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  1. hey guys, I usually connect all my devices through a USB port with the car, but it stopped connecting recently. I checked my usb wire in another car and it was working fine. What does this mean? Where can the problem lie without any reason? Appreciate any insight.
  2. I had a slight gasoline smell in my car the other day and freaked out ... the gas cap needed to be tightened properly and I had someone check for leaks. phew!
  3. Well to be honest the best think you can do is make your advertisement as visual as possible. Once impressed with the looks, buyers easily approach sellers for a test drive. You can take pictures of the engines and any additional unique features of your car especially if its in a good condition. Good luck on selling your car
  4. hello everyone, i have a very strange problem which can be totally ignored but I just love my QX56 so much that I don't want to ignore it. Came to this forum hoping to get some valuable answers!! .. please do help. i bought my car just a couple of months ago. From the beginning every time I have put my foot down on the gas pedal I have felt a noticeable vibration. Never heard of this issue before ... It only happens when the car is stationary with me applying force to the pedal. Dealership says they can't do anything ... they can try to replace the pedal and see but i am not convinced with that solution. Any ideas guys?
  5. Here In this thread anybody can tell me how much will a new antenna cost?
  6. maybe u are not googling the correct website mate.
  7. do you have exact location as in any nearby landmark or something. i looked in knife bazaar but did not find them.
  8. why do you want to spoil your car? it will look lame.on a car like infiniti.
  9. what is the reason for the repaint?
  10. when you feel difficulty in starting the car then its time to change the spark plugs.
  11. like how lexus os toyta same way infiniti is nissan.
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