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Everything posted by Zed

  1. Excited today cos I just renewed my Carnity Subscription and got a sweet deal on an LC-100 V8 😁 InshAllah I will join next Carnity drives (if they're in Abu Dhabi), and so with an old car, it's time to turn this off-roading thing into a hobby (hobby = something you'll spend monthly on 🤣 ) To all the seniors who've modded their cars, what do you think the order should be? (no such thing as 100% right order, so preference opinions are fine) For the list below, my order of preference is ABCD. If you think I should do differently, please advise why, so it'll add to my learning 🙏 A. Change tires. After extensive research (reading hours until midnight), it seems my LC-100 can fit 285/75x16 without rubbing. Options are: Kumho Road Venture AT51 (what https://www.pitstoparabia.com/ offers if I type 285/75x16). These tires will give extra 1" lift without suspension kit. Stay with stock size 275/70x16 which means I can go for Yokohama Geolandar A/T G015 or BFGoodrich T/A KO2 (premium! 😭) B. Lift 1.5", cos anything more would require diff-drop. If I opt for the Kumho 285/75x16, maybe it will be total 2.5" lift achievement ? C. Beadlock wheels Beadlock technology (or BeadGrip if using Method wheels) supposedly hug your tires tighter to prevent tyre pop-out. Considering I've experienced a rollover with popped-up tires (not sure if the tires popped during the flip or before the flip), maybe this is a safe investment? My only problem is my lack of knowledge in this department cos the stock wheel spec is 8Jx16 ET60, which means 16" diameter rim, 8" width rim with 60mm offset. I can see beadlock wheels in 16x8 spec, but most offset is 30mm instead of 60mm, so not sure if it fits? D. Bash plates to protect the underbody... Anything else to add to the list that is important as a first series of mods? Thanks in advance folks...
  2. Thanks @Gaurav , this is some awesome Fatherly advice there! Now that I think of it, yes, I had the option of skipping the top crest by going sideways and continue following from below. But why did I kept on following the convoy?!?!?!? Haha, strange how Ego is undetected within oneself, but easily pointed out by (usually a more senior) person with experience. This is a very good lesson learned indeed, thank you again Gaurav Ji!
  3. Nice pics @Srijith Gangadharan 👍🏻 Wow I see Prado and LandCruiser, besides the regular Pajeros, group has gone diverse too, missed the drive 😊
  4. Thank you all and to @Mohamed Seidam for giving another spot-on advice there. I really love the community wisdom from different perspectives here 👍👍👍 I also remember another thing, which is visible from the time stamp at around 11:30 noon. We were done at Nagra Hill, this was probably 2-3km from the highway as we are exiting and concluding our morning drive. I guess the heat and the hunger for lunch made all of us speed more than we should have done. Another lesson learned, when it's time to leave the dunes and racing back to the highway, do it just as we enter: in a nice slow fun fashion and not too rushed to catch some appointment. Thank you all, looking forward to rejoin Carnity Sweihan and Khatim drives next year 😄
  5. Even better @Gaurav, here's 5-mins video before the rollover. See, it started off just fine like any other Solar Park drives, flat then up-down 😄 ... as we say, it's nasib... what's meant to happen just happens PatrolRoll5Mins3.mp4
  6. This is Very SOUND advice @Chaitanya 👍🏻 . Agree: if the car in front of you exit, you should follow exit regardless you have momentum or not. This way, you won't have to worry the car in front of you will suddenly be on your left-side or right-side as you'll have time to manouvre even if he drifts or spins like crazy. Thank you, definitely lesson learned 😊 so does my war wound warrant a status upgrade? *joking Just realized recently that Carnity still does weekly Abu Dhabi trips, so I will stick to that in the future (either in my repaired Patrol or some other 4x4 - here's wishing for something after new year 🤞 *fingers crossed)
  7. Sure will do that after coming home from office today 👍🏻
  8. Thanks @Srikumar for the always helpful tips. Regarding #2, I suddenly remembered I did turn my steering wheel to the left cos I remember @Rahimdad briefings kept on saying "don't fight Gravity!". I preferred my nose to go down first so I immediately turned left when I lost momentum, however I felt that my Patrol rolled over immediately as soon as the steering went left 😢 As for the drive level, this was with a couple of friends, not an "official club". We went to Nagra Hill in Sweihan. The drive was very similar to my last Qudra 15 May Drive led by Mr @Srikumar , with a lot of side walling and I think we did a few ridge riding too? I remembered cos this is where I broke my bumpers and started the thread "Should I fix my Y62 bumpers or buy second-hand Jeep?" 😂 So I guess, I dunno, between Newbie to Fewbie? 😬
  9. Alhamdulillah I survived a rollover that happened yesterday. I've been watching the dashcam recording and trying to remember what I did wrong, but my brain seems to block the memory of the moments before it happened, so I'm reaching out to the experts here, what could be the cause of my rollover? *dashcam video attached below Some stuff that I can think of: a. Did I lose momentum? The bottom speed timestamp says I went from 48km/h, 46, 44, 37km/h before rolling over. b. Did I get a tyre pop-out? When I got out of the car, both of my left tyres popped out. I had to use a jack and fill them up to 40psi to make the tyres pop-in back again and to drive the car outside the desert. But maybe the left tyres popped out due to the rollover to the left? If that so, why are my right tyres intact (right tyres didn't pop out). I was driving with 15psi all tyres btw. c. At the 00:02 footage, you can see the Jeep in front of me swerved to the left. What the camera didn't show was that the Jeep went on drifting on my left side instead of exiting gracefully with the nose down first. Basically in a quick moment I turned my face to the left, seeing a car on my left side and scared that if I also exit-left-with-nose-first to go with gravity, I might crash into the Jeep... could I have done something wrong with my reflex? Like maybe letting go of the gas pedal to slow down cause afraid of crashing with the car on the left side. Someone said "look front when driving off-road and don't be distracted by left and right sightseeings." I should have focus straight and not be afraid of my left side. d. I was the last of the convoy, so nobody was behind me, otherwise maybe that person could tell from behind what went wrong... PatrolRoll.mp4
  10. Dear @Srikumar , with a heavy heart I had to leave this event due to my Patrol sent to the body workshop. Next time we meet, I can tell the group the tale of "Rolling Patrol", to add to the previous "Flying Pajero" as lessons learnt 😂 Carnity is the safest offroad group I've been with, and I think better stick to it next time... or forever 😅 Good news for those in the waiting list, there's 1 slot available now! 😁
  11. Yay, I'm in, even tho 1hr late after reg opened 😅 . Glad to be back with the gang after some months building up antibodies 😊
  12. Thanks @Gaurav and @Wrangeld for clearing up the Jeep's reality distortion field 😄 , I think it's clear now, time to go bargain hunting, this looks like a good deal ☺️ https://www.offroad-zone.com/product/jeep-wrangler-tj-2006-sport-gcc/
  13. I'm fascinated by Jeeps ever since I follow @TheOffRoadClub on TikTok, below amazing vids: Is Rubicon worth it? That Sway bay disconnect button seems useful 😄 90050282_581053719158381_8855004159439536128_n.mp4 90488744_2559462117647189_6904464510220763136_n.mp4
  14. Hi @sertac man why you gotta bring that up?😁 Now i just had a seizure of flashback where my Pajero went flying (this is why my feet usually brake automatically on the tip of dune pyramid, to prevent flying again) and hit the back of Nissan Armada v8. I think that Armada went for total loss and I felt so bad 😢 Flash-forward now, yeah I want to avoid to be in that same situation. Cheaper car, yes definitely to avoid total loss where insurance gives you puny amount of cash, but at the same time Strong Metal to protect your head for when that flying thing lands on your car *knock on wood Speaking of Jeep, should I be worried after looking at this: https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/jeep/wrangler-4-door-suv/2020
  15. Thanks @Gaurav and @Frederic , Fred's remark on resale value hits the spot right there on the heart... so now i'm leaning on getting a 2nd car for off-road purpose. Question for @Gaurav : why is XTerra better than Patrol for offroad? I mean both are Nissan... example if I look at this ad https://tnydu.biz/DOy9Ol for a 47K XTerra, will I have bumper issues like Y62 too? Or at least that can be used as baseline for further modifications...
  16. Thank you @Srikumar for leading this drive and thank you @Emmanuel for pulling my Patrol when it got stuck at the tip of triangle dune 😁 . I think this drive is above Newbie, since some people also got stuck at the tip like I did and there was a lot of slide sloping more than Sweihan last time. Also my rear bumper is coming off, so my CFO (a.k.a wife) demanded i fix this first before the next drive. Now i'm torn either to remove it completely so i don't have to deal with bumpers everytime (since the drives get more advanced & challenging) or start looking for second-hand Jeeps 😂 thanks everyone who joined the drive, felt the camaraderie after a bit of hiatus 😊
  17. unfortunately not, went back to the Inflating Point at 24.801074, 55.370360 https://goo.gl/maps/8amceGajaNcriFwy6 and searched but no avail... i'll post on the drive thread maybe someone knows someone, otherwise just have to let it go as a ramadan gift In case anyone in today's drive is wondering, it's this long cable that can deflate/inflate 2 tyres at a time:
  18. @Srikumar i left my deflator on the inflating point, coming back now. If anyone did keep it, pls call my mobile 056-7242156 so we can meet at Qudra Adnoc / Last Exit 😅
  19. Hi bro @RohanH , is this the right map of Dolphin Auto Accessories >> https://goo.gl/maps/ANrrU3NcrmQMz3Yh8 . Thinking of doing it for my Nissan Patrol too 😄
  20. Thanks for the gesture @Srikumar ! Forgot to update that I manage to book a hotel in Barsha, so hopefully I can make the 7am without troubling anyone to wait for me 😄
  21. @Srikumar just remembered Curfew is until 6am, so I have 1 hour to drive to Qudra to make 7am sharp? . i will check available hotel in Dubai, otherwise i need to skip this drive.
  22. Is it a Landcruiser 70-series or a G-Class? Gotta watch till the end... GClass4.mp4
  23. Thanks @Jas Gajaria for taking the candid moment. Hope your Pajero is all good for the next drive 👍
  24. Thanks @Srikumar for leading the Sweihan Convoy, and you even called it off at the right time so that everyone's in the Adnoc Station by 12noon, so those going to Qudra can make it (I hope they did) and also the rest of us can continue with the afternoon. Some Lessons Learned yesterday: My first time shoveling with the Spoon. I was sure that we were gonna tug that Pathfinder from behind, since there's a small ditch in front of it... but wow, Mr. @Srikumar patiently advised and mentored the driver to slowly push forward, then a bit to the right, and voila! Wow, that Big White Pathfinder just got itself out of the ditch! This is very useful in case I get my White Patrol stuck in similar situation (though I hope I don't find myself in that position *fingers crossed). Years ago, I had a "Flying Pajero" incident, where my I hit full gas on the acceleration and experienced that thrilling feeling of Superman in seconds, before of course... gravity reality sets in, and... oh well, i leave that story for in-person BBQ chatfire sessions 😁 This is why every time I go up and hit full gas, I just had flashback and sort of hesitated. But Mr. Sri again managed to mentor me and I pulled through my first Side-Sloping with 3,500kg car. After that, hey I think I just conquered my fear and pat my Patrol on the steering wheel. Turns out you don't need a 4L for this kind of maneuver. Btw, who has my photo of me nose-diving with the Patrol? cc @Jas Gajaria ? Thank you everyone who were at the convoy, some camaraderie and hope to meet you at future drives, cheers!
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