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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2016 in Posts

  1. Well, usually you do need to keep the engine running to cool it down, that is in case it overheated under load.. if it overheats because of burst coolant pipe, radiator, or oil leak/oil pump failure, then yes turn it off asap. The engine kill and shutoff scenario is unacceptable by all means! it should never happen as it will create much more danger than anything else! I prefer to have a dead engine than getting struck by other cars, or rolling over in the dunes because a computer turned off my engine.. I should turn it off myself when I deem the conditions are safe or necessary to do so... I suffered from fried head-gaskets with old cars driving in the desert .. and I would LOVE to have a loud buzzer alarm going off when the engine temp is approaching red-zone. my solution was to get OBD-II style readers that are hooked up to the car all the time, with configurable warning levels... Now, if you are not much into mechanical stuff and don't want to keep an eye on your car.. then buy new ones and avoid old cars, they need a lot of attention to catch problems early.. and they all do fail sooner or later...
    1 point
  2. Hi, the switch is under the steering to the right, I have a 2009 3.8 Pajero for the wife and it has all these bells and whistles, I took it offroad in advanced drives (big Side Slopes and side crests) a few times and I LOVE the traction control, just make sure the switch is pressed and ASCS OFF is illuminated on the dashboard, that's when the stability control is off, and the "Offroad" traction control is working... the traction control should not kick-in while side sloping, unless you are going too slow and digging, which is dangerous in all cases and the traction is actually trying to help you avoiding a side stuck, if it kicks-in while you are going with speed this means that the switch is not pressed and "on-road" traction (Stability Control) is effective, which will kill engine power and brake tires unnecessarily risking getting stuck or rolling over. when the switch is pressed and all is good, this traction can work very good when you are about to get stuck and brakes the tires which lost traction (significant wheelspin while the other tire is almost stopped), and I never felt it was annoying, it doesn't kick-in when the car is going with good speed and momentum... and there is no engine cut-off at all... I prefer the Xterra power offroad, so the Pajero is a family adventure car for me, and a good backup offroader as well.
    1 point
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