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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2024 in Posts

  1. Hi Fredric, i'm happy driving under both of you leads. Please feel free to move me as required. Option 2 or 3 for me based on what time i am able to leave Dubai on Friday.
    3 points
  2. I have no issues with moving to @GauravSoni led convoy and am happy to give my mentor some company 🤗
    2 points
  3. Thank you frederic for the great information shared here for Gen 4 Pajero center diff-lock light blinking, which helped me a lot to solve this issue. i joined here to just say thanks and appreciate your knowledge
    2 points
  4. @Alphin Aloor @Pascal@Rafey Hashmi@Richard Franks@Gautam Banka@Amr A@AlexM@Asif Hussain@Senthil Kumar@Ranjan Das@[email protected] Waitlisted: @Imran Asghar@Salim Akhtar As we have now 13 cars, and two waitlisted members, this will definitely be a challenge to make it across and execute the planned route. If anyone is willing and free to shift to the second convoy led by @GauravSoni (which has only 2 cars for now), please do let us know and you are free to shift to that convoy so ideally, we can balance out the total RSVP which will be more fun and will allow for a more fluid experience. In any case, as mentioned before, both convoys will be doing very similar routes, and will meetup the same evening at the camp site.
    1 point
  5. Mine started blinking couple months back during one desert drive. But restarting the car did it for the next couple of days... But it comes back. And as Frederic mentioned - it's related to the vacuum system. Funny enough - ever since amazon delivered the part, I have not seen the blinking thing since. I keep the solenoid in the glove box so I can replace it if needed, but so far it didn't come back (since Dec). I told myself that I would replace it anyways next time I'm working on the car... and I forgot completely until I saw this post.
    1 point
  6. LIWA_2024 Draft.gpx Sure, this is the draft route with the different waypoints. Reality might be slightly different of course, but this gives an idea.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Fred. We are still debating with missus if we should drive directly from AD (which is manageable) or camp the night before. In any case we will be there by 8am. Any chance you could share GPX for the whole route on Sat-Sun? (.. and bring my Seven Emirates sticker )
    1 point
  8. Potential Camping Spots: OPTION 1. If you prefer to sleep in the car, and want to be nearby the ADNOC LIWA: https://maps.app.goo.gl/S3iFtPUpegWJrbv78 OPTION 2. If you want to set up your tent nearby the starting point: https://maps.app.goo.gl/cExrzT4HgyAY44Ve9 Follow the directions for the starting point to pass through the gate, then go a little bit right onto the sabkha. OPTION 3. Camp deeper inside LIWA dunes for a tranquil night: https://maps.app.goo.gl/phKVd7ySsSRX82dTA Enter at this point and follow the dirt track that leads inside the dunes. It's a hard track with little bit of sand, where deflation is not needed. Guaranteed of a quiet night under the stars. GPX file in attachment. Liwa Camp.gpx Myself, i will probably go for option 2 and camp nearby the starting point and sleep in the car. Feel free to let us know what your plan is. The third option is probably the most private one and there is plenty of space in that area to find something that gives you privacy.
    1 point
  9. @Imran Asghar@Salim Akhtar as the convoy looks pretty full (incl manage tab), it won't be likely that i will be able to extend the convoy, hence i would recommend you hopping into Gauravsoni's drive, who is doing virtually the same route and we all meet up to camp on Sat.night.
    1 point
  10. @Sreenath G@Fares Adel@ozgu@Menon@Talal H@Srilakshman Karthikeyan@Hani Howeedy@Juzer Talib@Premjit Vappala@Jerry Han@Haneef Thayyil@Richard Franks Thank you all for joining last Saturday. My aim was to explore this area in a slight different way. As the sand was hard it allowed us to move a bit further into unknown terrain and you guys rocked ! Hardly any hiccups and that meant we could cover some good distance and enjoy the scenery. We did some side-sloping as well but at times the hard sand really felt slippery,so we needed to be extra cautious. Whoever is interested in the promotion to Fewbie level, after having completed 5 Newbie drives, can apply here: REQUEST YOUR PROMOTION Hope to see you all soon again in the sands !
    1 point
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