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Posts posted by taqir

  1. I want to educate everyone here about the major scam happening at dubizzle as I have been victim of this few times in the past, but caught it very recently and realize WTF big time.........!

    Very long story short: In dubizzle used car dealers are putting their fake car adverts at much lower prices as a seasonal turn per week wise. For ex: Week 1 BMW X5 float in dubizzle at dirt cheap price, week 2 Toyota camry comes at dirt cheap price and then so on and so forth for all well know car models. If you call those guys, either they don't answer or reply with car is sold. If car is genuinely sold then why the fuck they don't delete the advert and keep wasting genuine buyer time. You will know the secret shortly.

    Flip side of these fake low roller used car classified is when seeing these ads of fast moving cars selling at such low price, then genuine seller also place their selling price lower to sell it fast and then dealer start the 500 calls a day flood with half the asking price as cash buyer or "whats your last cash price" (dealers favorite) or give me good price i will buy it in 1 hour. This drama goes on as fast as possible within first week time and your car is sold among any of the dealer guy looking like a private deal.

    If you follow up closely with your car a week or two week later it will float back in dubizzle and all other used car sites with at least 50% markup of what you sold it for. Car dealer here are really talking undue advantage of dubizzle reach and making money by these unfair practices.  They rig the price down by fake ads and then buy cheap and sell at more. This is why I think at the moment Dubai car market is all time low, as no one wants to sell their car at dirt cheap price and they think of using for another year and wait for better times.

    After getting this hit for last time I realized that how come I got so many calls a day for my car, even though dubizzle reach is awesome but how come so many people in Dubai want to buy my car and not anyone out of those 50 cars listed in dubizzle. This curiosity made me go deeper and I started calling random ads at random times (all were switched off or sold) and few days later I found my own car on dubizzle at much higher price than what I sold it for. Spoke to that guy and told him this was my car and he immediately switched off the phone and deleted that dubizzle advert. :x

    What a waste of whole buying and selling game for real car user who fall into their trap almost on daily basis without even realizing it.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. Nice video mate, were they using drones in 1989 to get the aerial shot of car following or just a extremely expensive video camera with superb skilled cameramen.....?

    Peugeot rally cars were great, dont know what happen to them now with commercial models.

  3. 'Third time clocked LOL' Damn shamelesssssss.

    These people should go behind bars in attempt to play with people safety and life. Imagine a guy buying a car thinking 60,000 kms driven car and embark on a long drive and car clocked 360,000 kms break in mid way with the family and kids.......!

    This actually happened with my friend's friend, when he was new in country and didn't expect these type of crooks exists.

  4. Well if you can wait use classifieds sites and sell as husain advise by lowering price every few days to find where you can get a good deal.

    If you are in rush, drive by Al Awir car market in Dubai and Abu Shagara car market in sharjah to find the best offer and knock it off same day. These car markets are better than any website buying car as they dont give you good price when you visit their office for inspection. You might get good deal from car market shops as they know if they loos it, guy next door might grab it.

  5. LX is good but when aged is not very nice and reliable on air suspension, power steering and other electrical gizmos.

    I had a friend who sold his LX as he was unable to solve few electrical issues as when they fail, they fail one after the other and keep adding to the maintenance cost.

    Even if car is clean, be ready that it will make you shell out more bucks than an average car, but definitely lesser than German luxury 4x4 of similar age.

    • Like (+1) 3
  6. Engine flush is only (MAYBE) needed after 100k kms, when you have so much chances of engine building the sludge or deposit retention of micro particle. Usually engine oil filter if you are using original filter will do very good job in filtering those micro particle. And any reasonably good engine oil as per car manufacturer specification will provide enough cleaning and lubrication required.

    If you skipped some service, or delayed it noticeably then you might get an engine flush otherwise no need IMHO.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Nissan is very strong and successful brand in Dubai just after Toyota which leads the undisputed no.1 place since forever. Just to answer your questions:

    • Nissan cars survive extremely well in Dubai heat or in fact UAE heat as sometimes Abu Dhabi is hotter than Dubai.
    • Nissan maintenance is very competitive and almost at the lowest level compared to all other Japanese brands. Below list is general maintenance cost comparison between Japanese brands.
      • Toyota (Most cheapest)
      • Nissan
      • Mazda
      • Honda
      • Mitsubishi (Most expensive)
    • For Nissan spare parts: Same as maintenance chart above

    Remember to buy car from private deal than the used cars dealer, as in Dubai there are plenty of free used car classifieds website, newspaper and car magazines that you can search and get good deals on wheels. Only if you are not in rush, as you might need to spend few days with your friends or taxi in arranging few viewing, but trust me its worth it.

    • Like (+1) 4
  8. Well in 5 days, you can actually plan a trip outside UAE, to your home country or near by countries here. i prefer to laze in my house than the Hotel stay in UAE.

    For day activities Dubai has plenty of options, choose as per your age and choice

    1. Watch Movie with family (that's what I am doing first day).
    2. Off road drive and evening bbq with friends on second day.
    3. Fishing trip with someone special ;-).
    4. House party or get together with friends.
    5. Clubbing, Shihsa, Football night.
    6. Dolphinarium, Wild wadi, Yas island, karting.
    7. Mall visits, shopping and window shopping.
    8. Star gazing with friends.
    9. Support a charitable cause.
    10. Stay at home with icflix package.
    • Like (+1) 2
  9. To be honest top speed is important but not everything as compare to 0-100 sprint because if car has better sprint rate then with little lesser top speed can makes a big difference in overall lap timing. Lap are designed to test everything from top speed, 0-100, drag co-efficiency, cornering capabilities etc.

    IMHO If chevy website is saying this then it may be true, as it's really very tall claim to fake for such a reputed brand and organization.

  10. Just wondering how these fuel prices are linked as in last few months it stayed almost same and in fact risen little bit that now crude is just below 50 than in the past below 40 USD....! Is this prices get fixed in future time, that means increase in today or this week high crude price will reflect in next 2 months retail pricing or these are pegged to the real time pricing.

    Don't take me wrong, Im happy to fill whole November at the cheapest price and best is to get these rates in best weather when we plan lot of outdoor drives and bbq meets. :-) 

    crude price.JPG

  11. This must be due to some advance electronic malfunction happening. Visit the dealer and they can plug the diagnostic tool to read the error code recorded in the car computer and then fixing that root cause. It could be simple air filter installation is loose and car passing thru bump must have taken more air making the lean air-fuel mixture and shutting off the car as a safe-mode.

    Almost all modern cars since 2010 and above deployed with safe-mode and it's a blessing and curse at the same time. It saves the car from bigger damage and expense but leaves such minor bugs floating around causing the safe-mode to trigger on the tiniest issue.

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