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    Aug 03, 2017 07:00 PM      Aug 04, 2017 02:00 AM

    As most of you must have noticed I had been away for a while. Guess what I am back. I had the honor of joining and driving with the best last Thursday night on a somewhat challenging terrain which was well managed by all, and now I am itching for some more. So this time keeping in the zone of re-discovering some challenging terrain, I am launching this drive as an exploration of an area I have not explored properly, just been in and out of this area. Sometimes when heading towards Jabal Jais through the Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Road E311 I have noticed some lip smacking dunes and I was briefly in and it has left me wanting to explore this area further. As it is evident that I am not fully aware of this terrain although all are invited to sign up for the drive, but only the first 10 cars which have the kind of experience to handle such a drive as per my experience will be selected for the drive, no more than 10 cars will be selected. leaving Gaurav Bhai and myself out of the equation there are 8 spots available out of which I would prefer at least 1 more experienced driver to control the convoy in this new terrain.

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