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Posts posted by Barry

  1. LPG is a good option. In my country where petrol sometimes costs 8 dhs per litre, a lot of people who can’t afford to run a v8 convert to LPG. 

    You automatically increase your octane rating to 100+ so no more issues with pinking/pre detonation ie you can modify your engine to make more horsepower easily without worrying about melting pistons or bending rods. HUGE TURBOS

    LPG burns cooler so you have less overheating problems  

    If you are thinking about buying a car with a LPG conversion, as long as the conversion has been done properly, it’s nothing to worry about. 

    Extra horsepower is negligible unless you are planning mods that increase your compression ratio. But if it’s something to save money on MPG, go ahead

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  2. I got a free laptop running windows 10. But, windows 10 was a pirate copy so it keeps asking for the key. 

    I want to wipe it and install windows 7, but keep the files on the computer. 

    I want windows 7 because the software I want to run was designed to run on windows 7. It will run on windows 10 in compatibility mode, but not on this pirate version. And I also hate windows 10 constant updates  

    Ordinarily id just switch to Linux but the software I need doesn’t run on Linux.

    Anybody got any solutions?

    Software is some amazing tech software so if anyone has a solution I will send them a copy. 

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  3. Not having the alignment specifications in the system is a cop out. Stick the lasers on, google the toe out, toe in, camber etc specs for the car and adjust to suit. When I worked in a restoration company we used to align stuff with old school sticks and bubbles and never had an issue. The problem is these guys don’t know what they are doing, the just know how to use the computer. There’s a difference in doing and understanding. 

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  4. What industry do you work in? What job are you looking for? Maybe someone here can help?

    Dont forget to look at indeed, bayt and dubizzle. 

    The market is tough at the minute. I’ve been searching for a new job for the last 3 months and I’ve been getting offers but most of them have been stupid offers. Last offer I had was 4K per month to manage a garage. 2 years ago that would have been a 15k minimum job. There are so many new people coming to Dubai looking for jobs and offering to do the work for a quarter of the price, so the older more experienced people are getting pushed out. 

    Racism is a big issue too. When you read the ads you see, European only, kabayan only, Indian only, Pakistani only. Illegal, but nothing is ever done about it. A lot of people get hired because of the colour of their skin, wether they can do the job or not. When I first came to UAE I had a hard time getting a job as a mechanic. People would always tell me white people cant be mechanics. Of course they can, I’m from a white country, all the mechanics are white, but here people looked at me like some sort of novelty because only brown people can be mechanics here.

    Then you’ve got wasta and nepotism. People will hire people they know, just because they know them. It doesn’t matter if they can do the job.

    You really need to do something to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Have something nobody else has and make yourself noticeable. I used to have people sending me CVs every day. Most of them went straight in the bin. But, a good CV will stand out and be noticed. Change your CV around and make it applicable to the job you are applying for. Don’t just make one generic CV and send it to everyone. Changing a few sentences here and there can make it seem like you’re really interested in that particular job and make you stand out. You need to sell yourself. It’s not the employers job to make you shine, it’s yours.

    I won’t lie to you and say the job market here is awesome, because it isn’t. Finding a job takes persistence and hard work. When you’re working you work 8 hours a day, maybe more. When you’re not working, that’s 8 hours a day you should be spending looking for work. 

    The most important thing is don’t give up hope. Keep searching. If you try hard enough, you will get there in the end. It will take time but you will get there. Stay positive, keep applying. Print your CVs and go and visit companies in your industry. You can always sell yourself better personally than you can from an email.

    Good luck

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  5. It’s not recommended but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do if it gets you out of trouble.

    My car is leaking oil from everywhere oil can leak from and I just top it up every week with whatever half empty jar is closest. I think there’s even some motorcycle oil in the engine now. But, I’m scrapping the car in a couple of months so I don’t care any more. Wouldn’t do it on a car I’m planning to keep though. Take from that what you will. 

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  6. @desertdude there’s nothing hypocritical about it. Try before you buy, no? Would you splash 15 dhs on an album of a random band you have never heard? 

    In the old days, people used to buy albums based on what they hear on terrestrial radio. Now in the days of internet radio, the whole world of music is opened up. 

    I am happy I can click on a random internet radio station and hear a new band. If they are good I’ll buy the album. If they are shit, why should I support them?

    i have no problem paying for good music but I’m not going to pay to listen to shitty metalcore bands screaming indistinguishable lyrics with guitars tuned so low that you can’t differentiate between notes. 

    This is your problem, not mine

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  7. I need to send one of my guys to get his driving licence so I’m trying to choose a school. Company will be paying but I still want to get value for money. When I read the google reviews of the schools I think it would be easier just to let him drive around without a licence and pay the fines when he gets caught. (JK LOL)

    Obviously a lot of people fail because they just can’t drive and want to blame everyone but themselves so they leave bad reviews. And people like to complain by nature and leave bad reviews when they’re unhappy, people rarely leave good reviews when they’re happy. 

    So im looking for some real world reviews of driving schools. Where did you do your licence? How many times did you do it? Do you feel anyone failed you unfairly? 

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  8. Nope. 

    I never understood the whole paying to stream music thing. Just download your music and listen to it and save your data. If you’re into streaming, you can download apps like tunein for free. 

    Why pay when you can get it free? 

    I listen to a lot of obscure internet radio stations and it’s a good way to find new music. If I hear something I like I’ll download it. If I really like it I’ll buy the cd to support the artist. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Frederic said:

    Brilliant, but sad at the same time to see how some humans can’t find the decency and respect. We’ve all become paparazzi on our way to the next thrilling experience.

    Social media. The cancer on humanity. People seem to lose their morals for a few likes and some internet points that they can never spend. 

    I have some good stories about the German police but they aren’t for a family friendly forum. Maybe on the next drive 😂

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  10. 7 hours ago, Sidshk said:

    No Its not sticky and doesn't have  Pungent smell , its just changed color 

    Brownish like Mountain Dew color  

    Mountain Dew is yellowish green. Where are you buying your dew? 🤔

    Its not a big issue, don’t worry so much about it. Buy a couple of bottles of coolant flush, it’s 15 dhs a bottle max and run it in the system for a day. Then flush it all out with water. Always flush from the bottom to the top, that way all the crap with float out the top. If you flush top to bottom, the water will find the easiest way out and only half the engine will get flushed so it’s 2 steps forward 2 steps back. 

    In pajero you need to use a glycol based coolant, at least 50% glycol. Anything else and you will end up with the same brown coolant. But a proper flush is imperative. 

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  11. 41 minutes ago, Gaurav said:

    1.5 Billion happy and 1 unhappy passenger :-)



    We all love UAE and are happy for the opportunity to earn tax free cash but there is no denying the metro needs some proper enforcement. 

    Some people here don’t realise the opportunities they have. Treat your fellow travelers with respect. No offence to my Indian friends but you don’t have to climb on the roof of the train to get where you are going. Metro trains run every 3 minutes. Wait. You will get to where you need to go. 

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  12. Following on from the school run thread, @Frederic made a good point. 

    The small car is expected to make way for the big car. 

    This is one thing I hate. I get sick of people tailgating me and flashing their lights every day, no matter what lane I’m in. 

    I drive a fiesta. It’s a small car but it has a modified engine twice as large as the standard car and probably more horsepower than the guy who dreams of owning a land cruiser but could only afford a prado. My brakes are also modified. Nothing gives me more pleasure than brake checking the guy behind with the flashing headlights then accelerating away faster than he can only dream to. 

    If you tailgate smaller cars, you are a loser. No ifs, no ands, no buts. The real reason is you are trying to compensate because you have a small p****. 

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  13. Wifey always asks me, just pull in here and put your flashers on it’s fine, I’ll just get the food and come out. I always have to remind her it wasn’t fine last time I did and got fined 500 dhs for parking offences. Just because everyone else seems to get away with it doesn’t mean you will. Murphy’s law. 

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