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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2016 in Posts

  1. Hi...I noticed when my RPM is high (before reaching the red color), the battery sign appears on the dash board? What is the meaning of it? Thank you...
    3 points
  2. I am planning for a sports car after years of driving normal sedan and wondering if you guys have any reservations for either Chevrolet Camaro or Ford Mustang? I like to hear the good and bad side of both the cars to educated decision. I am happy with the looks of either one of them, as they both look sexy enough.
    1 point
  3. Hi, When off roading with my FJ 2014 on H4 sometimes I get a noise from the engine and a light flashes on the main panel for a few seconds. It happens normally when in soft sand. The sound last for a few seconds also, but it sounds terrible! Is that the TRC? What would you recommend? Thanks
    1 point
  4. Hi Audi owner, I would like to discuss problem in my Audi A8 and believe to get a useful answer to resolve this issue. I purchased Audi A8 from Dubizzle just 2 month ago. It's 2011 model with over 190000 km approx. Just after 1000 km of run it began creating problem for me. I experienced my car is creating strange noise whenever I go over a bridge or flyover, or bad street. At some point I believe vibrations, excessive bouncing, car does not feel steady whenever I break I feel like I am driving bike with big shock-up in front. Also whenever I drive through a bump, my car tires literally bounce up and down nonstop. It happen usually getting all the way down from flyover majorly and speed breakers. I think Audi has some manufacturing problem or may be something else. I am not sure from where this sound is turning up and what the problem is! This is completely new and annoying to me. This noise disturbance is horrifying or annoying to me. Well I went to Audi supplier in Dubai and say the same problem, as per car auto mechanic information they don't discover any danger in my car!! Or maybe they don't want to acknowledge it as they might not have remedy for it. On the other side while looking online there are series of same problem that owner are facing!! I am not sure how I could fix this matter and where I should take my car because I hardly know any Audi nice garage. I wish somebody might aware of this matter here and help me with some appropriate proactive approach. I also want to understand what problem it could be, from where this noise is coming?
    1 point
  5. I have seen in many video (never tried) all the drifters steer the car in opposite direction, as while turning right, they drift car and steer left and vice versa. what is teh logic for this and I am really curious to know?
    1 point
  6. Hi, I hardly found a solution else for GCC car problem. Finally this Carnity look good and specific to GCC problem. Which caught my attention, and that the first time I saw a Forum in UAE??? I hope I can get the cure for my 2008 Jeep Wrangler. I would like to inform that I had this Jeep wrangler Sahara with GCC spec when I came to Dubai in 2009. Well I hardly had major problem with this car because I used to travel every time with Metro or in my friend car, only Friday or off day I used to drive this vehicle hardly 200 to 300 km a day. It has very nice condition from outside but seem having trouble inside now in engine. It had a run of approx. 140000 Km as of now. Just to inform that whenever I start a car it goes fine until 40 to 50 km of run and after that it started making a tapping or weird knocking sound that get worse after car happen to have heat up. I hardly understand the problem, I check the oil level it pretty fine. I went to the dealer as the car if out of warranty they want me to pay 5000 AED for such a small fix I guess. Whereas I contact the local garage he is quoting me 3200 for this repair. But both of them are not able to tell what problem is exactly!! Does anybody faced the same issue before and what could be a possible repair that I should consider in this situation? Please if somebody can explain me what problem it might have been going through will be great.
    1 point
  7. It’s pretty good to know the news that KIA has launched their latest version of the Optima. It’s much bigger than before and provide extendable space for family. Not only has that it also provided the benefits of a lighter and stiffer chassis. Guy's here and answer needed whosoever visit KIA showroom for this model are they really providing seven-year warranty?? Might be it’s their USP to sell vehicle this year.
    1 point
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