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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2016 in all areas

  1. Mitsubishi cars are very good in the UAE and very well priced to attract lot of interest because: They dont offer wow shining customer service, nice posh office in expensive locations, no free tea and coffee to visitors, not even newspapers, no follow up and no responsible admin staff, No advertisement or crazy marketing. However, don't get me wrong their car and their technicians are good and by just minus above 5 key points they offer so cheap cars and give Toyota and Nissan run for their money. Their parts are crazy expensive, so that's the only little downside. Their resale is almost at par with Toyota, Nissan and Honda. You will get lot of outside workshop happily servicing your Mitsubishi in Dubai and even all over UAE. Their reliability as per heat index is also very good, their few cars are borderline hot in extreme summer but they do survive with little heavy breathing.
    1 point
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