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Gary F

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Everything posted by Gary F

  1. Wow @Looper I’m impressed I knew you loved statistics but this is impressive. Would love to know how the outliers faired in the sand. Mercedes G wagon how did that do? and not one single Unimog on the list , I know it’s a commercial vehicle but this portal axels would give amazing clearance.
  2. Likewise @Mark B always enjoy seeing your Gladiator on the sand.
  3. Thank you @Gaurav , looking forward to some intermediate drives in the future and I would like to say how well the club is run. thanks to the leaders and all the members for making this exceptional community. Thanks to everyone for the patience , as I am still learning LWB on mud terrains in the desert. @M.Seidam tight turns still a work in progress 😂 but for after one crest with you, I worked to train the muscle memory in my right foot to no longer tap the brake when going over a crest perpendicular , to always keep a some power on to an extent. It works mostly. @Benjamin thank you , you got me into this, and I especially look forward to the drives we are on together and when I’m occasion you have tugged me out of tricky situations, I’m looking forward to repaying the support if you ever get stuck . Thank you @DP1011 always enjoy our drives , onwards and upwards. @Looper thank you Gotham really enjoy our talks on jeep maintenance and warning signs to ignore..
  4. Despite a few attempts over the last few drives to stop it getting worse , Faqa was the nail in the coffin. Will be needing a reinforced one that does not act as a sand anchor.
  5. Drive title promised adventure and adventure materialised… from @Krishna R Xterra leaf spring issue and recovery ( I hope you made it back safe and are back in the sand soon) @Stumpy Paj and @Gaurav temp spring repair and axle realignment l. @Bravoecho mystery patrol locking itself with keys and engine running but no driver , we all learned how to jimmy a door open. @Benjamin took over 2nd lead and had a few opportunities to pump his shovelling arms. the most beautiful self recovery from a creat situation I have ever seen by @Gaurav We hit some nasty vegetation patches and some sharp dips , my gladiator managed through followed by @Beide Worku lovely f150. With @MMansoor taking up sweep. And just as we were ending the drive Faqa had one last surprise with the exit location needing some work to get too. Post drive I found my rear bumper took a nasty hit , reinforcing gladiators shallow exit angle.
  6. Apologies I need to drop, for some reason my brain was thinking this drive was today Friday, but on Saturday I have a clash with the starting time by an hour.
  7. Really nice drive , I enjoyed the technical terrain a lot @GauravSoni and only ran into one turn that I had to do the old, stop and reverse to make the tight turn, of course my rear bumper took a few more hits, a metal one is in my future. great to catch up everyone . See you at ARB @Stumpy Paj @Benjamin @Joseph Raju any update on the patient , electrical or mechanical issues ? @Ahmad Nerat great photos and ideas on positioning the cars for a photo shoot , while the rest of the convoy was in recovery mode. that was a fun area.
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