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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/08/2014 in Advices

  1. There are several instruments in a car, which needs a little care from you, and it just springs back to life, just as new, irrespective of age or accidental damage. You really do not need to visit a mechanic for it. The headlights are one, which with age loses its sheen and a small caring ‘pat’ could just revive it by using the ‘Do it Yourself’ method. Extensive heat in GCC countries kills the outer plastic of the headlight and with exposure to sunlight, it loses its look and shine. And scratches come by default during the high speed highway drive with free sandblasting session every day. Here are some tips to make the scratches disappear and to remove the yellow shade which appears over time due to polycarbonate clouds, thanks to the UV rays that degrade the outer layer of plastic. Formula 1 Scratch Out: This Liquid rubbing compound helps in forming a clear coat on your headlight. Leave it to dry for 30 minutes and then start gently scrubbing applying little pressure in a circular pattern with a dry cloth. Once the dry paste is off, repeat the scrubbing exercise with water but more gently. This rubbing compound comes at a price of 12-15 AED in any fuel station. Toothpaste method: Use regular toothpaste, some towels and water. Spread the toothpaste onto the lens, spray water and dry it with the towel. It works. Meguiar’s PlastX: This can be used for minor damages or to make the headlight get its shine back. Meguiar's PlastX is easily available in Ace hardware. You will also need Sandpaper grit depending on the severity of the damage and discoloration, but, you have to purchase few sheets of higher grit from the one you choose. So, if you purchase sandpaper with 1000 grit, you will also need to buy 1500, 2000 and 2500. To start with 1000 grit is ideal for severely yellowish lenses. You will also need a few packs of microfiber towels, a flannel cloth, a masking tape and a bucket. Use the masking tape to mask the light you choose to work with and then cut the grit papers into usable size. Soak in water for 10 minutes. Take the 1000 grit paper and sand the lens, vertically or horizontally only, not in circular motion. Keep spraying water on the lens. Now, use the microfiber cloths to dry the lens. Then use the next level of grit and sand in the opposite direction from the previous session, and repeat the process. Then use the next level of grit and repeat all over again in opposite direction. Now, use the flannel cloth and put a small bit of Meguiar's PlastX and apply on the lens firmly in circular motion and allow it to dry. After some time, use the microfiber cloth to remove it from the lens. Try this for a few more times till the clarity of the lens is evident and then remove your masking tape. Then place a good amount of PlastX on your hand and spread it over the lens and allow it to dry. With a microfiber cloth, polish the lens for one final time. Once satisfy take the before and after picture and show off to your friends of your little DIY (Do It Yourself) project over the weekend.If you need more help, or need specific answer for any question then try the ‘Carnity Forum’ (http://carnity.com/) or find car businesses near you with the Carnity ‘Business listing’ (http://carnity.com/business_listing) section.
    2 points
  2. I drive a Mercedes S class with an AMG kit and that usually means expensive tyres as suggested by Continental as they are specially made just for Mercedes, and so there goes any savings you hopeed for, as the tyres are ridiculously expensive, approx AED 12-13K for 4 tyres. I folowed their advice and got the recommended ones the first time I changed it and thought it would last me 2-3 years. Alas I was asked to change it in less than 2 years and financially I was shocked at the thought of having to shell out another 12k. I researched like crazy and found dealers of the same size tye but Korean make and was shocked when I heard the price. They said AED 2200. I was like so 2200 x 4 right? they said no, 2200 in total. Now you know I was shocked. I drove to the workshop and checked out the tyres and perhaps reluctantly put on the Korean brand, Nexen inspite of many ppl telling me against it. They recommended filling Nitrogen in the tyres and I said go ahead. I took the risk as the price was just too good. Call me a risk taker ...but the moment I drove it off, it felt smoother than my earlier branded tyres and it was Love on the asphalt and I have no worries for the past 1.5 years.
    2 points
  3. Your kid deserves all the love and care from you, without being ignorant or inconsiderate while driving your car. It is after all for the safety of your baby, where you as a parent decide where your kid gonna sit, how he or she sits, whether the kiddo is buckled up and safe to ride with you...all these matter. And ‘Never on your lap’ is a golden rule to remember. According to last year reports, in 2014, a child died every week in UAE road accidents, and in most cases it was as a result of their parents failing to buckle them up. Studies have also shown and accidents have proven that wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of death or serious injuries by 40-65 percent on the front seats, but when it comes to your little ones, if not properly buckled up in child seat, this figure goes up to 80 percent. Damn. Although there is no law yet regarding child car seat in UAE. However, there is a law for not letting the kids under the age of 10 in front seat and doing so will invite a fine of Dhs 400 and 4 traffic black points. Similar law to this is in proposal stage for a child seat and also Dubai police highly recommend using appropriate child seat as per the age and height of the kids. Drivers failing to buckle up a child in an appropriate child seat may face the charge of endangering a person's life. If your loved one is less than one year old, he or she should be seated in a child car seat while if your child is six-nine months old or weighing under 10 kgs, he or she should be put in rear-facing child car seat, which should rest at a 45-degree angle and the seat belt should not move more than 2.5 cm. The chest clip of the seat should be near your baby’s chest at armpit level. And if your kid is nine months to four years of age and weighing 9 kgs -18 kgs, seats can face forward for the children. You could refer the car manual to install it properly. The shoulder straps should be near or below the child’s shoulders with a gap that allows one finger between the strap and chest. Grown up children, in the age group of four to six years of age and weighing 15 kgs - 25 kgs, can have the luxury of seat boosters at the back seat. Support cushions can be used for children in the age group of 6 years -11 years and weighing 22kg-36kg. Ensure to use the lap and shoulder combination belt so that your child’s head is supported by the top of the booster. Children over these age and weight groups can be buckled up in the seat belts provided in the car. Do not let your child sit on the lap of other passengers or the driver and never ever leave the child alone in the car.
    1 point
  4. More than 500,000 used cars are listed every year online on UAE car selling portals. So every time you plan to sell your used car that figure is your competition. So how does one go about selling used car quick and easy ? I have been asked this question more than 100 times in my life in Dubai, UAE and that's why I thought of writing this article and keep sharing and using it for others to help. In last 3 years I have bought and sold more than 7 cars for myself, my friends and family. Selling your old car can be pretty daunting task if you don’t know how to sell. Of course, even if it’s an old car a buyer will surely look on all of its aspects. With that, you have to make sure that your car is in good shape and proper working condition overall. You need to make sure that your buyer will be impressed with the first looks. Remember strongly that while selling softer tone, cooperative approach and friendly behavior will help. If you can't adopt any of these three things, sell your car at car dealer for quarter the price. Make Sure Your Car Look Awesome: They say dont judge a book by its cover, but in case of a used car its always judged by its looks. No matter how powerful your engine is or awesome your music system sounds if your car is not presentable from outside, there is a chance that the buyer might not even open your door. To do so you’ll probably spend some cash for detail cleaning, washing and some minor repairs. These all are necessary to make your car as good as new. More than 75% of car buyers always look for car that has no immediate cost and they can reliably use the car from the date of purchase. For placing an online advertisement make sure cars is extremely clean and drive off to spacious parking lot and take lot of pictures with the best phone or real camera you got. Post the ad with best 8-10 pictures showing all exterior and interior angles. Highlight any flaws, dents or scratches in picture, be more realistic and honest. This way you will filter the picky buyers and save lot of time in viewing. Always remember, the price is what draws peoples attention, but the description and photos is what causes them to call your number. Show the Love, Bond and Good Memories: Emotions sells better than anything else. So share your best car stories with the buyer, show your love, attachment and bond with the car that gives the new buyer a confidence in buying a car from a careful and loving owner. Share the story of you and your spouse had really good drive-time, kids love it completely and going to miss this ride, etc. This shows that you kept the car as a family member and not just a piece of machine and pushed it hard for having fun. What I meant is to show the love, if you really have it, but don’t fake it. Be Honest and Transparent with Full Car Service History: Last but not least, this alone is the key game-changer point that many owners don’t know the value of showing the detail car service history to a new buyer. If you have the dealer car service history, then it’s easy to show the records on booklet with stamps or receipts. If car is out of warranty and you have maintained the car with reputable workshop, then show all the service details and recent repair bills (if you have it). This builds the immense trust and helps you sell the car in NO-TIME. When done preparing your car, it's time to find potential buyers. Of course, even when I say it is to sell your car fast, you still need to be patient and wait for people to respond to your ads. Moreover, so that your advertisement will be really effective you should share it on the Social media and you might have to repost it sometime for more people to see. Fortunately, with all your efforts, someone will be interested and you can get the best price for the deal.
    1 point
  5. Lack of lane discipline, especially lane swerving is considered to be a leading cause of death on the road in UAE. While cases of driving under the influence has been curtailed due to strict rules and punishments, there are several other reasons or distractions that lead to lane swerving . And it is just about taking some simple extra precautions to ensure smooth travel, while maintaining your particular lane. Always keep your vehicle in the center of your lane; not to the left, not to the right.On multiple lane highways, keep your car to the right, giving way for faster cars to travel on the lane to your left. Overtaking from the right is illegal.Use indicators before changing lanes. Very important point for UAE cars, as many drivers don't use this at all.When stopping at a red light, ensure that you are in the lane where you would want to be after the interchange.Distractions should be avoided, especially phone calls or SMS. According to a report, ‘Despite it being illegal in the UAE, nearly a third (30%) of motorists admit to using their phones and reading texts while driving. Speaking with passengers (44%), changing the radio station (40%), and adjusting the air conditioning (34%) are other major reasons why drivers lose concentration. The stunning skyline of the UAE is also enough for 8% of drivers to become distracted’.Allow enough space ahead and practice safe distance. Many accidents involve rear-end collisions.In heavy traffic, when the lanes merge, use the ‘merging in turn’ rule - the left car goes first, then the right one.Solid lines should not be crossed.Do not drive on a cycle lane, bus lane or yellow line – emergency lane (hard shoulder).Avoid frequent lane changes.Turn your headlights on if the daylight is dim or during other low-visibility weather conditions, and always use turn signals (indicators). Always check your mirrors every few seconds to see what is beside and behind you.Ensure that you limit to the legal speed limit in ideal conditions.If you need more help, or need specific answer for any question then try the ‘Carnity Forum’ (http://carnity.com/) section or find car businesses near you with the Carnity ‘Business listing’ (http://carnity.com/business_listing) section.
    1 point
  6. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS IN UAE: Police : 999 Ambulance : 998 or 999Water & Electricity : 991General Information : 101Telephone Directory : 180 or 181 Abu Dhabi Hospitals: Sheikh Khalifa Medical City : 02 6102000Al Rahba Hospital : 02 5064444Corniche Hospital : 02 6724900Al Mafraq Hospital : 02 5011111 Al Ain Hospitals: Tawam Hospital : 03 7677444 or 03 7074100Al Ain Hospital : 03 7635888 Dubai Hospitals: Dubai Hospital : 04 2714444Rashid Hospital : 04 3371111Al Wasl Hospital : 04 3341111American Hospital (Private) : 04 3367777Welcare Hospital (Private) : 04 2827788 Sharjah Hospitals: Al Qassimi Hospital : 06 5386444Zulekha Hospital : 06 2678866Al Zahra Private Hospital : 06 5619999 Ras Al Khaima Hospitals: Saqr Hospital : 07 2223666Saif Bin Ghubash Hospital : 07 2223555RAK Hospital : 07 2074444
    1 point
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