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Colin Boreham

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    United Arab Emirates
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Everything posted by Colin Boreham

  1. Hi Kailas, Adding my self declaration for recognising previous off road experience: I got my first off road motorbike at four years old, I raced motocross from when I was a kid into my early 20's. I drove go karts, buggies, four wheelers, cars and four wheel drives off road all my life. I started 4 wheel driving when I got my driving license over 25 years ago. Not every weekend though, some times 4 to 6 times per year and some of the time only 1 or 2 times in a year. I have some experience driving in dirt and gravel tracks, sand tracks, on beaches and sand dunes, in snow and ice and also wet and muddy grass. I have some recovery experience but not a huge amount. I have done one newbie drive with the club so far. We have some great beach and sand dune driving back in Australia, which has some similarities to the sand dunes here, but also quite different in a lot of ways. The above is not to imply in any way, that I am anywhere near expert or even intermediate level, just that I have a diverse range of basic level experiences over a lot of years playing off road. I recognise that I have a lot to learn, particularly when it comes to the unique terrain of the UAE and the rules and etiquette of off road driving here. I am looking forward to the weekend, see you on Saturday
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