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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2017 in Posts

  1. Hi Guys, im thinking of buying a 2017 3.2 Jeep Cherokee, and looking for reviews and advice, is it a reliable and durable car, what is it's off roaring ability? thanks in advance
    1 point
  2. only the really old ones had them but there was issues turning and other things so they were discontinued and after that they just have been selling dreams... really thanks for the input....
    1 point
  3. I have to agree with Gaurav here. You wrote a lot but said very little. So I really also dont have the foggiest idea what you are trying to say? Like I already mentioned you can drive your Rav4 anywhere you like and Ive seen people do that on a regular basis, so there is nothing wrong there. Yes we all understand how diffs work making all 4x4 AWD. The problem is your quest to have three locking diffs and a transfer case with a low ratio fitted on the rav4 sounds very expensive and impractical. Youll spend a lot of money trying ti jury rig it and it still wont work the way a 4x4 that came built that way would. You'll need to somehow fit a transfer case into a front wheel drive engine. Then set up the linkage to engage it. Then youll need design and machine lockable diffs front and back and then design a engineer a way to lock them. Or you can save your self a ton of headache and money and buy a ready made 4x4 and install aftermarket diff locks front and rear like the ones you get from ARB. At the end of the day its your time and money do as you please with it. Do let us know when you develop a rav 4 solid axels with diff locks front and rear with a low range transfer box.
    1 point
  4. Thank god, you started writing with full stops, commas and paragraph now to make my head spin less. Somehow I still fail to understand what was that long post made for to justify "other cars aren't better than RAV4" or "RAV4 stand equally to any 4x4" Either case read below two advices and hope it will help you understand the things better: In end leave all theory, mechanism, or power band aside and put RAV4 to real test with any so-called 4x4 cars: Hill climb without momentum Soft sand crawling - self recovery Drag a dead weight Side sloping Ridge riding
    1 point
  5. ok now i would like to forward some eye opening information here then rahim bhai exactly how many awds have you seen burning on the roads or anywhere bet i have seen more range rovers nissans and the correct count is 6 till now...and burning cars is usually a mistake of people itself or the place where they take their cars for service. its basically a user error.. now coming to the next point can you show me other then military grade vehicles i don't think other use any protection under the vehicles exactly none actually you only need a plate at most at departure angles and approach angles apart from that its just plain weight hauling... alright next coming to our beloved transmission coolers did you know that every production car other than manual gears come with transmission coolers its a must or else the oil grinded between those clutches at peak heat time and high speed would be slipping it just a matter of size some are just air cooled some are water cooled and in some cases its passes through both... now coming to the point of dependable and or proper 4x4 as gaurav bhai likes to put it then i am afraid not even one vehicle in that drive we have has a proper 4x4 the right meaning of proper 4x4 is regardless of any wheel losing traction all wheels must revolve at the same speed that's where the central locks the transfer case and both front and rear differential locks the shaft with the axles so it doesn't matter that any wheel is up it still in most cases should be rolling at most maybe 1 or 2 cars there might have only a rear differential lock but most of the cars we have in the drives are basically 6 cylinder awds..if you really want to test it then i will get the floor jack and lift the vehicle from one side and lets see how many would be able to move while both side one wheels are up in the air. and in the end rav being used for desert safaris rav has only 2 and half seat in the rear and even the front seats are not that cousy and the safary people are selling an experience and illusion of desert dwelling it would be in their best interest if that experience is sold with luxury in mind there will always be something better then what you have but its not wise to be the one who jumps the boat first... now lets talk about experience what you absorb by seeing is never an experience maybe only a part of it might be but never fully accurate i work at the workshop i get my hands on many cars here both on road and off road from a merc wagon to a suzuki jimmy every car is unique and has its own perks as i get them to know from inside out.it would be lovely if we had this discussion with more facts then stories and i am technically inclined and a practical so my understanding is if something is having the same fault again and again then i am not improving and looking at the wrong place to fix..i hope this helps to separate the facts from the opinions and people here get to learn something new as learning is a phase which never ends...
    1 point
  6. You can metal bumpers under 1000. @DiamondDallas where was that place we where at in Al Awir?
    1 point
  7. Car engines, unlike some other parts of a vehicle, don't have a predetermined life expectancy. Instead, their longevity largely depends on how well they are maintained and operated. Neglecting essential maintenance tasks like regular oil changes, fluid checks, and timely servicing can significantly shorten an engine's lifespan. In extreme cases, an engine can suffer irreparable damage within a relatively short distance, such as 30,000 kilometers. On the other hand, diligent maintenance practices can greatly extend an engine's life. By following manufacturer-recommended service intervals, using quality fluids and parts, and addressing issues promptly, it's not uncommon for engines to reach well over a million kilometers. These well-maintained engines often exhibit reliable performance and fuel efficiency even after years of use. Personal experiences like mine with a 17-year-old Pajero, which has clocked 180,000 kilometers and still runs smoothly, highlight the impact of proper care on engine longevity. Such examples underscore the importance of regular maintenance and attentive driving habits in preserving the health and longevity of your vehicle's engine. Unfortunately, many car owners have encountered fraudulent mechanics or received incorrect maintenance advice in the past. This emphasizes the need for caution and diligence when choosing a workshop or seeking repair services. It's advisable to research and seek recommendations from trusted sources to find a reputable and reliable workshop that prioritizes honesty and quality service. A simple yet effective strategy when facing car issues is to gather multiple opinions and estimates from different workshops. By comparing these assessments and considering factors like competence, reputation, and cost-effectiveness, you can make an informed decision about where to entrust your vehicle for repairs or maintenance. This approach not only helps in finding the most suitable solution for your car's needs but also reduces the risk of falling victim to unscrupulous practices.
    1 point
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