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Everything posted by Frederic

  1. Dear @sachin suvarna you’ve signed up under the manage tab in this drive. Are you joining this drive? If so I will put you in the going list.
  2. Welcome to the club @SUNIL KUMAR ! Below posts should get you in the right direction: You can consider following shops: - ACE, AdventureHQ, Speedex, DragonMart, and some typical offroading shops.
  3. If your hoses and cable are long enough, try to put the compressor on your seat. There will be less risk of dust getting inside and it will run cooler as well.
  4. General Info This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions 2.0 MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: Ban Post TWO WAY RADIO GUIDELINES Every Off-roader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. SUGGESTED READING: Carnity Two Way Radio Frequencies Drive Details Level: Newbie and Above (All Levels) When: 18June 2021, Friday Meeting time: 8.30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: Mahafiz Pylon Track: https://goo.gl/maps/15oiBtFUPBxsvZKm7 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm, willingness to learn and your own compressor for tire inflation. Approximate finish time: midnight Limited Spots Available: Limited to 12 cars only. RSVP will close on Friday - 9 AM. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON BELOW CALENDAR
  5. DRIVE REPORT We all know Sweihan has potential, and lots of it. When I found this area and its coordinates a few weeks back, and came to know later on @Asif Hussain had done something similar earlier this year, we got in touch and and we prepared to start from the Khatim side and make our way to Sweihan and pass through the magnificent tall dunes and bowls. The first part of the track, that looked quite nice on my satellite images, ended to be a more technical track with lots of vegetation to my surprise, which meant we had to keep the pace a bit lower. I personally love technical terrain and if this was to be crossed to reach walhalla, so be it ! I was meeting many of the AD guys for the first time. I remember @Srikumar telling me you were a group of dedicated and committed off-roaders that look after each other, and I was glad to see your camaraderie amongst each-other and how well you all worked together during each event. It made the drive absolutely fantastic and more than the terrain it's all about sharing these experiences with like-minded people. Upon reaching the first big bowl, called the 360 bowl, @Asif Hussain showed us the ropes and the whole convoy made several fantastic attempts at conquering this monster. We all had great fun and spent a lot of time there. During that time we received a call of a situation nearby with our Newbie convoy, where a car had rolled over. After we fixed @Mus_hus78 his pop-out, we quickly exited with the convoy as it was getting too hot to continue and we wanted to meet up with the seniors on the other side of the road to see where we could be of any help. @Ruan van den Heever and @Mus_hus78 offered their help to join us and together we headed to the other side of the road. We were able to successfully get the vehicle out and I wanted to thank you guys for offering your help ! Thanks to a great convoy, a super support in @Asif Hussain and @Srikumar, we had a blissful morning under the Sweihan sun. We were eager to head to the other bowls, but will keep that for a "Sweihan Switcheroo Part 2" drive soon See you soon in the sand again !
  6. Well done @AmithJeep to keep a cool head throughout the incident and to drive it back out together with us. I am glad that you were in the hands of two of the most amazing senior members of our club that has handled this event perfectly and accepted our help that allowed us to combine forces. As @Wrangeld mentioned we always do our utmost best with the entire team to minimize damage and support where we can. I hope the shattered glass won’t mean shattered dreams of picking up this hobby again. This has been a learning process that many of our sooner or later have to go through. In your case today it was sooner but I have no doubt you’ll come back stronger.
  7. UPDATE: If you are coming from Dubai we suggest to put this meeting point in your GPS: ADNOC Service Station | Al Khatam (975) 800 300 https://goo.gl/maps/YEXo1DLjHpWFqpet6 this will recalculate and ensure you are coming from the Left side (E11) It seems the right side (from Sweihan) takes us through a private compound road which cannot be used. @Werno @Anoop Nair THE ORIGINAL MEETING POINT REMAINS THE SAME: Desert Rose Safari Meeting Point https://goo.gl/maps/HeuxaRo8zKJvVKYG6
  8. @Werno @Anoop Nair be aware that from Dubai E611 there are no petrol stations until you reach Sweihan, so better fill up this evening and then top up at ADNOC Sweihan
  9. As we are preparing and looking forward to tomorrows' drive, let me start with the draft convoy setup: 1) Frederic - Pajero SWB Blue - Crew @Frederic 2) Mustafa - Pajero LWB - Fewbie+ @Mus_hus78 3) Anoop - Jeep Wrangler - Fewbie @Anoop Nair 4) Karthikeyan - Toyota Landcruiser - Fewbie @Karthikeyan Govindarajan 5) Zed - Toyota Landcruiser - Fewbie @Zed 6) Xavier - Nissan Xterra - Fewbie+ @Xavier Treasurer 7) Hasan - Toyota Landcruiser - Fewbie @Hasan Wahlan 8 ) Werno - Jeep Wrangler - Fewbie+ @Werno 9) Ruan - Jeep Wrangler - Fewbie @Ruan van den Heever 10) Farouq - Jeep Grand Cherokee - Fewbie @Farouq Owdeh 11) Asif - Nissan Xterra - Marshal - @Asif Hussain 12) Srikumar - Ancient XJ - Crew @Srikumar We will be using Channel 2 (446.03125 Mhz). @Anoop Nair @Werno as you are coming from Dubai, make sure you get the PCR results and the Al Hosn App that shows you have been tested in the last 48 hours. (it will indicate "PCR negative for 0 days, 1 day, or 2 days, based on when you got the result). 2 days validity is the maximum. The plan is to explore the area and stretch our legs a bit. Some of you are having quite some Fewbie or even Fewbie+ drives under their belt already, while others will be on their first Fewbie drive. Let's all look out for each other and help each other where needed. The emphasis is always on safety and having a great morning out. Please do a double-check on your vehicle as well (fluids, filters, battery) as this is a more remote area and we want to avoid having to recover vehicles over a long distance towards the road. I will have the fantastic support of @Asif Hussain who has done this area earlier this year. See you guys tomorrow morning at 04:30. I know it's early (especially for us Dubai folks) but we will make it totally worth it !
  10. Thanks @Niki @Thomas Varghese and @sertac for the quick help ! It's a Canon 3000, which came out in 1999 and luckily due to the fact it's a EOS model with EF mount, i can use my existing lenses which i have already: - 14mm f2.8 Samyang - 24-105mm f4 Canon L series with I.O.S - 50mm f1.8 Canon Nifty Fifty - 28-105mm f3.5-4.5 Canon Ultrasonic and a few others. I would mainly use the 50mm f1.8 due to its versatility and the fact i like the 50mm for candid photography. Secondly the 24-105mm L series Canon might be a good walkaround lens as well but is having a slower aperture. Thanks @sertac for the info on the analog group, i will definitely look into that, but want to practice a bit first with different types of films (ordered some Ilford HP5 Plus and Ilford Delta 3200 film today). As my main purpose is to shoot in low-light conditions in late evening, i will need to find out which film works best ( and get into the whole push-pull theory a bit). Thanks guys !
  11. I recently got an old Canon 35mm film camera from a colleague who was planning to throw it in the ban. It sparked the interest to get some film rolls again and head out to the streets. I am particularly interested in monochrome street photography, but can't seem to find B&W film rolls anymore. Even Amazon only seems to have some generic Kodak colour film. @sertac and other analogue guys, any idea where to buy some Kodak T-Max or Tri-X ? I remember long time back shooting in color, scanning it, and reverting it to monochrome on the PC, but this process loses a lot of the original quality and contrast.
  12. Congrats @Werno ! Get ready for some Sweihan Sweets coming Friday !
  13. Very good topic. The reason why we generally ask the people to disable their airbags is related to the side airbags, which are connected to yaw sensors and have the tendency to trigger and go off during criss-crossing. Mind you that this is mainly on the modern cars, your Patrol (which might have only frontal airbags) will not have issues with this hence you can keep them activated and i agree they are there to protect you in case of a serious frontal impact. Traction control is a similar thing; again on modern cars it's a must to switch it off or the car will be constantly cutting the power. Long story short: You drive a Patrol which has little to no electronic gizmo's and full available power at all times. Consider yourself lucky !
  14. Same here, lost a large sum of money last November in a matter of 15-20 seconds from the debit account (fraudulent bank transfers). No OTP ... nothing, it just was swiped off our acount. Bank blocked all our cards immediately but it took 5 months to get the money back.
  15. I found this online for a 2008 model: Looks to be behind the glove compartment.
  16. We faced the same on our 2008 Pajero that has no cabin filter (although there is a provision). After installing one we noticed significant improvement.
  17. If you make sure the pads are clean and your car is clean when installing, there will be no scratches. Removing them is also easy if you push sideways they will come loose. You can wire everything up and bring it to your engine bay, and use a quick connector plug:
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