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Ale Vallecchi

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Everything posted by Ale Vallecchi

  1. @RohanH yes I was pretty amazed. Have to say that perhaps 5/6 Km in total were on the flat, at the beginning and the end. And I planned to avoid all the technical areas (except two, where we got the stucks), to enjoy the open dunes as much as possible. I really tried to test the convoy with as many ridges and crossings as it was safe to do!! But everybody managed perfectly (even the less experienced drivers). I'll look for a more challanging drive next time, but I think most Fewbies are getting in the rythm of things now, and this is making it easier for the leaders. Hope to see you next time.
  2. Thank you @Rinelle Sanaani. You are improving every drive. See you soon. Thanks a lot @Febin Frederic. We had not driven much together, but I trusted you could handle your car, even if at the back, and you certainly did very well. Good job. Thank you @Najeeb Mohammed. You have improved a great deal, and can now take full advantage of the FJ's potential. Well done.
  3. Dear Carnity friends. I am sure all of you have safely reached home and are now enjoying the nice buzz from today’s ride. Thank you very much for taking part in this almost exploratory drive, in a lesser known part of Dubai’s desert. Here are the key words of today’s trip: Punctuality – I reached the meeting point at 4:04PM, and to my surprise I found already 3 drivers working on deflating their tires. With the last driver arriving at 4:25PM, we managed to leave in record time. Discovery – It was my second time in this area, and probably the first time for most of the drivers. We entered it after a short drive along the pylons (to avoid an extremely long came track hidden in the dunes), crossing a small technical area. The focus of the drive were the cordons of long-range dunes which make up most of this area, between Al Lisaili’s camel track and Solar Park. While we did encounter some bushes (which this year seem to resist the summer heat and drought like never before), we managed to drive mostly unhindered by vegetation, on surprisingly firm and hard sand. We also enjoyed great views, saw magnificent sandstone formations, and glimpsed at camels, gazelles and oryxes. Speed – The convoy managed to cover 72.9 Km in 3 hours and 17 minutes, at an average speed of 22 Km/h. So that casual readers may not think that we just drove on flat terrain, I should add that we climbed a total of 531 meters, having started from an altitude of 1 meter, reaching a maximum altitude of 97 meters. So we did quite a bit of ups and downs, with the climbing mostly done to criss-cross the long range dunes, and to ride their ridges. Smoothness – Considering the tricky technical dunes, with soft pockets of sand, at the beginning of the drive, and the novelty of the itinerary, where quite a bit of dune crossing is required, I had expected a few stuck and refusals, and planned accordingly, to reach Solar Park at sundown. Instead, apart for a stuck at the beginning, and one at the end by two unnamed drivers (as we say in Italy, mention the sin not the sinner), we proceeded so smoothly, with nobody experiencing any kind of problems, that after 1 hour of uninterrupted and silent driving I stopped to check that everybody’s radios were still on, and to enjoy a drink of water, which I had been unable to have due to the absolutely riveting drive. So, we ended up reaching Solar Park well before sundown, and decided to proceed through the lower part of Qudra, until we reached the exit point west of Qudra Parking Lot. I’d like to end the report mentioning the convoy order: @Kalahari as a precise and cool Second Lead, @Najeeb Mohammed in third, managing his FJ as well as I have ever seen him, @Chaitanya D following in fourth without batting an eye (commendable considering this was his second drive of the day) @Colin Jordan at Center Forward, whose task of practicing recoveries was denied, @Rinelle Sanaani and @Febin Fredericcompleting the Wrangler contingent, in complete control of their drive, @Mels Wolfsweeping an all too clean convoy, and, last but not least, our new Crew member @Srikumarsavoring his well deserved top rank in a relaxing Flying Sweep position. Thanks to all for another very enjoyable adventure, and see you soon out there.
  4. Thank you @Chaitanya D. Very nice to have had you in the drive. You are now in total control of your new car. Well done. Hope to see you next week.
  5. @Heisem it will depend on the FJ's year. Later models (at least since 2011) should have buttons to switch these features off. For the lateral airbags use the RSCT button: https://youtu.be/jd7tppopYcc For the ABS, if you don't have a button, you may disable them by detaching a cable, as shown in this link: https://youtu.be/ATjp85tWn-k The best option is to have a "kill switch" installed to disable the electronic features in the car. You should make sure the kill switch also disables the airbags, as it often doesn't, in which case you may have to install an "ad hoc" button. Enjoy the drive.
  6. Wonderful news @Srikumar. You are a true leader, never showing off, but always showing the way how to get better, and improve oneself. I feel honored to have you watching over my drive tomorrow. It will be yet another opportunity to learn from you. Congrats!!
  7. Of course. I was debating between burgundy and maroon, than decided just to go for unique 😊. I'll use your color descriptor of choice 😇
  8. Dear Carnity Members @Kalahari, @Najeeb Mohammed, @Chaitanya D, @Colin Jordan, @Rinelle Sanaani, @Febin Frederic and @Srikumar Below is the convoy numbering for this Friday afternoon drive in Al Lisaili: DRIVER CAR POSITION Ale Vallecchi FJ 1 Kalahari Xterra (you cannot miss it) 2 Najeeb Mohammed FJ Extreme Black 3 Chaitanya D Xterra Black 3 Colin Jordan Jeep Wrangler Red 5 Rinelle Jeep Wrangler Black 6 Febin Frederic Jeep Wrangler Orange 7 Srikumar Cherokee XJ 8 Please remember the following: MEETING TIME IS 4:30PM SHARP. We plan on a quick deflation, with the goal to leave as early as possible, to enjoy as much driving in daylight as possible. Please deflate to 12-13 PSI. DRIVERS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH THE MINIMUM FEWBIE GEAR AND HAVE FUNCTIONING FRONT AND BACK TOW POINTS. Those who do not comply with these requirements will be asked to leave the drive. If anybody needs to still purchase necessary items such as shovels, they can do so at minimum cost at any Speedex (if DM is too far). The compressor is recommended, as we'll try to exit near Solar Park, which is a bit far from Al Parking. Please have your radios fully charged and tuned into CHANNEL 2 (446.031). You may fill up the tank at the Eppco gas station just before the exit at Al Lisaili: https://maps.app.goo.gl/GcdgZCK5eKqfNBUR6 Enjoy the end of the week and see you on Friday.
  9. @Desert Dweller I am sorry that you will not be able to join the drive. Take care of your car, so we can see you soon out there.
  10. Thanks for letting me know in advance @Jolly Abraham. Seems the heat is taking its toll on many cars. Look forward to see you soon.
  11. Dear @asifk sorry to hear you will not be able to join. Hope all is OK on your side. We'll see you soon out there, and thank you very much for informing us ahead of time.
  12. Dear fellow Desert Wanderers, Friday's group is virtually completed (one more spot remaining, for the last Fewbie PLUS to join). So far it will be made of @Rinelle Sanaani, @Febin Frederic, @asifk, @Kalahari,@Colin Jordan, @Najeeb Mohammed, @Chaitanya D, @Desert Dweller and @Jolly Abraham. Looks like it's a solid group, including 3 Intermediate members. As mentioned, the drive will be taking place in what I expect to be, for most drivers, a lesser known part of Dubai. Al Lisaili includes some technical dunes, which will require great finesse and care (especially to avoid hard nose butts), and mostly long range dunes, which will provide plenty of opportunities for some sideys, as well as ridge riding and criss-crossing. Because of this abundance of diverse situation, I would like to make a few recommendations. MENTAL READINESS AND CONCENTRATION - to make sure that all our energies and focus go to the characteristics of the terrain, our driving skills, and the security of the convoy, please be ready to concentrate yourselves on the drive alone. Kindly try to reduce all possible distractions, including bringing along too many passengers (certainly 3 passengers on board, event though allowed by the Covid rules, may be a source of distraction). If you bring along somebody, please explain that it will not be possible to converse while driving, or distract the driver from her/his duties. This recommendation aims to reduce the potential for refusals, stucks, and any other type of incident that a new type of terrain may cause to distracted drivers. AVAILABILITY OF PROPER EQUIPMENT - being at Fewbie Plus and above level means to have fully understood the need to carry the proper equipment in the car. This MUST include to say the least 1) a good shovel, 2) a kinetic tow rope (preferably with soft shackles), and a 3) compressor. Proper equipment also incudes a very important car accessory: tested, robust, tow hooks in good conditions. I will take care to verify the availability of all of the above equipment for all attendees, and will be forced to refuse participation for those who do not carry these essential items. COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS - there are two elements to our ability to communicate in the desert. The technical aspect demands that 1) your radios are fully charged, 2) that each driver always identifies her/himself when speaking, so to allow the convoy to react speedily to any predicament, and 3) that all respond when questions or instructions are directed at them, in order to acknowledge that all is clear and understood. The psychological aspect has to do with the willingness to communicate. Please, do not be afraid or ashamed to inform the convoy leader that one may not feel like making some maneuver, taking a seemingly risky approach, or doing anything beyond one's perceived skills, or physical conditions. When no communication of this kind takes place, the leader and the rest of the convoy will assume that all is well, and will not be able to address any concern of second-thoughts a driver may have. I have chosen to underline the above 3 issues as there have been recent events during other Fewbie drives, due to a combination of these 3 factors, which have created a great deal of complications to the convoys, unnecessary risks, and in one case damage to another driver's cars (any reference to weak tow points is not casual). Kindly acknowledge the above information, so that we may look forward to a challenging, yet pleasant drive. See you all Friday (convoy order and radio channel will be published on Thursday evening).
  13. Thank you @asifk. See you on Friday. Your car is fine now? Hello @Jolly Abraham. Can you please confirm your number of Fewbie drives please? Thanks a lot.
  14. Thank you @Najeeb Mohammed. See you on Friday. Thank you @asifk. See you on Friday. Your car is fine now?
  15. Well done @Kalahari. Looking forward to your debut in your new rank this Friday. Enjoy.
  16. Hello @siddharth maheshwari. I have discussed your situation with the Marshals, as well as considered the challenges of this particular drive, which are many, especially from the technical point of view. Regretfully I have to inform you that it's not advisable you join this drive, at this stage of your off-roading progresses. There will be many opportunities in the near future for you to visit this area, and scale up your drives. I hope you'll still have time to register for another drive this week-end. I look forward to seeing you soon. Dear @asifk, @Najeeb Mohammed and @Jolly Abraham, would you be so kind to please confirm that you have driven at least 5 times as Fewbies, since your promotion on May 25th? Thanks a lot.
  17. Dear @siddharth maheshwari thanks a lot for letting me know. Allow me to confer with the Marshals and Seniors that have seen your latest drives, and I will confirm to you if OK. Thanks a lot.
  18. Dear fellow Desertnauts. While we wait for the group to take its final form, I would like to remind all of those who have registered, and who still wish to, that the drive is reserved for FEWBIE PLUS. This means more experienced fewbie drivers, indicating those who have at least 5 Fewbie drives under their belt. If any of you does not satisfy this requirement, kindly remove yourself from the drive, so that others may join. The Marshals and I will double check this status, and proceed accordingly with confirming or amending the drive's group. With this in mind, I would like to introduce you to the drive's geography. We will set out to explore an area that for most of you will be unknown: Al Lisaili. I have driven past it many times, while on the way to Faqa, but never knew this region, hidden behind Dubai's major cameldrome and its connected camel farms, would be able to offer such an interesting off-roading ground. We will follow the track under the pylons until we'll be able to go past a very long and well hidden camel race track. We then will proceed to enter a very technical area of dunes with soft sand, through which we will finally reach the more open, long range dunes, where the fun will begin. We'll cross many dunes, with some ridge riding, on much firmer sand than at the beginning. Our goal is to go as far as possible, in the direction of Al Qudra's Solar Innovation Center, while keeping the track under the pylons nearby, on our right, so we may exit as soon as the dark sets in. While you start savoring the drive, I wish you all a great week.
  19. Thanks @Denizzalbayrak for doing a great job in this new position. You managed without any trouble at all. See you soon.
  20. until
    Drive Details Level: Fewbie PLUS and above (Min. 5 Fewbie drives with Carnity.com) When: 10 Jul 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 4:30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: Camel Race Track - https://maps.app.goo.gl/7do7vc1px3BgZmB36 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 8:00 PM End Point: Dubai - Solar Park / Qudra P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive.
  21. This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Two Way Radio Guidelines Every Offroader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. MUST WATCH: NEWBIE VIDEO BRIEFING Drive Details Level: Fewbie PLUS and above (Min. 5 Fewbie drives with Carnity.com) When: 10 Jul 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 4:30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: Camel Race Track - https://maps.app.goo.gl/7do7vc1px3BgZmB36 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 8:00 PM End Point: Dubai - Solar Park / Qudra P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 12 cars maximum. RSVP will close on Thursday - 9 PM. 10 Fewbie PLUS and above drivers. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE CALENDAR
  22. Wow @J J where did you find the Fiorentina's audio?!?!? That's great! Thanks a lot, and see you soon.
  23. Thank yoy so much @Shiju Manuel. I just update the report where for some reason you tag name had not registered. You were very much a good part of the drive. Very good control and care in handling the car. See you soon on another new stretch of desert.
  24. I do hope so. Trouble is, as you well know, that the sooo many bushes don't show in the maps, and really change the landscape, forcing changes to the original plan that sometimes are not optimal. But we all managed well, and learned some more.
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