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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2015 in all areas

  1. After multiple teasers and sketches on internet, Finally now I got the news for Audi another concept in action: The Audi e-tron quattro concept. Worth to watch because its using the power of three electric motors. I feel its amazing combination expecting commnet from all audi enthusiast.
    1 point
  2. I agree with the first reply that the air filter or faulty reading may be causing the problem. You should be able to buy an air flow sensor cleaner which will help prevent a faulty reading. This would be the cheapest outcome for you! If the air filter and sensor are clean and not damaged and the car still stalls then you may need to check for a faulty fuel filter or broken fuel pump. It would be a good idea to change your fuel filter as this can become blocked with particles taken in when filling up with petrol. A problem with the fuel pump is often the cause of a randomly stalling Audi. The fuel pump is usually located underneath the backseat. If you flip the seat down and remove the carpet you should be able to access the pump. Listen to the noise it makes when the car is idling-there should be a low humming noise. If you can't hear anything then that means there is no power going to it or the pump is broken. If there is no power then it is usually a wiring problem or a faulty battery which you’ll need to replace. It may also be a problem with the spark plugs as they often become clogged up and fail to spark correctly. You should also check the plastic hoses that connect the fuel air intake system and then Head covers to make sure they are not leaking.
    1 point
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