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  3. Hi @Ale Vallecchi, hope there is room for me on this drive. I decided to go for another drive this weekend.
  4. Thanks @Davie Chase, you all made me feel welcome and not like an idiot when I got stuck. It was great driving with such a welcoming and enthusiastic bunch today, thank you! I've already got a flag mount from Sharjah and waiting for the next Newbie drive. See you all soon.
  5. Hi @Davie Chase - It would be amazing to go out again with you; however, I have decided to stick with the original plan and work up to IM again with my new car. She drives differently that my previous Pajero with all the mods. Safety first. Have a great drive.
  6. Dear Desertnauts getting ready for Day 3 of the 3-Emirates weekend. We'll drive the Sweihan Tilal area extensively, heading then to the Sweihan Pond, and finally across to Faya. I have been unsure if choosing the better-known part of Sweihan (the Nagrah and Nahil area, to be precise), or the less driven, south-western segment of Sweihan, and have picked the latter, as on Sunday morning it should be much more pristine, and less crowded by weekend off-roaders. The spirit of the drive is to enjoy and relax, looking, again and as usual, to cover as much distance as possible, in diverse terrains. The convoy order will be the following: @Andrew John Melvill in Second Lead @ChrisW at #3 @Cesar Chacon at #4 @Batuhan Kulac at #5 @nithish468 at #6 @RiadJL at #7 and @Mohit Gurnani in Sweep. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Have a great Saturday.
  7. Thank you so much @Davie Chase, @Gary F & @Benjamin for the amazing drive we all had. It was indeed a tricky soft sand and lots of learning. Thanks for guiding us in every wrong move we made. And last but not least, the good team 👍 Have a fantastic long weekend and see you soon on sand 😊
  8. Dear desert Wanderers @Mahesh_, @Rk ram, @Ishak, @Gertjan, @Batuhan Kulac, @Charbel, @Benjamin and @Senthil Kumar We will be using Ch4 446.081 this afternoon, convoy order as per below
  9. Dear desert wanderers, @Dodi Syahdar, @carlstanley, @J-P L, @Pramod B, @Sameer D., @Benjamin, @Ben Lee, @Rafey Hashmi, @Jeandre Bezuidenhout, @Anoop Nair, @Emanuel and @Gary F firstly thank you all for being on time and attentive during the briefing this allowed us to get away on time and enjoy the beautiful Tawi nizwa desert as we drove to pink rock and then onwards towards red rock exit. @Anoop Nair sorry you could not complete the drive, but for sure was the right decision to exit right at the start as soon as you heard that noise, i hope nothing to serious and you get sorted quickly. @Carl Stanley congrats on your first convoy drive, you drove amazingly well, hope you learnt some new things and also that you got a tad more familiar with your car and your driving style, it will only get better form here on in. The rest of the convoy drove exceptionally well in some fairly soft sand in places, the desert is for sure drying out and turning more powdery after the rains. so well done to you all. @Dodi Syahdar great S/L mate always a pleasure to have the bronco roaring away behind me, great job on smoothing the lines for all to follow, well done and see you on one of my drives in the near future. And our other support tag team of father and son @Gary F and @Benjamin fantastic support from both of you, working the stucks professionally and also giving sound advice to those less experienced as we trundled around the desert. Thanks for the amazing support and see you both again in the sand very soon, @Benjamin in about 4 hours Some pics in the Gallery Have a fantastic rest of your weeekend Davie
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