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Posts posted by Barry

  1. The biggest problem you will face on modern diesels here is that it is mostly city driving. Even the big roads are stop start traffic in peak hours. The DPF will never get hot enough to regen and lead to expensive problems down the line. 

    I prefer diesel cars personally. Great economy, awesome torque for pulling off the line. Better for tuning than petrol engines too. You have a naturally high compression ratio and the internals are stronger so can handle a lot more power. 

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  2. On 12/2/2019 at 6:30 PM, Frederic said:

    Damn you’re right. Wonder why I keep bringing Renault in this 🧐

    Renault had the 4CV. It was designed to compete with the Citroen 2CV but was a lot more refined and had more in common with the VW Beetle due to having a 4 cylinder rear mounted engine, unlike the 2 cylinder front mounted engine of the 2CV. The sales never matches that of the 2CV. One of the 2CVs biggest selling points was that almost anyone with a bit of technical knowledge could repair it in the middle of a field with minimal tools. The 4CV was too refined and complex for this. 



    To show the simplicity of the 2CV, here is a short story about a man who got stuck in the desert in one and converted it to a 2 wheeled motorbike to get home. 



    Mythbusters did a piece on this story. It’s so long since I’ve seen it that I can’t remember the outcome. 

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  3. Stuff like this is a real kick in the balls to all the people who abide by the rules and try to be civilised and drive normally

    Its like a reward for all the people who tailgate and flash the lights and switch lanes without indicators. Who cares what laws you break, the government will discount the fine

    If you break the rules of the road, you should be punished to the full extent of the law.

    i know so many people who laugh at the law, rack up tens of thousands of dirhams in fines and wait for discounts like this to get away with it. 

    the law is irrelevant unless it is properly enforced. 

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  4. I guess it’s a Middle East thing why they don’t sell here? There just seems to be a set list of cars that people buy here and they don’t dare stray outside it. White Patrol after white Patrol after white Patrol, maybe a white land cruiser somewhere. Maybachs seem to be fairly popular with the high rollers in the big European cities. I’ve only seen one maybach in Dubai in 4 years and that was last week outside MOE. 

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  5. I always liked the R34 Skyline. It’s one of the last old of the old school cars before everything became modern looking. I do like all the technology in the R35 though. Haven’t driven one yet but I’ve driven a few R32 and R34 and they were a lot of fun. I’m a bit worried about driving a R35 in case it’s too clinical and I don’t enjoy it. Never meet your heroes and all that. 

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  6. 17 minutes ago, Gaurav said:

    This is exact shit you will see in MARS series.

    It's not a show off business, but real business in a quest who will strike a gold first, as towards end another chinese explorer make there way to colonize too and things start getting dirty with no boundaries, no rules, no ownership etc as space treaty signed in 70 -80 is very vague and meaningless.

    Btw only way to survive on Mars is inside huge lava tubes to place a dome and colonize, as outside radiation is too bad.


    I’m deep into sons of anarchy now but I will definitely give Mars a go when I’m finished. 

    “The Martian” is a decent movie to watch to kill a couple of hours. 

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  7. I think the whole mars conquest is a waste of time and money. It’s just a competition to see who has the biggest di.. umm.... spaceship? There might be frozen water on the poles of mars but the soil is barren and the atmosphere isn’t breathable. Anyone who goes there and tries to colonise it will end up living in a plastic bubble and they can’t go outside unless they have a goldfish bubble on their head. It’s like the moon landings. It’s a competition to get there first and try to make a foreign country spend their defence budget before you spend all of yours. 

    Better just to move to the desert. At least you can breathe the air. 

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  8. I worked in a scrapyard in Ireland for 5 years and 99% of the time never had a problem with used parts as long as they were stored properly. One of the biggest problems is people like to complain when things go wrong but when things go right, you rarely hear anything. When it comes to things like electrical parts, I would rather have used genuine parts than no name new parts. At least you know what you’re getting. 

    Here’s another way to look at it. When people ask me if it’s ok to use used parts, I tell them every part on your car is used and it’s still working. 

    However, I’ve been in plenty of scrapyards in uae and see how some of the guys work, so it’s understandable not to have any faith in them. 

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  9. On 11/8/2019 at 12:34 AM, Frederic said:

    With my previous car I used to be in the fast lane all the time, and got anxiety attacks every now and then from all the people lane swerving and tailgating. 
    With my 20y old car now, I take one of the middle lanes, switch on cruise control, and launch an Eagles’ album. 
    🎶  Take it easy !!!!!  🎵 

    Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. 

    • Haha (+1) 4
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