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Posts posted by Barry

  1. On 2/20/2020 at 7:10 PM, Gaurav said:
    • Expensive (5-10 times)
    • Installation overhead and space
    • Higher wattage is not always advisable, as it will pick lot of chatter / interference

    Higher wattage only affects the transmission output power, ie people can hear you from further away. It won't affect what you can hear through your set. Sets are cheap, check eBay. Installation is easy and doesn't take up much space. Mag mounted aerial on the roof and the radio connects to the cigarette lighter. Most modern sets are the size of 2 cigarette packets.

    On 2/20/2020 at 10:25 PM, Javier M said:

    Actually, prices of the CB radios are not that expensive and antenas are not that big and can easily pass as the radio antenna. 

    The advantage is that you don't have to remember to charge your radio, range and sound quality is way better than certain cheap crappy hand held. Disadvantage is that you have to be near your car to talk over the radio. 

    Source? Certain Mexican's Jeep..

    I got into CB at an early age through my uncle. A basic setup is actually pretty cheap. A couple of hundred dirhams will buy a basic second hand 40 channel Cobra radio and a mag mount antenna. All plug and play and totally removable. I started out with a little Maycom EM27 and modified it so I could receive AM, FM and SSBs. I swapped that for a Cobra 29 that I modified to receive unlimited frequencies. It's an addictive hobby and I ended up buying a President Lincoln home base and a huge antenna mounted to the roof of my dads garage. My dad went crazy when I dug up his garden to run the cables. We used to get a lot of use out of car mounted mobile units at home when we were young stupid kids into street racing. You could send a sweeper car up the road first to report that everything was clear, no cops, no people walking on the road etc. We also used to play a game called catch the fox. Someone would go and hide somewhere in their car and send a message every few minutes foxy foxy foxy. Then the hunters would try to track down the signal using the Rx meter. Spent many teenage nights DXing, looking for a good skip, bouncing signals off the ionosphere and ended up with a pretty good collection of QSL cards from all over the world. I have so many good radio stories. I still have a lot of my gear back home in my dads house but god knows if I'll ever go back and use it. Definitely a fun hobby though. There are people out there now sending messages to and receiving messages from the ISS. Apparently the guys up there are more than happy to chat to people who have the equipment to contact them. The mobile phone killed the scene a bit but there are still die hard guys out there.

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    I don't know if this is a real experiment or DONALD TRUMP FAKE NEWS but I've seen it reported on a few different sources. Looks like an interesting and novel way to control city noise levels but I can see it ending up in lots of road rage and uncontrolled brawls on the street. You can take the cow to the river but you can't make her drink the water.

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  3. I noticed carnity loves the little hand held walkie talkie style 2 way radios. Genuine question, why don’t you use proper CB style radios with external mag mounted aerials? A proper setup isn’t much more expensive than a handheld and you have the advantage of adding a burner and running higher wattage TX. 

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  4. EVAP fault will be easy to find with a smoke machine but as @Gaurav says, check the fuel cap first. Check the rubber vacuum pipes connected to the EVAP canister, follow them and see where they go and look for breaks. Sometimes the ends of the pipes crack and its as simple as cutting a couple of centimeters off the end and pushing them back on again.

    For the fan clutch, all you can really do without a power probe is check it its plugged in and look for breaks in the wire. If you're feeling adventurous, you can get a bit of wire and jump it directly from the battery to see if it kicks in.

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  5. Removing the gearbox is easier for sure. It’s a days work at most. It’s not necessary to change the fluid but it will need a small top up due to removing the cooler pipes and losing a little bit. Probably less than half a litre.

    I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of removing the engine to do it. Too much work involved. 

    • Thanks (+1) 2
  6. On 2/11/2020 at 4:27 PM, Wrangeld said:


    Many agencies apply computer scanning to filter the CVs. If you CV does not have the key words they are loking for, even if you are the best possible candidate in the world, you will be excluded by the automatic system  = genuine job, computer searches.

    This one is pretty easy to bypass. Add a blank page to the end of your CV and put as many keywords as you can think of then change the text color to white. The computer reads it but a person won't see it so you have more change of getting through the system and having your CV seen by a real person.

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  7. We are now reaching the point where you can start your car with your phone


    With the latest keyless entry systems, cars are becoming so easy to steal. Any hillbilly with access to google and eBay can steal any car. 

    The only way to really secure your car is going back to old school discloks and other physical anti theft devices. 

    Is it one step forward and two steps back?


    Share your opinions!

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  8. I’m just using Tesla as an example. Maybe this is setting a precedent for buying newer second hand cars. 


    Someone bought a second hand Tesla Model S. Tesla remotely disabled the Autopilot feature because it was determined the new owner didn’t pay for it. 

    Are we coming to the time where car manufacturers will be able to control the price of second hand cars by remotely disabling features? 

    Remember the good old days when you could stick a fancy exhaust and an extra carburettor on your car to make it go faster and sell it on for a bit of extra cash? Are these days gone? How long until someone hacks one of these modern cars to have maximum features and lock it so the manufacturer can’t chevernise it?

    Share your opinions!

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  9. 8 hours ago, adil said:

    Some senior guy posted this on LinkedIn, removed his name due to privacy issue.



    It is surprising what some people will do to get a job. I remember a while back I was hiring for a mechanic job. I had loads of females, teachers, nurses, etc track my phone number down online, sending me suggestive photos and asking me out on dates. People who would never make it as a mechanic. I like the tinder analogy. 

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  10. Movies, board games, cards, listen to music, play guitar, cooking, cleaning, pray wifey isn’t going to make me go out and buy groceries or watch her try on 100 pairs of shoes. Anything that involves staying at home is good with me.

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  11. When I came to uae I was 65kg. I ended up getting to 105kg in a few months. Too much beer, rice and pizza. Carbs are my enemy. I used to drink 5-6 cans of beer every day, samosas and paratha for breakfast, biryani for lunch, rice and Filipino food for dinner. Sit down to watch movies and order large pizza out of boredom. Coke with every meal. 

    Down to 85kg now. Lost 20kg in 4 months by cutting beer to once a week. One meal a day and only home cooked. No soda or fruit juices, only water. Fruit juice is all sugars and sugars make you fat. Avoid eating late at night too. When you eat late, your body won’t use the energy and store it as fat instead. I try to avoid snacking but if I can’t handle it, I’ll throw a handful of frozen prawns in a bowl and microwave them for a minute. Better to have a protein hit and feel full than eat empty carbs. If your body doesn’t need protein, you will poop it out again. Your body will always try to store carbs as fat. 

    One of the best things I learned was that when you’re feeling hungry, you’re probably not hungry, you’re just dehydrated. A big glass of water can kill a lot of hunger. 

    I don’t know if you eat meat, but look into keto. I know a lot of people who have had success with it. 

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  12. Free access to Facebook in third world countries is one of the worst possible ways to roll out a free internet service. It just perpetuates the spread of misinformation, populism, and keeps people in ignorance. Giving people free access to something like wikipedia would be far more useful. 

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