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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2016 in Advices

  1. 3 Major mistakes people make while selling car in Dubai and UAEAs you know that selling is the most difficult task in the world, and it becomes even more challenging when you have to sell used car to a stranger without any trust or positive reputation. So the only thing that can help you sell your car fast with a confidence is to gain the trust of the buyer. Below are the 3 common mistakes that seller makes to prevent gaining the trust and positive reputation while selling car in the UAE. By following below steps, you can actually build a trust and gain positive reputation within ONE MINUTE of your ad-view. Show the car service records One of the most important ways to build a trust is to show the full service records to a buyer without even asking. This will help you gain over 50% of the buyers trust in one single step. Even if you don’t have the full dealer service history, then show the partial record and explain where you have been servicing the car lately. You shouldn’t be lying in this step as smallest lie can fall apart the whole deal at a later stage if buyer suspects any wrong information. I have seen over 50% of the people who sell car don’t even realize that this sharing of service record is of utmost importance. The reason for this importance is that new buyer will be confident in buying after seeing that car has been very well taken care of in the past, and he won’t be spending for your mistakes. You should add at least one picture of the car service record in your online car advertisement to gain that trust immediately. Click good car pictures Majority of online car classifieds I see really lack in this department. People click the blurriest possible pictures, night shots and overcast pictures to hide the fault but they forget that no one is going to buy their car without actually seeing it, so why waste everyone’s time. Do yourself a favor and spend some time in getting the crispiest, highest possible resolution pictures in daylight. Click 50 – 60 pictures and select best 10-15 out of it showing the exterior (all sides), interior, engine bay, trunk etc. for a complete feel of the car that buyer can see within 1 minute of viewing your online advertisement. Off course make sure the car is super clean (washed) from inside and outside and free from your grocery bags or office stuff or personal belongings. By sharing the good pictures, you will be surprise to see how people straight away wanted to see your car as you have already build the trust and confidence within first minute of ad-viewing. Be reasonable and fair No matter how much you love your car, but every car depreciates with time and the mileage and you should know the real value of your car. You can add 5-10% extra for final negotiation, but not over 50% markup and scare the buyer while viewing your ad. Price it right and you will sell it fast, as remember every day your car is anyways going to lose more value so sooner you sell better price you can fetch. If car has some damage or issues, be clear in the car classifieds pictures and in description and let the buyer take the call to still view your car with minor concerns or not. Hiding these will again waste your time and only 1 out 10 people will be actually interested in it. So being honest and clear will help you filter the interested buyers that potentially will accept the car with the little issues along with reasonable discount in the price.
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