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Foxtrot Oscar

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Everything posted by Foxtrot Oscar

  1. Buy it from Amazon or wherever and get them to install it. Although they sell all the popular ones so perhaps could give advice on the best set up for you
  2. Hey welcome aboard , and nice car. I used a very decent professional workshop to install a head unit in Umm Ramol. a couple of other people I know have since used them and are v happy
  3. That's very kind of you to say so, but the credit is all yours.. I know you had doubts with what I suggested, but it didn't deter you, you listened and gave it a go. It was great to see it work, Well done again. Also thank you for the honesty, I've left drives when I've not been 100%, It is absolutely the best policy, we need to make sure that it's not just our cars that are desert fit. It can lead to all sorts of issues. Looking forward to seeing you out there again soon
  4. Drive Report We started off in the low dunes in Nazwa and practiced our angles, ridge riding, crossing and criss cross maneuvers. It’s always nice to start with a warm up and get into desert driving mode. Everyone was handling the challenges but as we began to motor @Lucky sAmreported an issue with his car, we had a look and there was nothing easily identifiable therefore in order not to risk any damage to his car I exited him to the nearest road. Not long before @asifk also noted that his car was overheating, @asifk applied the water spray to the transmission cooler and had his heat on full and was ready to drive again. We had one challenging low ridge ride and cross over to navigate which presented some issues for @Matt.T but a quick self recovery and @Matt.T was back on it. Well done, nice recovery. @asifk also got stuck on the same ridge, and again managed to self recovery even with one wheel in the air. Great recovery from you there Asif. As we headed towards Pink Rock , we continued to play in the smaller dunes readying ourselves for the bigger challenges that lay ahead. @Arman was next to report an issue, it seems his front right bush had gone, given the terrain we were going to encounter we thought it best to exit @Arman to prevent damage to the front springs. I took him to the nearest road which was at the 2nd of December Café, at this point @asifkhad decided it was also best to exit his car from the drive. Three down and we hadn’t even gotten into fully yet. We made our way to Pink Rock and as we did so the dunes and bowls became more challenging, having already assessed our Fewbie drivers’ skills on the lower dunes I was sure they wouldn’t have any issues, and they didn’t let me down, sweeping in and around those bowls with aplomb. Great work. I asked if the convoy wanted to climb Pink Rock with it’s scarred sands and hidden speed bumps and they did. I checked the terrain and finally, on the third attempt. found the best approach which would have minimal impact from cross tracks and bumps, but not after my car had taken a bit of a hit. Haha Told you I’d take the hits for you 😉 All drive leads do. @Ahab Shamaa showed the way and the convoy followed his path to the top of Pink Rock. Once they had all finished flexing their respective cars' muscles I decided to cross over and head through cowboy country, I was looking for Apaches and John Wayne as we went through. I can’t recall who said it was more Mad Max than Fistful of Dollars, but @Shehab Alawadhisaid it was more likely to be Mahmoud Max…🤣.It was certainly The Good, The Bad and The Ugly hee hee. We passed Pink Rock and went onto another play area, with a labyrinth of bowls and ridges which we all swept around with ease as we continued towards our final destination. I asked the convoy , as I always do, if they were happy with the pace, if they felt they could be challenged more. The call came to be challenged more so I did. The pace was raised a little and we enjoyed sweeping around all the wonderful dunes like a helter skelter ride . We had a couple of refusals but nothing major. With the convoy coping so admirably I kept going and we arrived at the back of Big Red, I asked for total concentration from everyone as the back of Big Red has some nasty surprises. The convoy didn’t disappoint, and we made it to the top at around 6:10pm. We weren’t alone, we had a couple in love who had red roses all around them declaring their love for each other. Or was it a photoshoot? Whatever it was I was sure they didn’t want Carnity invading them. We headed down, only after I had gone back up twice to see if there were any issues, and when we had finally gotten all back together, we went up and over and down the other side. Again the convoy was asked if they wanted to head back in and see the sunset away from the romantic scene. We tried, but it was all proving too much for @Paul Zeitoun son and with what seemed like a total breakdown in comms and convoy discipline I decided to end the drive before we had some more issues. @Matt.T you had a great drive, I know I pushed you, but you handled absolutely everything . Your self recovery too, no issues. Great to have you in the convoy. @Shehab Alawadhi, I don’t think you had a single issue the entire day and were big enough to admit when you hadn’t executed a cross correctly. Always a pleasure to have you with me on a drive and I am pleased your lady enjoyed it too. I hope to see her soon …buy her a wrangler haha Likewise @Paul Zeitoun, first time I’d driven with you, I was impressed with how you handle the Ram, great driving, great fun too. Now that I’ve seen you drive that thing, I am sticking you at the back of the convoy. @varunmehndiratta I know it wasn’t easy being behind the behemoth dune wreckers but you handled it all with aplomb, great drive. Well done too @Ashok chaturvedi, enjoy your holiday. Finally, a mega big thanks to @Ahab Shamaa who executed the second lead perfectly, honestly love having you at my back. I know you’ll reroute and keep the convoy safe. Thank you for getting the winch out when it was needed. It was a difficult scenario. @AlexPol I wanted you involved in recoveries like you had asked , but they all drove so well haha. You too had a great drive. Well done. @Islam Soliman thank you for sweeping everything at the back. I volunteer my time to lead people on drives because I genuinely love it. It's not just the driving itself and passing on knowledge. but driving with you guys. It’s great to have such a responsive and committed convoy. Thank you. I had tremendous fun today,
  5. Hi @Lawrence_Chehimi you need 5 fewbie drives to be eligible for Fewbie + I’m sure you’ll get on one soon 😊
  6. Good evening fellow adventurers, I'm very much looking forward to heading back into Badayer's red sands. This drive is a perfect training ground for fewbie plus. It has climbs, and bowls with swirling pockets so you will be testing your skills to the max. It's Saturday afternoon, it's fun time, be sure to bring your A game We will be using radio channel 3 (three) My proposed convoy is as follows: Driver Car Level Position Angela @Foxtrot Oscar Black X Expert Lead @Ahab Shamaa White FJ IM 2nd lead @Arman Silver Wrangler Fewbie 3rd @Matt.T White Wrangler Fewbie 4th @Lucky sAm Patrol Fewbie 5th @AlexPol Grey Wrangler IM CF @Paul Zeitoun Dodge Ram Fewbie 7th @Shehab Alawadhi F150 Fewbie 8th @varunmehndiratta Blue Wrangler IM 9th @asifk Pajero IM 10th @GauravSoni@Ashok chaturvedi Yellow FJ IM 11th @Islam Soliman Yukon Adv Sweep
  7. You're the only one on the waitlist now. I am about to post the convoy so if anyone drops out you are in, Glad all is well at home and sorry you had to miss the drive
  8. Drive Report I told you it would be tricky. Faqa’s alluring beauty , so enticing, so thrilling and so fraught with hidden dangers. I started off slowly, allowing everyone to wake from their morning slumber as I’m sure we were all still in shock from our alarms going off at an ungodly hour. I know I was. The slopes were steep but we managed to get along the side of them with no issues, we did some crossovers and made our way further into the sand. @Abu Muhammad had a nice moment to rest on the crest when @Mohamed Seidam and @Francois Germishuys got the shovels, out, and then finally a tug as the conditions weren’t perfect enough for the car’s gizmos to kick in. There were a few more refusals as everyone became acclimatized to the challenge Faqa presents. I heard someone sarcastically comment re making the drive more difficult,I think we all laughed at that. Faqa is all the proof you need that IM drives are not all about the big bowl thrills. We continued our journey riding on small ridges as they beckoned us towards them and traversing the dunes as we do. @Rizwan Waheed had some issues on one dune, couldn’t get on top of it to cross over, so we gave him a tug and he deflated a bit more and then we continues to Faqa’s much less ventured other side. Having reached the pristine virgin dunes that run along the Al Ain border there was nothing for us to do but flatten those wonderful ridges with our bash plates. They’re high, there’s a steep slip face on the other side, you require nerves of steel, and complete control of your vehicle to stay on top of them but stay on top we did. One after another after another after another. We sliced tracks through the area at a good pace and only had a few more refusals and one stuck. Well done all, we made it out on time, although I am always tempted to keep driving haha. @Rizwan Waheed, just need to push that Pajero a little more and get better control on side slopes. @Rizwanm2, I think you only had a couple of refusals, well done. @Abu Muhammad, you only had a couple of issues too, nice driving! @Francois Germishuys you didn’t have any, sorry about the choking seatbelt haha , a different kind of challenge for you today. Many thanks to @siddharth maheshwari for executing a perfect second lead, following my instructions and having a good drive and also for pulling me out when I was headed into a pocket. You did well on that recovery. Ask to be more involved with them on your next drives to ensure you keep learning and practicing. Also to @Mohamed Seidam for his role as CF and helping with refusals and stucks. Thank you for indulging the teacher in me and ensuring everyone was involved in their own recoveries which allows learning to take place. I can guarantee you that on my drives I’ll never get into your car to drive you out of trouble , instead I will pass on the knowledge and skills so that you can do it for yourself. We covered 68km in 4hrs 3mins with a moving time of 3hrs10mins. Well done you!!! Until our next adventure 😊
  9. Thank you for the wonderful drive this evening/night @Chaitanya D. I'm really looking forward more night drives with you Nice to see some new faces, some familiar faces and some who have returned after a sabbatical. 🙂
  10. Good evening fellow adventurers, apologies for the delay but I was driving in the desert (quelle suprise) Faqa....LOVE IT! Let's get on this tomorrow. We will have slopes, ridges, bowls, trees, you name it, Faqa has it. Now the plan is to loop around and come back the other side of Faqa which is free of tracks and has almost virgin dunes. However, we'll see how it goes and what the Sand Gods throw our way. What I need from you is , patience, we have some new IMs with us. Good humour, what's the point if it's not fun? Felxibility, we aim to finish at 10, where we finish is another matter. And most importantly your wits, don't leave that at home as this area has lots of hidden depths that can land us in bother. We shall be using Radio Channel 3 (three) My proposed convoy is as follows: Driver Car Level Position Angela @Foxtrot Oscar Black X Expert Lead @Gregory Perkin Red Wrangler IM 2nd Lead @varunmehndiratta Blue Wrangler IM 3rd @siddharth maheshwari White Wrangler IM 4th @Rizwan Waheed LWB Pajero IM 5th @Mohamed Seidam White X IM CF @Rizwanm2 White X IM 7th @Shaaz Sha Red X IM 8th @Ashok chaturvedi Yellow FJ IM 9th @Abu Muhammad White Sequnda IM 10th @Francois Germishuys Red F150 IM Sweep See you all tomorrow
  11. I was just wondering where you had been the other day @Goutam . Sorry you're not able to make the drive, hopefully I will drive with you again someday soon
  12. FJs don’t actually get stuck; they just park themselves for a short while 🤣 love it! I still think we should have gatecrashed that BBQ, the smell of charcoal burning in the night air is one of life's simple pleasures. Maybe next week I'll do a night drive again I thoroughly enjoy it too
  13. Yes, they were nice guys and were offering to help . they wee with us as we inflated and asked if they could join ‘my club’ 😅 they have the Carnity details now , so hopefully we’ll see them again
  14. Drive Report Tuesdays are all about breaking the hump of the working week by getting out into the sand and letting off some steam. We covered just under 69km in 4.5 hours We had a very experienced convoy for a Fewbie Level drive and all that expertise didn’t go to waste. I had decided it was time to pass the baton of responsibility to our Fewbie driver who is very keen to learn the ropes. Under the instruction of @Craig Finlayson and my watchful eye @Shehab Alawadhi was ready to get his gear out. Thankfully as we were negotiating the technical patch the opportunity presented itself as @Thomas Varghese got stuck. @Shehab Alawadhihandled the recovery very well. We headed out of the technical patch and into the wide-open long-range dunes we had lots of opportunity to side slope and cross some ridges. This didn’t present anyone with any issues and the fewbies at the front of the convoy were all handling their vehicles very well. I think we were about 1 hour into the drive when @Thomas Varghese had some severe overheating issues. We brought the temperature of the car down by spraying cold water on the transmission cooler and turning the heating on full blast to take the heat out of the engine. When the digital reader was at 92o it was safe to start moving the car again however for Thomas that was the end of the desert drive. The car had shot up to 110o by the time we reached the track. I do hope the repair is economical Thomas, , its such a shame you had overheating issues as you were having a good drive No sooner had we started motoring again when @GauravSoni car started to have some issues, well an unfamiliar sound, It was better to exit the car then and there as opposed to risking damage so off we headed back to the track. We headed back into the long range dunes, as we did so we were lucky enough to see the local training their falcons, I couldn’t hide my excitement when I saw the drone with ‘prey’ attached and the young bird swoop in to grab it with its mighty talons. What a treat that was! Once more to the fore we headed back in again and had a good time continuing with or side sloping and getting atop some ridges. I was keeping a watchful eye on our two remaining Fewbies and both were coping admirably. Then a call came for me to add some spice. I checked with the convoy and it was agreed everyone wanted to get into it more. Huzzah! I’m always up for that! I upped the pace as we headed nearer to Solar Park and we had some great dunes to tackle en route to the Sabka With light fading and being nowhere near our proposed end point I asked the convoy what they wanted to do and if they were up for a little night driving, My question was met with a resounding yes, @Ashok chaturvedi wanted to flash his new lights and @Ahab Shamaa lit up the skies with his trillion luminer set up. We slowed the pace but still tackled some good dunes. Night drives are thrilling without the need for speed ! As I made my way into another dune I caught sight of a cluster of rocks, it was unfortunate that I had just asked everyone to stay close as in the very same breath I asked for no one to follow, it was too late for @Veedooshee and @Lawrence_Chehimi. and it led to @Veedooshee being stuck on the side. I tried digging but the sand was so soft and deep that it became a thankless task. Given the angle and the precarious positioning of the rocks I asked Shehab to step aside and allow @Craig Finlayson to recover @Veedoosheewith the rope, three gentle tugs and she was out . That was the signal to end our night adventure. @Lawrence_Chehimi you handle your car very well, I don’t recall you having any refusals, you had great control for the ridge riding and crossover. You coped extremely well when I raised the level on what was only your 2nd fewbie drive Likewise @Shehab Alawadhi, you too had a great drive and I was pleased to see you learning how to recover, , I was delighted to be able to give you the learning opportunity and to see you develop as a driver since our first drive together back in Faqa. I know some of the tight dunes can be difficult, but you handle them well for the most part and you are adding self-recovery to your repertoire. Every drive is a learning opportunity and it doesn’t matter if you are a newbie, fewbie , IM , advanced or expert. Every time we head into the sand we learn. @Melenanyand @Hisham Masaad- I could heat Islam providing help when you had some refusals. I know its tough at the back of a convoy as the sand gets churned. Use stucks and refusals as learning opportunities to develop your self-recovery skills. You will get a better understanding of your car and how it handles in various situations we find yourself in with the sand if you try to get out on your own. ‘Tell me and I forget; Teach me and I may remember; Involve me and I learn.’ Benjamin Franklin. @Ahab Shamaa, it was great to drive with you again, Thanks for keeping an eye on the cars in front and highlighting fishtailing. We all know the dangers of that. I appreciated that. Another flawless drive from you too. @Ashok chaturvedi – a great drive from you, well done. Many thanks to @Veedoosheefor being my 2nd lead, to @Craig Finlayson for anchoring the convoy and helping guide @Shehab Alawadhi, and of course to @Islam Soliman for sweeping up everything at the back. Until our next adventure.
  15. Good morning all, Due to the cancelation of @Luca Palanca Falsini's Extreme Drive we have decided to split this drive into two convoys in order to accommodate those drivers who had signed up for the Extreme Drive. As such I have increased the RSVP limit to 20. The RSVP will close on Thursday pm as per usual and convoy numbering etc announced shortly thereafter.
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