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Foxtrot Oscar

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    United Arab Emirates
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Everything posted by Foxtrot Oscar

  1. This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Two Way Radio Guidelines Every Offroader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. MUST WATCH: NEWBIE VIDEO BRIEFING Drive Details Level: Fewbie When: 8th Feb 2021, Monday. Meeting time: 3:30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/TV9NpjboewyCZ1GH9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6 PM P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 cars only. RSVP will close on Monday - 3:30pm If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE BELOW CALENDAR EVENT
  2. Drive Details Level: Fewbie When: 8th Feb 2021, Monday. Meeting time: 3:30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/TV9NpjboewyCZ1GH9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6 PM P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive.
  3. @Mohamed Abo ElKomsan and @Mahmoud Asar I have updated the meet point. @GauravSoni @Thomas Varghese you are 1 and 2 respectively on the waitlist however I don't envisage there being any issues re adding you. Unless we have a last minute stampede for the drive
  4. This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Two Way Radio Guidelines Every Offroader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. MUST WATCH: NEWBIE VIDEO BRIEFING Drive Details Level: Fewbie Plus (At least 5 fewbie drive must be done previously) and above When: 5th Feb 2021, Friday. Meeting time: 2 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/BYd56qA2tCUPTSCy9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6 PM P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 cars only. RSVP will close on Thursday - 9 AM. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE BELOW CALENDAR EVENT
  5. until
    Drive Details Level: Fewbie Plus (At least 5 fewbie drive must be done previously) and above When: 5th Feb 2021, Friday. Meeting time: 2pm (1400hrs) (SHARP - Without any exceptions). Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/BYd56qA2tCUPTSCy9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 6 PM P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive.
  6. Sometimes it is luck, but mostly it is driver error. My stuck came about due to indecision, I saw the ridge rising, was going to criss cross left, slowed down too much, lost momentum (due to the rising crest) and voila, stuck! I should have been more decisive but that's the joy of leading. Analysing the refusal/stuck is also part of the learning process.
  7. My epic crest!! Thank you for capturing the moment!! We all witnessed the power of the shovel, as well as left , right, left, right blip blip, and creating a track by going back and forth (no matter how minimal) to build some momentum to get unstuck.. What we are doing is dislodging sand, digging in one place to create a V and allowing gravity to do it's job. It was tough on my arms as well as yours but we got there!! Also note that no matter your vehicle's gadgetry you have to follow the steps. outlined above. In that situation yesterday the 'difflock' would not engaged (rarely does when you are crested as the sand is touching therefore conditions aren't 'perfect') Never rely on these things, there literally is no magic button. They can be handy, but you should never take it for granted that because your vehicle posses such things you won't have to follow the self recovery steps. You absolutely will. . We did the very same for @Mikhail Lukichev 's crest too when his vehicle's gadgetry would not engage either.
  8. Drive Report Convoy 1 Well that was all kinds of fabulous!!! I understand today’s drive saw us cover 78km in some of Dubai’s best dunes! Well done you!! We started out gently, and had plenty of time to practice our ridge riding and criss-crossing on the more gentle dunes . It became apparent that @Tamas Hoffmann was having some issues with the Pajero so I pushed him further forward in the convoy which helped as the sand was less churned. As we entered a more technical area the convoy drove well and we didn’t have many issues. We finally reached the white sands and pristine long dunes that the area is famed for and here we got to really test our finesse on the glorious ridges. Unfortunately for @Tamas Hoffmann the problem with his Pajero persisted. I am incredibly grateful to the Queen of the Recovery @Desert Dweller who was totally selfless and led @Tamas Hoffmann safely out of the desert which allowed the rest of the convoy to continue to play in this little slice of heaven. Thank you, as I know how much you were enjoying @Pancho's jeep. It’s not every drive you lose both your sweep and centre forward but kudos to @Goutam who did a great job as sweep for the rest of the drive. We had a couple of sticky moments , most notably my own effort at a crested car, it was quite fantastic , but I do enjoy making men get down on their knees and shovel mwahahahaha Thank you gents! It was then @Mikhail Lukichev's turn for pay back as I was on my knees with a shovel in order to get him off a crest. Well done @Mikhail Lukichev you had a great drive. When @DANIEL NOGUEIRA suffered a similar fate we put the shovels to one side and got the rope out. 1,2,3 TUG! Haha @DANIEL NOGUEIRA you handled that big boy of yours very well in those dunes, Bravo! Recoveries are an essential element of an off-road drive. We all get stuck and at fewbie plus level we should all know where to shovel and also when to get the rope out! The drive continued at a very good pace and with the sun setting on the horizon we rode ridge after ridge after ridge. @Tariq Carrimjee ,the quiet man, let his driving do the talking and had a flawless day, likewise for @siddharth maheshwari who wasn’t slow to get the shovel out either. Well done guys, great driving, I really didn’t want to stop, I don’t think any of us did, but with the sun dropping and knowing we still had a technical patch to navigate we headed for the exit. We sped through those technical dunes with zero issues, encountering some stunning white oryx as we went before we reached the track which led us to Solar Park. One final word, I know he’s worth the watching, and is a right bad sort, but @Craig Finlayson does a helluva job at second lead. Granted I taught him everything he knows 😉 but he does a great job rerouting to ensure no one has to deal with nasty bumps and pockets that lay ahead. I suppose he's not that bad 🙄, Once again, thank you all for the great driving, your sense of team spirit and your fantastic humour. You were all on great form today. Until our next adventure
  9. You are most welcome. It was great to see you guys out there today. Thanks for stepping in to ensure everyone who wanted to drive today had the opportunity to do so.
  10. Good evening fellow adventurers, Tomorrow we will meet at 13:30 that's 1.30pm, not 2pm, not 12pm, not 10 am . Just so we're clear hee hee. We well head into Faqa to explore the shifting dunes of this stunningly beautiful desert area. We will cross some technical patches as well as some nice long range dunes where hopefully we'll have lots of opportunity to criss cross and ridge ride as we make our way towards solar park. Make sure you bring a sense of adventure as well as an abundance of good humour. The proposed convoys are as follows: Convoy 1 - Using RADIO CHANNEL 1 (one) Attendee Car Level Position @Foxtrot Oscar Black Xterra Expert Lead @Craig Finlayson Grey Wrangler IM 2nd Lead @Mikhail Lukichev Prado Fewbie 3rd @DANIEL NOGUEIRA Dodge Fewbie 4th @Tamas Hoffmann Pajero Adv CF @siddharth maheshwari @Tariq Carrimjee White wrangler White Wrangler Fewbie IM 6th 7th @Goutam Yellow wrangler IM 8th @Pancho / @Desert Dweller Red Wrangler Expert Sweep Convoy 2 - Using RADIO CHANNEL 2 (two) Attendee Car Level Position @Wrangeld Black Pajero Marshal Lead @Islam Soliman Black Yukon IM 2ndLead @Joe Biju Joseph Hummer Fewbie 3rd @Tero Vallas Prado IM 4th @Anvar Sadath Bekal White Pajero Fewbie 5th @Gaurav Soni Grey Pajero Fewbie 6th @David Ortells FJ Fewbie 7th @Jeepie Wrangler Expert Sweep
  11. Awe sorry to hear that I was looking forward to driving with you @Mohamed Abo ElKomsan it's been sooooo long! Next time!
  12. Dear drivers, As we have a considerable waitlist for this drive we have decided to create a 2nd convoy in order to accommodate you all. @Wrangeld and @Jeepie will manage convoy 2. Can you please update your RSVP if you can no longer attend the drive. @Mikhail Lukichev @Archibald Jurdi @Goutam @DANIEL NOGUEIRA @Craig Finlayson @Tero Vallas @siddharth maheshwari @Mohamed Abo ElKomsan @Tariq Carrimjee @Lucky sAm @David Ortells @Joe Biju Joseph @MUHAMMAD Kashif RAZZAQ @Gaurav Soni @Ahab Shamaa @Islam Soliman
  13. Wry true, Ahab loves a gadget . I have too much stuff flying around, I’ve tried bags, boxes etc but the constant digging around is annoying . Having the essential always used items out would be great
  14. I agree, I prefer the side ones, I think the barricade one is a step too far. Molle do attachments for a variety of things like extinguishers etc .to secure onto the actual panels. I think that's the best option to make sure stuff doesn't fly off. Also some good garages will fabricate something for your compressor. I have so much in the boot of the X, I'd love for it all to be organised. I'm sure @Ahab Shamaa has this on his FJ. @Ahab Shamaa care to share your knowledge?
  15. Congratulations @Pancho !! Now you really need to get your own shovel
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