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Posts posted by colonel

  1. Wow 3k spent and havent changed or checked main engine fan aka viscose clutch fan? Overheating main reason is: cooling isnt proper from main engine fan or radiator isnt cooling the coolant good. So two big things to check at first should be check radiator for blockage and rust that must be depleting the cooling efficiency and second is the main engine fan should work on two speed, normal and hi. Over time engine fan gives up and only run on normal speed and not hi speed. Whereas occasionally when car overheat slightly engine fan should work at HI SPEED and producing big loud hooooving noise.

    If you dont hear that noise and car still overheat then get that viscose clutch fan changed asap.

  2. Firstly ankit, welcome aboard. We all are like you "Ford owners" and not working with Ford workshop or trained professional mechanics.

    No as such database, other than helping each other here out of fun and knowledge sharing.

    Changing spark plug shudnt be big deal, tell me which year model ur explorer is and what engine size u got?

  3. first test the horn itself and to do that you should run a jumper wire to the power connector on the horn,

    to the positive battery terminal.

    When you touch the battery terminal, the horn should sound loud.

    If the horn is sounding good, the problem is with either the switch in the steering wheel, or in the horn relay and if not then the horn has to be changed

  4. I know exactly what you talking Sami.

    Best bet is drive to Al quoz area there are plenty of good and decent garage. Drive in two to three places and ask them charges and time needed. Before going there get the schedule maintenance list handy which can tell them how much work is involved. All these pro guys have X Launch OBD II computer and they can see if any trouble code as a goodwill gesture (for free). There usual cost is 100 -150 dhs for computer diagnostics.

    I can remember one name on top of my head is Technical Garage where i went once with my old car and they seems pretty genuine and professional. Go in a quoz from MOE side keeping MOE on right drive down 3-4 red lights and keep looking on left you will see them. Go ahead and take a u turn and comeback. Go some place else also for second opinion and price check. Good luck.

    I agree Al Tayer are greedy bastards.

  5. Depends on what you need, if you need just to run the show like one tire is bad and you need to replace only one so that all four have equal life then makes sense. In shj before troy university tire market hunt some good deal and be sure to check the manufacturing and it shud be less than 2 years old or else of by next passing it exceed more than 3 years then your car will not pass.

  6. Under the steering small fuse box is there, check in there as per the diagram on cover.

    It is the large black panel just behind the emergency brake/ dead pedal, there is a plastic door covering the fuses. You need to squeeze in on the plastic clips that are on the top and bottom of the plastic door then it can be removed by pulling it outward toward the passenger side of the car. It is not very convenient to access especially since there is a wiring loom that partially blocks access to the fuse door. Hope that helps.

  7. I drive 2005 Ford explorer and gear is misbehaving quiet much. Some times it makes jerky shift, sometime it automatically downshift at one constant speed on highway with same amount of gas pedal pressed, sometime it doesnt react on D from N for first few seconds and then realize to move the car.

    Is it related to one issue, or these all are different issues. please help.

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