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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2017 in Posts

  1. After experiencing an amazing drive last Friday in excellent weather, we like to replicate another Suhoor night drive to enjoy the drive and eating together but in a different area - Bidayer to Pink Rock. This area offers all level terrain in some easy to medium size rolling dunes, and we expect to finish on some tall dune to enjoy suhoor with good breeze and company. When: 1 June 2017, Thursday Meeting time: 11 PM, convoy will move sharp at 11:15 PM Where: Old Emarat Petrol Station at Lahbab R/A GPS Coordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/gQd1UszDdSG2 Level of drive: Absolute Newbie - Newbie - Fewbie - Expert - Advance - All are welcome Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance Plan: Night drive from Bidayer to Pink rock and enjoy Suhoor together. What to bring along: Evening snacks, food for Suhoor, plenty of water - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 4 AM, 2 June 2017, Friday List your name and mobile number in this drive thread and RSVP the below calendar:
    1 point
  2. @derik happy to share my experience. No tests carried out in my presence. I met with Joshua from Chipcentric and he told me they have developed this tuning for a Pajero a couple of years ago and it is tried and tested. He says he's tuned about 15 Pajero's so far. This cost me 1,890/- after the 30% discount. I'm desperately looking out for a solution to my A/T oil overheating issue before I go back in to the desert. I'll let you know about the tuning if I'm able to get this done in time for Friday's drive.
    1 point
  3. I got my '14 Pajero ECU remapped by chipcentric yesterday. They have a 30% discount going on. He said it's increase of 30 hp and 40 Nm, but didn't give me a dyno report or anything. Just an invoice. They give you a 1 year warranty on the software and a 10 day money back guarantee. My purpose was to get a little more power for offroading. Haven't had a chance to test out the difference offroad yet. Will find out this Friday! On road, you can feel the difference in acceleration and throttle response. Higher rev's too.
    1 point
  4. My google-fu is strong today Chipcentric Dubai +971 50 585 3993 I can't give performance figures or quote you a price for a company I don't work for but proper tuning doesn't come cheap. I'll speak to a few people and see if I can get a contact for the guy in rashidiya as well. It'll be a lot cheaper but the quality of the work won't be on the same level i.e. it will be flash and go, no fine tuning.
    1 point
  5. Leave it as it. You were struggling because you were carrying a lot more weight. Decreasing pressure is not a good idea. You'll be a lot more prone to a pop out. Infact back in the day when I would load a 1 ton generator in the back of the bushanab I would deflate to only 20psi but with the weight of the generator the footprint at 20 was that of a 15 deflated tyre. When when on safari with full load of 6pax plus drivee never took it below 15. Another reason is. Its summer time now and the sand is a lot more softer too.
    1 point
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