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Aaqil Sheikh

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Posts posted by Aaqil Sheikh

  1. I have the same issue with my mini and it’s cause the lock mechanism is at an angle from inside the door. It’s funny the way I found the issue and found the solution for it. Plus in a way I know the trick and it clearly makes my mini only under my control. No1else would take it....🤓

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  2. As for your own DIY process, Dishwashing soap works the best. Try it out yourself on a Glass of drinking water to test it out. What ever you use on it and it gives you that clean glass feeling with your eyes closed and makes the squeaky sound. That’s the one you want to have to mix it with the water in the windshield washer tank.

    When you go to buy the solution of the shelf, usually they are just glass cleaners which are diluted with water and put into bottles for you to pickup, pour and use. 

    And if your cleaning your windshield from inside and it has that oily reflective white Smokey residue which is very Annoying at night. It doesn’t give you a good viewing vision every time a light hits from the opposite direction. This usually is found in car that are of regular smokers, just make sure you use few plys from the kitchen roll instead of newspaper reason being that the ink from the newspaper won’t stick back onto your windshield. Yes the newspaper does the job and you keep cleaning it regularly in a couple of days or once a week. But with the kitchen roll it’s made to absorb the oils and has not ink coming off it. So you tend to have a clean sparkly windshield like those commercial advertisements 😝. AS SHOWN ON TV.

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  3. @Chirag S. You could take the car to a known denting/painting guy who will check through the car body works and give you more clarity on the body works and chassis. Painted or not he could definitely advise on it. Majority of the time it’s a worry of chassis been damaged or reworked on.

    For the engine, transmission, bushes (approx life), mounts (approx life), shock leakages or any sort of gasket leaks or gasket been worn out. Go to your trusted workshop mechanic. As long as the engine and transmission is 👍🏻 then other issues seem like a small fix.

    Lastly if you want to get a computer check done even that’s would help understand any sensor issues or electrical issues in the vehicle. Some cars malfunction due to some sensors like oxygen sensor or mass airflow sensor or some spark plug coils.

    If the seller wouldn’t want to let go of a potential buyer then they would be patient enough for you to check the car in such manner before taking a call on if or not to buy that car. All told it’s an hours work to get it check at the workshop.

    Best of Luck

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