my issue is and keep trying to fix things.. But nothing really worked, till they tried to replace the 'breather' of the turbocharger when the noise disappeared!!!!!! Even though I ended up paying lots of money for unnecessary fixing work, I was eventually happy at the end that they discovered the main reason and fix it.

    However, just a couple of months ago (2 years after fixing the car), the I started to hear exactly the same noise. Low noise at the beginning of course. So I took the car again to the Audi service centre and asked them to check the breather in order to eliminate the noise. However, they tried replacing the breather and even more hoses around the turbocharger, but without success to eliminate the noise. Their 'professional' opinion was to replace the turbocharger itself!!!!!

    That's when I realized that the Audi service centre is simply not professional enough to handle any REAL problems. They are good only for oil change and you can even do that at much cheaper price outside.

    The bottom line is: Unfortunately, and really sadly for me, I was forced to sell my TT after I lost the confidence in having solid support by Audi service centre.

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