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Everything posted by Looper

  1. @Ale Vallecchi if there is any spot available I would like to join this drive. This will be my 2nd drive for the week.
  2. It’s gorgeous clip. Download Garmin VIRB application, and open this clip. You might be able to add some cool gauges. I was not successful becauseI think I recorded at full 2.7k, which is not supported perhaps.
  3. Did I not hear that before? I was trying to keep enough distance to not break the momentum but yet not too far away that I loose track of the lead, and the terrain did not help. I try to anticipate the moves made by the lead and try to keep up but those technical dunes made it a bit difficult to judge sometimes. The terrain was a deceiving one as mentioned by @Lorenzo Candelpergher in the beginning of the drive and was made abundantly clear by my many refusals. The sand would look compact only to be discovered that is it smoother than baby powered, and I would find myself having a situation that I would eventually get out anyways. I enjoyed the drive every bit as much as all of us did. Normally the intermediate drives are fast, and one might not find any time to take any photographs, but not this one. A few I took are in the gallery.
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