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Everything posted by Frederic

  1. @Anoop Nair as a spot became available, i have added you to the drive. Please confirm if you can make it.
  2. "Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." Stephen Hawking. A massive thanks to ALL for joining us, and for the great company ! Thanks to @Mikhail Lukichev for the great support and teaching us the most important things so we could get confident in pushing the right buttons Thanks to @Gauravfor creating the gallery and sweeping the convoy 🤗 Thanks to @Niki for proposing the session at the exact right timing, and for being the funniest guy on the sabkha 😆 A small tip: after this session, try to do another small practice from your garden or terrace to try similar settings in a couple of days. It will help you to remember the settings we tried (they are also mentioned in the topic here). Don't be afraid of the manual mode, just play with ISO, Exposure, and Shutter speed settings, and learn how these are all interconnected in obtaining the perfect shot.
  3. Some last pointers: Please don't forget to bring along your camera gear with tripod. I would also like to ask you to bring your offroad gears and radio and tune in to Channel 1: 446.00625 Mhz as soon as you arrive at the meeting point. It might be that we do not have to deflate as i am checking for an easy entry point. @Niki @Nivin @Veedooshee @Darren Brooke @Brette @Jorge Stepniak Felippe @Gaurav @JeromeFJ @Yousef Alimadadi @Ranjan Das@Mikhail Lukichev See you guys and gals tonight 7PM sharp !
  4. Due to the growth of our club, we have recently released 5 more Carnity Radio Frequencies. This will make it easier to select channels and avoid interference from other Carnity convoys. Below is the updated list: Please take note that Channels 1 till 4 remain unchanged. Channels 5 until 10 are new. Programming instructions can be found in below advice:
  5. Sorry to hear that @Mario Cornejo.See you soon in one of our drives ! @Yousef Alimadadiwould you be able to make it ? If so let me know so i can add you. PS which camera are you bringing ?
  6. @JeromeFJ you’re next in line and I’ve added you. Please confirm if you can make it.
  7. Hi @soumyasaklani yes there is a waitlist, so I’m afraid I’ll have to remove you from the RSVP
  8. @Chaitanya D you are the next in the waitlist since Samamara and Srikumar have removed their waitlist entries. Are you in ?
  9. Sorry @JeromeFJ yes you were also on the list. So far no one dropped out so it looks like we’re gonna need to organize another one soon 😅
  10. Hi @Anoop Raj once the drives are being posted at 7PM you will be able to RSVP to the drive. We don’t add members manually.
  11. Copying the previous session post from @Mikhail Lukichev as introduction here: Hello everyone! Thanks for joining us! Since we are going to take some stars photos, we need to have some basic equipment with us. If you do not have something, probably, you will not be able to get desired result. However, equipment list is very basic: 1) tripod suitable for your camera. There is no need to have an expensive tripod, however, if your camera and lens is heavy, sturdy tripod would be handy 2) DSLR or mirrorless camera able to shoot in raw with exposure time up to 20 seconds. If you do not have one, you can try to shoot with a simple point and shoot camera or phone, but lack of settings could be an issue. If you have a camera but not sure if it is suitable or not, feel free to ask here! 3) wide angle lens. Actually, any kit lens should work fine. Do not bring your telephoto lens or a portrait lens this time, we will not use it. Again, if your are not sure what to bring with you, feel free to ask! 4) a bit of adhesive tape would be handy but not mandatory. 5) fully charged battery for your camera. 6) red light headlamp. Red light helps a lot operating your camera and not overstressing your eyes Preparation plan: We will meet up at the Etisalat Cellular tower, and deflate our tyres. From there we will take an easy track that leads to a nearby sabkha that has a well, surrounded by ghaf trees and palm trees. This is a very quiet and big area which will allow us to park the cars, and setup our tripods. We will be mostly using the Manual mode on the camera. We would advise to have a look at your camera's operating manual beforehand so you are comfortable how to switch over to Manual mode and find the settings that you will need to experiment with: 1) ISO setting. Will be around the 3200 range. 2) Shutter Speed. Will be around 20-30 seconds. 3) Aperture will need to be at its max. setting that your lens can take. (fully open). F/1.8 to F/4 (the lower the better). We will be practicing with various settings and helping you out to determine what works best as per your camera, lens, and personal preferences. The main aim is to learn from each other and enjoy the beautiful scenery and tranquility at night, hence we would ask all members to respect the silence and not to disturb others by driving around with the 4x4 during the session, using bright flashlights, or shouting. See you guys and and gals ! night-sky-cheat-sheet-new (2).pdf Photography for Beginners (3).pdf
  12. Sorry i wasnt able to slip you in @samamara. Rest assured we will have more of these trips and i am looking forward to meeting you and picking your photography brain
  13. Current Waitlist as per Sunday 9 May: 1) Samamara @samamara 2) Srikumar @Srikumar 3) Chaitanya @Chaitanya D 4) JeromeFJ @JeromeFJ 5) Yousef Alimadadi @Yousef Alimadadi
  14. @Jorge Stepniak Felippe could you please update us on which equipment (Camera model, lenses) you will be bringing ?
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