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Everything posted by Frederic

  1. Reality is a Tesla, like most electric cars, is over 500% *less* likely to catch fire than combustion engine cars, which carry massive amounts of highly flammable fuel.... Statement by Elon Musk... But yes i agree that a car, not involved in any accident, should not go and ignite by itself due to shortcircuit of Li-Ion batteries or any other reason. The other issue is that it is extremely difficult to extinguish fires for electrical batteries.
  2. Shamil got stuck on that slope. After a little while his Check Engine light was coming on like he had in the past. We had to disconnect the battery for a little while. Some friendly locals were around and came to offer a hand.
  3. True but the integrity remains. There have been lots of discussions going on about this particular event. It seems that even most bulletproof windows, like the ones being used on high-speed trains can break in a similar way, but the window remains intact.
  4. Wow cool stuff ! Makes me think of Mad Max design type of cars. It even comes with LED light bars on the top. Impressive range, game-changing design... will be looking forward to seeing these in the UAE !
  5. TRIP REPORT With the knowledge of having some rain that passed over UAE the last couple of days, I was a bit worried of how the FAQA area would be upon arrival. I had been making some contingency plans but in any case not one involved heading back home @Shamil and @Emmanuel were both well on time and we were all looking forward to a beautiful morning. @Javier M was probably still snoozing in his little nest. We missed you buddy. After dipping our toes in the sand it confirmed that the sand in that area was very compacted so we decided to deflate to 12-13 psi instead of the regular 10psi. After a quick chat we headed into the dunes and started exploring the area. We kept a steady pace and all managed well. At one point I attacked a small dune from the front but found a nasty pocket on the other side, that surely woke me up. Thanks to @Emmanuel for quickly reacting on the radio and notifying @Shamil to not do the same thing. A bit later we came across some old farm fences with barbwire still exposed and laying in the sand. Rerouted a little bit by heading deeper southwards into the dunes. Definitely an area to be careful with during night drives. 24.70738, 55.53992 Because the convoy was so small and we made quick progress, after a quick break and a smoke we decided to leave Faqa and start heading north direction Maktoum Solar Park. I've been there camping before and Emmanuel spotted some nice dunes up ahead. So suddenly this became an exploration drive. Having spotted a group of cars parked on the plain sands we noticed these were falcon trainers. After seeing the "creamy" dunes as Emmanuel called them, we entered and enjoyed the medium sized dunes with odd formations, but some areas became muddy holes at one point and soon @Shamil found himself stuck a few times. We met some friendly locals that also got stuck at some point with their Super Safari. But all was quickly resolved and the shovel saved us a few times that day. We will definitely be coming back to this area, which we now called "Little Sweihan" 24.67943, 55.36813 Throughout the morning we had a nice combination of side-sloping, ridge crossing, and attacking dunes of different shapes and formations. @Shamil you drove good, but keep working on getting that confidence level up. Around noon, we reached the Solar Park Tower. A great spot to inflate and have a chit-chat before heading back home via Al Qudra. 24.76008, 55.35989 For a first official lead drive, I found myself thoroughly enjoying, and the small convoy gave us the possibilities to explore new grounds. Thanks guys for joining, I truly enjoyed it and hope you did too !
  6. Not really a fan of those things for the following reasons: 1) Haven’t seen them in floorjack model, which is the only model that works on unstable ground. The first model you displayed is a bottle jack model, which might sometimes work, but maybe only in 40% of the cases. 2) They are rather fast, and that’s wat you don’t want during lifting a 4x4. You want to be able to slowly position it in place, and then gently lift up the car. The hydraulic floor jack is much better for that. Like Emmanuel pointed out, shoveling is far more intensive than lifting a car. Maybe consider buying an electric shovel ? 😂😉
  7. I did not notice it during that time. But then again, maybe you are right. I will also check the manifold heatshield.
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