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Ale Vallecchi

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Everything posted by Ale Vallecchi

  1. @Foxtrot Oscar this is great news!! Congrats. You have done great, without breaking a sweat in any of our last drives. Too bad you'll have to start sweating now, doing recoveries 😅😉. Enjoy the new rank, and see you soon out there.
  2. Thanks @Kalahari That is truely a beautiful area, and I enjoy exploring it very much. You are very right to remind all of us about the correct distancing between cars. Especially in a hot day, with soft sand, one should always plan for a possible refusal from the car in front, and consequently to avoid his/her own refusal due to poor distancing, and sudden breaking. Plus, if one keeps a bit more distance, can have more time and better visual to plan his approach more carefully. See you soon out there, and enjoy your Saturday.
  3. Dear fellow Desertnauts. I am happy to share with you the first report after my first lead. I will not bother you (yet) with the different emotions that one feels before the lead (a concerned form of excitement), during (focused determination) and after (relieved elation). Before diving into the report itself, I wish to thank all the Carnity Marshals from whom I have been able to learn, in a relatively short period of time, the different tools of this exciting sport (incredibly, @Gaurav, @Rahimdad, Srikumar, @Frederic and @Emmanueleach has his own unique trade mark style, from which is easy to compile an encyclopedia of off-roading knowledge). Today's drive, the crossing from Al Faqa to Solar Park, started a few days ago, when I came to scout the location's trails with a few fellow Carnity drivers. Luckily, we discovered that the original meeting point was unreachable, due to the police's roadblocks at the border with Abu Dhabi, and changed the meeting point to the exit before Faqa. After a very punctual gathering and a quick deflation, we moved down the road for the briefing. With @Foxtrot Oscar executing a perfect second lead, the rest of the convoy was made of @Jun Zamora, with a much more efficient Jeep than during my previous drives with him, @Rizwanm2 whose Nativa performed impeccably (including a very nice climb of a high dune, with perfect side-sloping), @luwaimn working hard to control his powerful Prado, @Vanessa8580, as Center Forward, recovering impeccably the few stucks we got along the way (fortunately for her, this time we had decided to skip the shoveling, and immediately tug each stuck car, to save energies in the scorching sun), @AKR, @Rinelle Sanaani and @Kalahari, in perfect control of their machines, and last but not least @Srikumar sweeping and keeping a watchful eye over the convoy. Having started from a different point then planned, we proceeded to enter a few technical dunes, which initially I had intended to avoid, in order to spare the cars from overheating. With a bit of persistence we managed to get through with minor delays, and penetrated the depths of the Faqa dunes. This is a beautiful area, similar to a plateau, with medium height rolling dunes, dotted with groups of gnarly trees. We managed to move quite at quite a good pace, with just a couple of stucks, criss-crossing a good number of dunes, or riding their humpy tops. Along the way we found a very nice set of twin dunes, which all managed to side-slope impeccably, before moving toward another tall dune, at the end of the plateau, where we played almost until sunset. During his second drive up the dune Rizwanm2's Nativa spurted some white smoke, which prompted us to descend the plateau toward the sabkha in a very easy and relaxed manner. Sunset had started, while we were riding toward it. So, now you will ask yourself, did we reach Little Swehian? Yes and no: in fact, due to the softness of the sand, and the dark setting in, we decided to exit, after a couple of recoveries, to avoid getting stuck in the middle of this very challenging area. Hence, we coasted the dunes, along the sabkha, until we hit the small line of dunes separating us from the exit road. At this point @Srikumar took over as leader, due to my car’s night blindness (as someone in the group said: “note to self – buy desert lights”). And so the convoy reached Solar Park safely, after 66.5 Km and 4:14 hours of driving (minus the few stucks), at an average speed of 15.6Km/H, and a top speed of 64Km/H. This ends my report, but hopefully not my leading career. Thanks a lot to all for being part of this very special day for me. See you soon on the sand, again. PS. We had 2 last minute dropouts: @siddharth maheshwari due to car issues, and @Lucky sAm as his son was not feeling well. We wish Lucky Sam's son a prompt recovery, and Siddhart's car to be fixed swiftly. See you both soon on the sand.
  4. @siddharth maheshwari this is to confirm that we have been informed you will not be able to join the drive tomorrow, due to car issues. I hope all is OK with you, and that you'll be able to join next week.
  5. Dear fellow desert travelers. @Foxtrot Oscar, @Vanessa8580, @Kalahari, @Jun Zamora, @Rinelle Sanaani, @Lucky sAm, @Rizwanm2, @siddharth maheshwari, @Mahmoud Hamzawy, @AKR, @luwaimn. Find below the convoy order for tomorrow's drive DRIVER RANK CAR POSITION Ale Vallecchi Advanced FJ 1 Foxtrot Oscar Fewbie X Terra 2 Jun Zamora Fewbie Jeep Wrangler 3 Rizwanm2 Fewbie Mitsubishi Nativa 4 Lucky Sam Fewbie Nissan Patrol 5 Luwaimn Fewbie Prado 6 Vanessa Intermediate Pajero LWB 7 AKR Fewbie Jeep Wrangler 8 Mahmoud Hamzawy Fewbie Prado 9 Siddharth Maheshwari Fewbie Jeep Wrangler 10 Rinelle Fewbie Jeep Wrangler 11 Kalahari Fewbie X Terra 12 Srikumar Marshal Jeep Cherokee 13 Once you arrive at the NEW meeting and deflation point, please tune in to Carnity Channel 1 (446.006). You may also want to memorize Channel 2 (446.03125) in case we need to switch during the drive. The Seniors in the drive, besides myself, will be Marshal @Srikumar, who will be in the sweep position, and @Vanessa8580, who will be assisting as Centre Forward. Please follow their advise and instructions. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 4PM sharp.
  6. Dear fellow Members: @Foxtrot Oscar, @Vanessa8580, @Kalahari, @Jun Zamora, @Rinelle Sanaani, @Mahmoud Hamzawy, @AKR, @Lucky sAm, @siddharth maheshwari, @luwaimn, @Rizwanm2. With Marshal @Srikumar we had to change the meeting and deflation point to the following location: https://goo.gl/maps/iNzc9eLGoE34eAdX9 Please, also check the drive's main page for reference. The change was made to avoid the traffic jam that develops on approaching Al Faqa town limits, due to the police road-blocks for those entering Abu Dhabi. This new meeting point is the exit just before Faqa. Due to possible traffic on the road, please make sure to consider a few extra minutes of travelling, so that you may arrive on time. On arrival, please proceed to spread out along the road, and start deflating. We'll see you on Friday at 4PM, for the Faqa crossing toward Little Swehian and Solar Park.
  7. Everybody has acknowledged the anti-Covid19 rules, so we are all good to go. Thank you all very much for your compliance👍
  8. Thanks a lot @Rinelle Sanaani. Well done (sorry for my mistake). Thank you @siddharth maheshwari. All good. See you Friday. @Rizwanm2 thanks for acknowledging.
  9. Just to add @siddharth maheshwari to the roster, and specify that @Foxtrot Oscarwill be with us in place of @Desert Dweller. Also, a reminder to @Rinelle Sanaani, @AKR, @luwaimn, @Rizwanm2, @martin and @siddharth maheshwari to aknowledge the anti Covid-19 regulations to be able to access the drive. Those who do not do so will not be allowed to join the convoy. Thank you very much for the cooperation.
  10. @Rizwanm2 Inshallah we are planning to be on a track before visibility becomes too low for daylight driving, which on Friday should be 7:40pm.
  11. Dear fellow Carnity members. While the posted drive is filling up, allow me to give you a first glimpse at the track we have prepared for you this coming Friday. With the support of @Srikumar, and the presence, so far, of @martin, @Vanessa8580, @Kalahari, @Rizwanm2, @luwaimn, @Rinelle Sanaani, @Jun Zamora, @Lucky sAm, @Mahmoud Hamzawy and @Desert Dweller, we'll cover one of the most varied terrains in Dubai. We should find much less vegetation than around Pink and Fossil Rock, with occasional group of trees hiding behind the dunes, a few technical dune areas, where we'll need to finesse our way around, several stretches of long dunes, where to practice side sloping, as well as some ridge riding and criss-crossing, and sabkha areas where we can make good time. The goal is to reach the area of Little Sweihan, and if possible, proceed from there, after a little playing around, toward our exit point at Solar Park. I will be more precise about the itinerary's conditions in a couple of days. In the meantime, PLEASE, remember to click on the "Totally Agree" icon to acknowledge having read and understood the Covid-19 compliance rules. All those who do not confirm this we'll not be accepted in the drive. See you Friday.
  12. until
    Drive Details Level: Fewbie and above - (No Newbie and No Absolute Newbie Allowed) When: 26 Jun 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 4:00 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Action Plan: Evening drive till about 08:00 PM Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/iNzc9eLGoE34eAdX9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 08:00 PM End Point: Solar Innovation Centre - https://goo.gl/maps/JSazrE15y8BrZL846 P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive.
  13. Welcome to the COVID 19 "new normal" lifestyle with restrictions and precautions for everyone safety. Moving forward and respecting authorities guidance all desert drives will be done under strict control. No Gathering | No Briefing | No BBQ | No Eating Together | No Touching | No Hugging MUST READ: Not following these rules and precautions = Not allowed to drive. We are only allowed to drive through the desert, as we are driving on the road now. So we will only do the desert driving just by sitting inside our cars at all the times and leave the drive without socializing or coming close to each other. Just like before we like to continue our desert drives through out the year, but this time we need your immense support to understand the strict control and to help everyone follow them all the time. For members who are fasting, they can break their fast discreetly and convoy will be stopped during that time and until they offer their prayer. How to maintain "STRICT" Social Distancing Meeting point will be set slightly (100m - 200m) inside the desert track. So, that you individually deflate your tires on the tarmac before reaching the meeting point. While deflating tires, stop cars 10 meters away from any other car. Drive signup on calendar will be closed on Thursday morning by 9 AM. Convoy numbering and briefing will be posted here on this drive post before 6 PM on Thursday. All participants need to read & acknowledge the briefing by clicking "Totally Agree" reaction Switch on your radio when you reach the meeting point on the set frequency advised by the trip lead in the critical briefing here. Once everyone reach to the meeting point, everyone stay inside the car at all the times. Trip lead will do the roll call, convoy numbering recap, critical briefing over the radio. Any suggestions or issues will be discussed over the radio too. You can also speak to other members through the radio only. So please make sure that your radio battery is fully charged. Once all set, trip lead will start the drive as before. Refusal and Recoveries with Social Distancing Every drive will have 1 lead Marshal and 1 or 2 supporting senior members/crew. Whenever there is a stuck or refusal, only Marshal / Senior Member / Crew is allowed to handle the situation. Everyone else including the stuck car driver, stay inside the car - AT ALL TIMES. Marshal / Senior Member / Crew is only allowed to step out to access the situation and do the recoveries: They will wear mask and gloves at all times when they are outside their car. They will try to help self recover through the radio guidance. If not they will use required recovery gear and do the needful (shovel, tug or winch, as required). If at any time Marshal require help, then only you are allowed to step out by wearing face mask and gloves at all times. Drive completion and inflation Now, there will not be any gathering or sitting down together for food-break like before. Once drive is finished, after reaching the tarmac, everyone is requested to move away 50-100 meters before starting their inflation. For drivers having no compressor, can head to the near by fuel station. If drive is ending at a place where there is no fuel station near by, then trip lead will inform in advance so that drivers having their own compressor can join only. Now Strictly no more sharing of compressors, radio, shovel or any recovery gear, at any times. Mandatory things you require to attend the drive Face mask - at least TWO face mask is needed in case one get damage or fly away. Disposable rubber gloves - at least two sets are needed. Wear face mask and gloves at all the times, when you are out of your car. Carry plenty of hand sanitizer and object sanitizer (spray). Use your sanitizers generously, whenever you step out to help or recover. Sanitize your hands before getting back into your car. Sanitize your recovery gears, if you have used them. Fully charged radio - without any excuse - No radio = No drive. Shovel - Must for every car, to do little self recovery Safety flag - Must for every car, like before Compressor - If joining the drives that is ending far from the fuel station. Mandatory precaution that you need to take at all times Do not step out of your car UNLESS/OTHERWISE advice by Marshal / Senior Member / Crew. No shaking hands, hugs or touching each other. No sharing of food, drinks or recovery tools. If you are not feeling well, please stay at home and take a lot of rest. If you have travel in last 14 days, then please do not attend this drive. If you feel unwell during the drive, please let trip lead know so he can plan an early exit. Not more than 3 pax in a car and if all 3 aren't living together, then they should wear the mask inside the car too. Two Way Radio Guidelines Every Offroader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. MUST WATCH: OUR NEWBIE VIDEO BRIEFING: Drive Details Level: Fewbie and above - (No Newbie and No Absolute Newbie Allowed) When: 26 Jun 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 4:00 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Action Plan: Evening drive till about 08:00 PM Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/iNzc9eLGoE34eAdX9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 08:00 PM End Point: Solar Innovation Centre - https://goo.gl/maps/JSazrE15y8BrZL846 P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 15 cars maximum. RSVP will close on Thursday - 9 AM. 1 Lead Marshal + 2 Senior Members + 12 Members. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE CALENDAR
  14. @Wrangeld you're right about the shoe issue. Even the Big Barefeet One (i.e. myself) has given in to the comfort and safety of desert shoes 😅 😉
  15. @Jeepie and @Wrangeld Great job as fisrt time Leaders!! You faced a very challanging environment (a lot of bushes, combined with increasingly hot and shifty sand patches) and yet navigated admirably well and with a decisive and sure pace. What's more important, when faced with a very tricky recovery, you guided a multiple effort with calm and inner coolness (while boiling on the outside😅) leading all to safety. As much a great feat for a first lead as any other, in my opinion. @Gaurav has mentored you well, especially in mastering recoveries. And @Fredericand @Vanessa8580 did a great job taking part in the gruesome effort, under the scorching sun. I am sure they spent the afternoon immersed in the pool!! As for the group, all rose to the challange, without major problems (pop out and some refusals happen, especially in these conditions). The Big Stuck was unavoidable, considering the tight technical dune area and especially the heat. See you next week on some patch of sand.
  16. Well said @asifk. We'll soon organize a "Trash Collecting Drive" to rid the desert of some of the rubbish that unfortunately fills it, in places (fortunately, mostly in the proximity of "play areas").
  17. Well said @asifk. One day we'll organize a "Rubbish Run" to collect trash from the desert.
  18. Great report @Wrangeld, and very well raised points about the dune's crossing and ridge riding. I commend @Vipin Shettyfor his patience. Every time he found himself in difficult situations, he communicated very calmly, listened with attention, and followed instructions without ever panicking. As soon as he'll get more familiar with his car's performance and potential on the sand he'll do great.
  19. @Jeepie ,as already said commenting @Wrangeld promotion, your passion and commitment are inspiring. You bring each your own different style of driving to the Club, but most of all you bring enthusiasm and friendship to it, which is even more important. Well deserved.
  20. @Matti Brockman you have been doing great, so this doesn't come as a surprise. You have absolute control, and will have no problems driving at the higher level where you belong. Enjoy!!
  21. Super duper @Brette. Way to go, and well deserved. It's great to have your calm and collectedness in the drives. And now that your car has been finally tamed, it will be even more fun driving with you. See you soon.
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