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Posts posted by Jefy

  1. 7 minutes ago, Javier M said:

    Baofengs are cheap I'll give them that, but they also sound cheap. If you are on the other side of the radio you can know who is using a baofeng because you cant understand what they are saying.

    Also agree, that was the reason why I went to the motorola mt7777, not a real motorola btw, but sound quality is a bit better than the Baofeng.

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  2. 45 minutes ago, Gaurav said:

    To be honest from little research and quick look online, they dont look too different as in offroad tires tread pattern and rubber quality plays a huge role.

    Based on G012 insanely awesome experience from 7 years of offroad, I still suggest to try G015 as they look pretty much same.

    If anyone who have used both, can shed more light and correct me if I'm wrong.

    Because there is so little information about them, I was hesitating to go for them. Most probably a good tire anyway! 

    If you have used both, please share! 😊

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Gaurav said:

    On Fridays

    At the moment yes, but I have a feeling that in the future this might change. 
    When the club grows and has more marshalers/ experienced people and volunteers to lead a convoy on another day of the week.....

    I bet my money on that this will happen.

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  4. Just now, Frederic said:

    Correct i was in DM earlier this week and saw a banner that showed them at 75AED per piece. The Kenwood TK-UV3 is indeed mostprobably a chinese knockoff. That's why i am more inclined to go for Baofeng due to the amount of information, tutorials, and accesories available.

    Agree with you.


    Has anyone tried a different antenna for the baofengs? 

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  5. There seems to be a promo for the Baofengs at DG for 70 aed per piece. They only had a few available (100)

    I have been in China 3 months ago, talked with a shop owner in one of those underground markets, I could get the UV-5R for 100 Yuan per piece,  not bulk price, “retail”. Thats 52 aed.

    In my opinion, you shouldn’t pay more then 100 aed for them. Also without promotion they are offering them for around 100 aed at DG.

    Regarding the Kenwood TK-UV3, if it was a real Kenwood, I would definitely go for the Kenwood, but I am almost sure that they are copies with just the Kenwood labels. Same like the Motorola’s.


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  6. Checking my tools if everything is complete, I thought, lets check the lug wrench that came with the car.

    Just to make myself ready if I get a day off.

    Is it not the correct size! Yes I changed the lugs to black ones, but I checked them with the previous ones, but they are the same size.

    Just heads up for other people. 😅


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  7. Nicely written Wrangled.

    Regarding the briefing and being on time.

    I am not one of the organizers, nor senior, I am like all of us an enthusiast that has a lot to learn.

    Carnity gives you the opportunity to join the club on a fewbie level. Organized by enthousiasts without sponsoring.

    It is a group with multi nationals, backgrounds, type of cars etc.

    Because of the amount and diversity of newbies, there has to be a standard to get everybody on the same line before starting the drive.

    It is a Necessity! Respect! Towards the group of Carnity to be on time and listen to the briefing. Also when you’ve heard the briefing multiple times.

    Yes, you might loose your concentration during the briefing, Especially in the early morning, (dreaming about your pillow and blanket in bed), if you would only pick up 5% what have been said/ discussed, we still achieved something, we learned you something new, or we confirmed what u already knew, so give you extra confidence.

    This is a team sport, lets show respect to each other and come on time, and take the effort to listen to the briefing.




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  8. On 2/21/2020 at 7:12 AM, desertdude said:

    99% of the shops don't even know how to install tyres properly on rims. 

    Those blue red lines you see on the tread of a new tyres and the red and yellow dots on the face are there for a reason. 

    Go ask any tyre shop what they mean and I bet they won't be able to answer

    What is the reason of those dots? Please enlighten me, because I don’t know.

  9. I want to buy some tools, where to go in the UAE?

    Quality: Between home and professional. One time buy, but not daily use.

    looking for the following:

    - Torque wrench (up to 200 Nm)

    - Jack stands, 6T

    - Grease gun

    - Floor jack, one for at home, one to carry with me (not too heavy) maybe one that suites both? 

    I’m thinking to go to Dragon Mart, sure I can find everything there, but would like to hear your advice/ opinions.



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  10. 1 hour ago, Gaurav said:

    Isn't that we all are using this naturally.....? Haven't seen anyone communicating on radio while doing sidey.....!

    Golden words, wish I can show this to those %$%#@$%$%^%^^$$^%&^&


    It all depends on the background, experience, character.

    What seems obvious for us, may not for somebody else. I think it might be addressed in a briefing for totally newbies. But keep it briefly 🙏🏻🤣.

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