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Posts posted by Rahimdad

  1. Thanks Sketch for a comprehensive write up and allowing us to share with you our choice as per our experience. As my friend once told me, buy expensive and cry once or buy cheap and have to cry time and time again. We are in the middle of off-road season and people always tend to sell at a higher price during the season. My experience says even if you go for older but once you have a 4.0 6 cylinder Prado you will never regret it and it hardly looses its resale value. Pathfinder classic box shape 4.0 V6 and Pajero 3.8 are good choices but need a few mods to improve the ride height and approach and departure angles. With Pathfinder you should look for 2010 and beyond, and with Pajero 2014 and above.

    Hope this helps.

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  2. After such a brilliant video from Gaurav bhai, my words might not strike a cord, but here goes.

    It was a nice cool afternoon and after offering my Friday prayers I headed straight to Tawi Nizwa shops. As soon as the head count was completed we head to the deflation point. Thank you Gaurav bhai for trusting me with the lead. So we had the driver's briefing which seemed effective with healthy 2 way discussions. It was a pleasure to see Emmanuel and Ishaq as our new comers and Richard for his second time but this time in his Disco 1. It brought back a lot of good old memories as I had one for 5 years.

    We started easy and everybody managed well, so we picked up the level gradually till we reached the play area on Pink Rocks. Everybody experienced had a good time testing their rides, while the newbies picked on some nice tips and tricks. We than headed to the other side teaching the sunset point within no time. Upon the question being asked whether they wanted to stop for snake or later, unanimously agreed to leave snacks right to the end, so was the enthusiasm of the group.

    So we descended from the sunset point only to hit some high dunes on the way to Big Red. It was not that easy a terrain but I tried keeping it as simple as I could. I was surprised that everybody managed so well with the help of Sree and Gaurav in the sweep. I must admit, without the confidence of having a capable sweep team I could not have lead the way I did. As we reached the Big Red I safely negotiated the convoy from the back of Big Red to the front where all the action was taking place. While Gaurav bhai was racing to the top of Big Red to get some awesome clicks, we settled in and laid the snacks and drinks on the table. After all the sights and sounds of a truly live place and filled with some awesome snacks, we headed to the inflation spot and headed back out.

    It was special moment as we voted for the best newbie and Ishaq ended up winning after a close fight. It was a well organized drive and my first time to have Saleem as my second lead and Sartac keeping the convoy together in the middle. Well done everyone and till next time I bid you farewell.

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  3. Depends what you are going to use the additional lights for. We normally use the LED light bar for our desert night drives. You can go to the Naif Road area opposite Hyatt Recency and ask them to show you a few samples and which ones you would like to be installed. You can get the LED for as less as AED 250 or more, the halogen lamps are I think about AED 80 each. RTA will not trouble you on read, but yearly passing can be an issue, so I suggest you get the covers for them and remove the covers when you want to use them. I believe you cannot use the additional lights on the road, there could be a fine for that.

    Regarding the fouling I don't know much, but it's common unlike before and you can get it done cheaply and any good workshop will do a decent job. Just ask them to show you any car they have foiled and don't go for their words. Inspect what they have done and decide if you want to do it through them.

  4. In low gear the traction control is automatically turned off, when in 4 high you have to manually keep the traction control button pressed until 2 yellow lights appear on your cluster. You will have crazy power in high. When the vehicle has traction control on, in the sands the wheels are slipping so the engine cuts the power. With traction control off you are good to go.

    Looking forward to seeing you soon and introducing you to some safety tips as well as your vehicle in a new light.

  5. Weekend after weekend we are spending with each other for the love of driving in conditions we do not face during our daily drives. This weekend will be somewhat different. With New Year quick approaching and trying to keep with the traditions we should be looking for a spot to wish each other as the clock strikes 12.

    Unfortunately as per the current laws we cannot have a bon fire or BBQ, but we can still share pre prepared food and beverages. The idea is to start at ease in the morning so that everyone is well rested and the current situation with the fog can be eliminated.

    When: 29 December 2017, Friday
    Meeting time: 9 AM, convoy will move when dog is clear.
    Where: Trek bike shop Al Qudra Lakes.

    GPS Coordinate: 


    Level of drive:  all levels as we will not be doing much to find the spot. Depending on how quickly we can find a spot and who all are interested for a quick drive we can arrange as per convoy strength.
    Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance, anybody not having a 4x4 can join in and park their vehicle at the meeting point.
    What to bring along: Snacks, whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn and share.

    Approximate Finish Time: flexible to find spot for New Year and for a quick drive for all who are in.

    Please Note, at meeting point there is no petrol station, make sure you fill your tanks on your way at nearest petrol station.

    Please RSVP the below calendar:



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  6. What a beautiful weather, amazing people and awesome terrain for a brilliant day out.

    Everything does not go as planned, that should be out Moro. The amazing thing out of all of this is we are in for anything thrown at us as a team. Saleem bhai has plenty to keep his hands greasy. The plan to offer Friday prayers at either Pink Rocks or at Maliha entrance was ruled out after an hour into the drive. We headed back to the Bidayer Mosque instead and soon after went looking for a couple of things that could get the convoy moving. Unfortunately the trouble was more persistent than us and we had to park one of the 6 rides at entry point and continued the drive with 5.

    From here the team impressed me keeping pace and we quickly reached Pink Rocks and crossed to the other side heading to Maliha. The spot where we climb in was soft and sticky and took us a bit of time to clear. But once we were through the first stage we met up with a group of Nissan Patrols that seemed to be migrating in numbers, we joined them for a quick drive through a very nice track to Big Fall. As we glanced at Faya from a distance, all we could see was a Tal Moreeb like atmosphere with cars flying right, left and center. We decided against crossing over and played for some time at the Big Falls.

    As the sun started to go down and time was the essence, we crossed Ive through a break in fence we had found on a previous drive and started to drive to Fossil Rocks. As the sun set and it was getting dark we were on top of Fossil Rock with only Saleem dinging some soft patch. After recovering him we headed to the top.

    Here some bossy Locals whose LC had stalled borrowed my car to get it off the angle and getting it started. They got my Pathy stuck and were thinking of easy solution by cutting to rope. I kept reminding them the cost which it seemed they did not want to pay. But these local kids are genius, as he dug around the wheels to cause a decline behind them, just 2 inches as we pushed the car back. Now the rope was free and he had the chance to go around to the front and pull their car down. Once at the base his car started and we were finally off back to the top of Fossil Rock. Sertac and myself took on the steep decline, while Asif bhai, Ahmed and Sallem took the way around.

    As we drive out Asif bhai took the lead as I swept and Sertac decided to stay back and enjoy the weather further with a nice BBQ. What an amazing day out, thanks to all involved in making this another memorable trip from Carnity.

    Pics to be posted soon in the Gallery.

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  7. I am planning a full day drive from Bidayer towards Pink Rock, stopping at a mosque for Friday prayers and continuing to Kalba Maliha area. The last time we were there we found some amazing rolling dunes, and look forward to some similar excitement. 

    This area offers all level terrain in some easy to medium size rolling dunes, and we expect to finish at the pink rock area. This is an all level drive, fit for newbies and fewbies as well.

    When: 3 Nov, 2017 Friday
    Meeting time: 9:00 AM, convoy will move sharp at 9:15 AM
    Where: Old Emarat Petrol Station at Lahbab R/A

    GPS Coordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/gQd1UszDdSG2

    Level of drive: Absolute Newbie - Newbie - Fewbie - Expert - Advance - All are welcome
    Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance
    Plan: Morning drive from Bidayer to Pink rock and then on to Kalba Maliha
    What to bring along: snacks - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

    Approximate finish time: 3:00 PM, 15 Dec 2017, Friday

    big red.jpg

    Please RSVP the calender


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