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Foxtrot Oscar

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    United Arab Emirates
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Everything posted by Foxtrot Oscar

  1. Drive Report We started off down the tracks before heading into the dazzling white sands. The wind whipped the sands up making the ridges difficult to read however everyone was coping well. We had lots of opportunity to side slope on gentle dunes and navigate crossing over dunes. We had one tricky stuck to contend with before we were motoring again. As we continued along the dunes we continued to side slope and trued to avoid the many tiny baby oryx that we saw. @Kailas provided us with a different flavour when he took over the lead and did an excellent job. After around 90mins he passed the baton back to me and we made for long dunes. The dunes provided an excellent training ground for ridge riding as they were low. After a couple of tutorials the convoy was doing a great job of getting on top of the dunes. It’s testament to how well you were all doing with controlling your steering and momentum that we didn’t get anyone crested. It was close to 6pm and we headed for the exit. I tried a quick exit but the technical patch to reach it was a minefield of incredibly tricky dunes and with so many big trucks in the convoy I decided we should go via the long range dunes to a smaller, more easily manageable patch of dunes that I had identified. We still had lots of light and I tried a more direct route of going over the dunes as opposed to crossing along them . A lack of momentum caused several refusals as we made our way out, the refusals cost us light and the lack of light whilst still in the dunes created a rather nervous convoy. As I picked my way through the safest possible path we had more refusals, generally caused by a lack of momentum. Ironically the only place we didn’t get a lot of refusals was the technical patch at the end. @stavros papachristos and @Serafinoboth had good drives, just some issues with momentum towards the end. @Matt.Tand @Watteau, were solid as per, only one refusal and a stuck. @Shehab Alawadhi you handled the F150 well, just the one stuck, easily dug out and self recovered well. @Mario Cornejo you had a good drive, I don’t think you had any issues. Likewise @Arda Yagcioglu. @Thomas Varghese after your initial nose dive into the dune you did well for the rest of the drive. @Melenany you didn’t have any issues until the very end when you came off track. @bassel el rafei I'm going to nickname you pop out haha. I'd get your tyres checked out. You did well on the drive, a few refusals at the end , I think the dark didn't help you. All in all it was a long day at the sand office with learning opportunities a plenty. You had the unexpected bonus of a night drive. 😉 I think the biggest learning moment was communication or the lack of it and how vitally important it is on these drives. Better comms would have prevented 3 stuck situations, but now you all know how important it is. Thank you to @Kailas for being my second lead, for leading a section of the drive and offering support. Likewise to @Shehab Alawadhi who was CF and always on hand to help out. Further thanks to @Panchowho was sweep and helped with what seemed like a multitude pf pop outs. I think it was three. Thanks again to you all for coming along on the drive.
  2. Good morning fellow adventurers, Today’s drive will see us tackle some of Sharjah’s massive dunes. There will be lots of steep climbs, bowls and descents to tackle. Hopefully the area won’t be too busy so we won’t have to dodge the dune buggy brigade too often We shall be using radio channel 3 (three) My proposed convoy list is as follows: Driver Car Level Position Angela @Foxtrot Oscar Black X Expert Lead @GauravSoni Grey Pajero IM 2nd lead @Archibald Jurdi Wrangler IM 3rd @Tero Vallas Landcruiser IM 4th @Veedooshee White Pajero IM CF @Hisham Masaad FJC IM 6th @Shaaz Sha Wrangler IM 7th @Jack Thomas F150 IM 8th @Islam Soliman Yukon ADv Sweep
  3. Ahem....Are you all done? Good afternoon fellow adventurers. I am very much looking forward to spreading some off-roading love at love lakes tomorrow! We shall start off gently and I aim to increase the challenge level as we progress further into the sand. As always, what we do and what we achieve is entirely dependent on the convoy and what you want and how you feel. . @Watteau and his good lady will be supplying mocktails mid drive , @Matt.T said he's bringing the corned beef sarnies and @Thomas Varghese is bringing his best behavior hahaha What I do expect from you all, is a bucket of humility, spades of good humour and an abundance of wits. YALLA! We shall be using radio channel 3 (three) My proposed convoy for tomorrow is as follows: Driver Car Level Position Angela @Foxtrot Oscar Black X Expert Lead @Kailas Red Wrangler Adv 2nd Lead @stavros papachristos Wrangler Fewbie 3rd @Serafino Wrangler Fewbie 4th @Matt.T Wrangler Fewbie 5th @Watteau Raptor Fewbie 6th @Shehab Alawadhi F150 Fewbie CF @Mario Cornejo Patrol SWB Fewbie 8th @bassel el rafei Landcruiser Fewbie 9th @Thomas Varghese White X Fewbie 10th @Arda Yagcioglu Black X Fewbie 11th @Melenany F150 IM 12th @Pancho Wrangler Expert Sweep See you all tomorrow
  4. Drive Report. What a wonderful way to break up the working week. I promised a gentle therapeutic meander through the white sands of Lisaili and that is what we got. However, I am not claiming the credit for that. It was entirely down to the great convoy, who had minimal refusals and not a lot of drama. We gathered next to the camel track and prepared ourselves and our cars under the inquisitive eye of many a camel and their carers. When everyone was ready, we headed off down the pylon track for a few km and then cut into the technical patch that you must navigate to reach the long range dunes of Lisaili. Every member of the convoy tackled those dunes with zero issues which surprised me given the amount of big trucks we had on the drive. From there it was just a feast of side sloping, crossing dunes and some nice low curved ridges. The cool breeze and the setting sun matched the mood of the convoy, everyone was just so chill. 😎 As we neared Solar Park the dunes got higher and the challenge increased but not so much that your heart rate would increase too. This, after all, was a rehabilitating midweek drive. The few issues we did have on the drive were easily resolved, both @Hisham Masaad and myself had popouts and there were a couple of refusals and one stuck. These things happen when driving in the sand , especially to cars at the back of the convoy who have to deal with churned up soft sands. The key thing is that we learn from them and don’t get disheartened. I was very impressed with @Watteau in his raptor who didn’t have a single issue the entire drive. It was lovely to meet you and your good lady. @Arda Yagcioglu also had a very good drive , it was nice to be out there with you again. It had been a while. @AlexPol you had a fine drive too, and its great to have someone keen to learn the ropes (literally when it comes to recoveries) @Rob Harper I promise one day you’ll join a drive and I’ll give you the speed you crave , when you reach IM level haha , great drive and another who did well in a big truck in small tight dunes. @Melenany also coped well with the tight dunes, I understand the issues you faced and hope you get it resolved. It was nice to be out there with you again. @Hisham Masaad you had another flawless drive. Thank you for helping out with my pop out. @David Ortells another great drive with you and I hope that was the send off you needed for your time away. Many thanks to my support team @Ashok chaturvedi for being my 2nd lead at @GauravSoni helping at CF and @Islam Soliman for sweeping at the back. It really does make a difference when you have a good team supporting you. Leading can be stressful and knowing you can rely on members of the convoy to help out is incredibly valuable. Once again, thank you to the entire convoy for making this short evening drive so enjoyable, Until our next adventure 😊
  5. Oh no , take care of yourself @Mahmoud Asar I’ll add you to this drive and ask @Wrangeld if you can be waitlisted for your second drive of the week on his drive
  6. Hi @bassel el rafei you have signed up for both this drive and @Tbone 's morning drive . Can you please select 1 drive only as per Carnity policy. You can ask to be waitlisted for a second drive and if there is space you will be added on Wednesday . Thank you
  7. Good evening fellow adventurers, I'm really looking forward to this drive, it has been a while since I ventured into Lisalli (Thanks @Ale Vallecchi for reminding me of it haha) We have a good, strong convoy, so let's see how far we get in just under 3 hours haha! We shall be using radio channel 1 (one) My proposed convoy is as follows: Driver Car Level Position Angela @Foxtrot Oscar Black X Expert Lead @Ashok chaturvedi Yellow FJC IM 2nd Lead @Watteau Raptor Fewbie 3rd @Arda Yagcioglu Black X Fewbie 4th @AlexPol Wrangler Fewbie 5th @GauravSoni Pajero IM CF @Rob Harper Tundra Fewbie 7th @Melenany F150 IM 8th @Hisham Masaad FJC IM 9th @David Ortells FJC IM 10th @Islam Soliman Yukon Adv 11th See you all tomorrow
  8. Congratulations @Islam Soliman. I am always delighted when you sign up for one of my drives as I know I can rely on you to help the convoy out when needed. A very well deserved promotion.
  9. Hi @Christian Andras and @Nizam Deen you have signed up for both this drive and Luca's Friday morning drive. Please kindly select one drive as per Carnity's one drive policy. You can ask to be waitlisted for a second drive on the drive you withdraw from.
  10. Oh no, I do hope you get it under control soon . Take care of yourself @Thomas Varghese
  11. Looking forward to driving with you again too @Dodi Syahdar just remember, we all get stuck, there's no need to panic ever. We are all a team and we all help each other. No matter the situation, you will get unstuck and I won't ever leave you in the desert. You drove well for the rest of the drive.
  12. Drive Report Well that was eventful haha We started off plotting our way through a small technical patch before as we did so @bassel el rafei had a pop out. It was quite a tricky fix as the tyre had receded quite a bit, but we got there, with the help of a tyre tool. As we made our way to the long range dunes we had the opportunity to have a quick tutorial on the nuances of ridge riding on the small and low dunes. @Hossam Anwar crested on top but with some shoveling he was free. @Hossam Anwar you had a good drive, but we’ll need to work on our communication skills. As the dunes became higher and longer the convoy coped well and everyone was displaying good driving skills. @Dodi Syahdar was next to crest, @Joe Biju Joseph wanted to try out his winch but it proved unsuccessful so we got the ropes out. A quick tug and @Dodi Syahdar was free but I think he wanted to show the power of his raptor and tried to pull me the other side of the dune 🤥 That aside, you drove well @Dodi Syahdar and handled all the challenges. We crest when we lose momentum. You’ll remember for the next time. Thanks too for your enthusiasm and being a great help with the pop outs. We continued on our way playing in the dunes, side sloping, ridge riding and climbing. Then @Hossam Anwar decided it was his turn to pop out. This was an easy fix and we were soon on our way again. @Joe Biju Joseph had some over heating issues so we stopped for a while to allow his car the chance to cool down. When we moved on We tackled some high dunes and came down some slip faces with everyone controlling their steering and going well. Just as we were getting into it we were met with the mother of all sandstorms. It was quite the sight but it put paid to any hope of picking up the pace as the dunes became impossible to read. We stood still for about 5 mins and then moved slowly and cautiously through the dunes. With the winds dropping we could drive with a little more conviction, we could side slope and got on top of some ridges. When @Junaid120120 lost momentum and found himself crested atop a dune, after attempting a self recovery it was clear that the rope would be needed. As we made our way back I decided to play on more dunes, a moment of indecision cost me, and I too found myself stuck. This time it was @Junaid120120 turn to help me out. Thank you @Junaid120120 for being my second lead, we need better communication though but a good drive. Also thanks @Joe Biju Joseph for stepping in as my sweep, you too had a very good drive. @Matt.T I think you only had one refusal the whole drive and managed to sort it out yourself , well done. @Ahmad Shaker, you handled everything on the drive really well. Likewise @bassel el rafei and @Trekado you also had good drives. Thank you all for being part of the convoy and stepping up to the new challenges. Until our next adventure. 😊
  13. What to expect Mighty dunes, steep climbs, a labyrinth of bowls and a hefty dose of adrenaline. Sharjah's bowls has it all The dunes will be scarred from the constant flow of traffic. There will be marauding dune buggies , darting quad bikes and crazy tourists who entrust their lives to the kamikaze drivers from the tour operators 🤣 but it's a Saturday and that my friends is the best part. The traffic in this area is greatly reduced which means we get to experience it as fully as we can. What I expect....your A game! Yalla! This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Drive Details Level: Intermediate (only intermediate and above can join) When: 13th March 2021, Saturday Meeting time: 2:00pm (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/VeAWRuAdQLY32Z4m6 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6pm P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 cars only. RSVP will close on Monday - 3:30pm If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. Please RSVP on below Calendar
  14. until
    Drive Details Level: Intermediate (only intermediate and above can join) When: 13th March 2021, Saturday Meeting time: 2:00pm (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/VeAWRuAdQLY32Z4m6 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6pm P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive.
  15. What to expect This area offers everything, long range dunes where we can side slope, ridges to cross and some technical patches too. We will start off near Love Lakes and tackle the dunes there before heading towards Murquab making our way through some technical patches and finally the longer , higher dunes of Murquab. As always anything is possible, all I ask is that you don't leave your wits at home and pack a good sense of humour. Yalla! This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Drive Details Level: Fewbie When: 12th March 2021, Friday. Meeting time: 2pm (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/octtUF6vPJikh6reA Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6pm P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 cars only. RSVP will close on Monday - 3:30pm If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. Please RSVP on below Calendar
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